manual abstract
Please wait. To cancel press EXIT. 1. Use the Up/Down keys to select the language in which you wish the menus to be displayed. 2. Then validate using . 3. A list of countries* is now displayed (Fig. 2). Select the country in which you live, or the country from which you wish to receive the broadcasts if you live in a border area. 4. Then validate using . 5. A welcome message is displayed. 6. Run the automatic installation sequence using . 7. A message appears to inform you that automatic installation has started (Fig. 3). Wait for a few minutes. A new message will inform you when automatic installation is completed. 8. If you wish to check or modify the channel organisation, press and see the Programme organisation chapter. If you do not wish to modify the channel organisation, you can exit the menu by pressing then watch the channel of your choice. Choose the desired channel using the number keys (1, 2, 3, ...) and the / keys. If you have a decoder, see the Manual programming chapter. Your television wil ll only search for channels corresponding to the country you have selected. See the Manual channel programmingchaptertoinstallanychannels notfound. For cable networks, read the Automatic channel installation chapter to install any channelsnotfound. *The list of languages and countries may vary from one model to another. Installation Instructions (end) 6 Automatic installation The Automatic installation function is useful if you have to go through the installation procedure again, such as when moving house. This function deletes all previously memorised programmes. To install a new channel, you should use the Manual programming function. Before running AUTO INSTALLATION, check the PERSONAL SETTINGS menu to ensure that the country displayed is correct. Yourtelevisionwil llonlysearchforchannelscorrespondingtotheselectedcountry,soseetheManual programmingchaptertoinstallanychannelsnotfound.Forcablenetworks,ifyouhavenotfoundcertain channels,selectOtherinsteadofacountrynameinthePERSONAL SETTINGS menu,thenrunautomatic installationagain. 1. Press and hold the key on the remote control to display the INSTALLATION MAIN MENU (The SUMMARY appears first, followed by the INSTALLATION MAIN MENU). 2. Select the Auto installation line. 3. Validate using . A message will inform you that Automatic installation has begun. Wait for a few minutes. A new message will inform you when Automatic installation is completed. If you wish to check or reorganize your channel display, press the key and see the Programme organisation chapter. If you do not wish to reorganize your programmes, you can exit this menu by pressing , then watch the programme of your choice. Choose the desired programme using the number keys (1, 2, 3, ...) and the INSTALLATION MAIN MENU Exit Manual programming Auto installation Programme organisation Personal settings SEARCHING AUTO INSTALLATION 03 STATIONS FOUND Searching for TV stations. Please wait. To cancel press EXIT. / keys. GB 7 Programme organisation During automatic installation, your television will search for the channel name and assign it a programme number according to the selected country. You can use the PROGRAMME ORGANISATION menu to name any channel name not found, to change the order in which the channels are displayed, or to delete channels for which reception is too poor. Follow the messages at the bottom of the screen. For further details, read the information below. GB If you wish to access the PROGRAMME ORGANISATION, menu thereafter, first press and hold the keyontheremotecontrolto display the INSTALLATION MAIN MENU (the SUMMARY is displayed first,fol llowedbythe INSTALLATION MAIN MENU)thenselectProgramme organisation andvalidateusing . -To delete a programme for which reception is too poor: 1. Select the line marked Select program. 2. Use the / or Left/Right keys to list your channels. 3. When you get to a channel you wish to delete, select the line marked Delete program. 4. Press to delete the programme. 5. .Validate using . -To organize your channels to suit you: 1. Select the line marked Select program.. 2. Use the / or Left/Right keys and the programmes logos to find the programme to which you wish to give the No.1. Its present number appears on the line marked Select program.. 3. Select the line marked Swap with PR. 4. Enter 01. 5. Press . The two programmes swap position and the desired programme becomes N°1. 6. Repeat the above procedure for the other channels. -To name your channels: 1. Select the line marked Change pr. name 2. Select the character you wish to modify using the Left/Right keys. 3. Use the and keys to display the letter you require. The name you have entered will be memorised when you move to another line or exit the menu. Ifyouwishtochangetheorderinwhich your programmes are displayed or if youwishtonameotherprogrammes, repeat the procedures described above. When you have finished organizing the programmes, exit the menu using . INSTALLATION MAIN MENU Exit Manual pro...
Other models in this manual:Televisions - 2 5 D G 1 6 E T (700.86 kb)