86 54-0166 Maintenance Port Parser Commands Maintenance Port Parser Commands Set RF Tracking Parameters Function: sets RF tracking parameter Command: @SATCONFIG,X,N,F,S,C,ID,P,B,D
86 54-0166 Maintenance Port Parser Commands Maintenance Port Parser Commands Set RF Tracking Parameters Function: sets RF tracking parameter Command: @SATCONFIG,X,N,F,S,C,ID,P,B,D
This manual provides detailed instructions on the proper installation, use, and maintenance of your TracVision 4 system. Throughout this manual, important information is marked for your attention by these icons: . helpfu. ti. tha. eithe. direct. yo. t. . relate. are. withi. th. manua. o. offer. suggestion. o. gettin. th. highes. qualit. ou. o. you. system. A. aler. t. importan. informatio. regardin. procedures. produc. specifications. o. produc. use. Informatio. abou. installation. maintenance.
1.3 Materials Provided with TracVision C3 The data/power cable supplied with the system is 28 ft (8.5 m) in length. The RF cable supplied with the system is 50 ft (15 m) in length. Table 1-3 has been updated to show the correct cable lengths. Component KVH Part No. Table 1-3 Antenna Unit (comprising): 01-0225-20† 01-0225-23†† 01-0225-26††† 01-0225-29†††† TracVision C3 Packing List Baseplate Assembly 02-1245-01* 02-1245-03** Radome Assembly 02-0953-04 RF Cable (50 ft/15 m) Data/Power Cable (28 ft
3. Remove the PCB cover and set aside. 106 54-0147 Replacing the Main PCB Replacing the Main PCB . With a PC connected to the ADCU’s maintenance port, apply power to the antenna unit. 2. Record the system serial number for later re-entry (the serial number is listed at the beginning of the startup sequence, as shown in Appendix F on page 143). 3. Disconnect power from the antenna unit and the IRD. 4. Remove the PCB cover, as explained in “Removing the Main PCB Cover” on page 106. 5. Disconnect a
The KVH® Industries’ eTrac™ system, manufactured by Thrane & Thrane, is designed to provide global e-mail and GPS tracking services. This manual provides instructions on the proper installation, use, and maintenance of your eTrac. Throughout this manual, important information is marked for your attention by these icons: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Complete details regarding connecting TracVision G4 Gyro P o w er Ground Gyro RXD+ Gyro RXD- Gyro TXD- Gyro TXD+ Not Used IRD Ground Wire (to IRD) TracVision G4 can either receive power through the ADCU (as illustrated in the diagram) or directly from ship’s power if that is more convenient. Refer to "Alter nate Method of Pro viding P o w er to the Antenna" on page 32 for details. to ship's power have been provided in "Connecting the ADCU to Vessel Power" on page 37. Wiring Color Code Definition
* DiSEqC applies to European systems only 3. Turn on the antenna using the switchplate, as pictured in Figure 3-2. 4. (TracVision L3 only) If the vehicle is moving, avoid turning the vehicle for 60 seconds after turning on the antenna to allow the antenna gyro to initialize properly. 3.2 Changing Channels and Switching Between Satellites If you have followed the installation instructions, your system should be set to the active satellite pair of your choice and the system should have downloaded
The DISH 500 mode, in which the SAT SELECT button switches between the two DISH 500 satellites, has been changed to make it easier to use. The following instructions have been updated to reflect this change. 3.5 DISH 500 Operation The DISH 500 service offers programming on two different satellites (Echo 119 and 110). To easily switch between these two satellites, you will need to configure the system for DISH 500 mode, in which the SAT SELECT button selects between just the Echo 119 and 110 sate
• AntennatrackstheDIRECTV101Wsatellite,whichislocatedin thesouthernsky. • SystemincludesanintegratedDIRECTVreceiver(withpicture-inguide APG),anRFconverter,andanRFremotecontrol. • Fordetailedinstallationinstructions,refertotheTracVisionA5 InstallationGuide.Forcompleteoperationinstructions,refertothe TracVisionA5User’sGuide. Effective April 2004 Subject to change without notice 54-0239 Rev. A TracVision A5 Shop Manual © 2004 KVH Industries, Inc., All rights reserved. Safe Handling • Twopeoplearere
12. Remove the nuts and washers securing the shipping restraints to the baseplate. The positions of all three shipping restraints are pictured in Figure 2-7. 13. For convenient storage, rotate the shipping restraints 180. and secure them to their original mounting bolts using the nuts and washers removed in Step 12 (see Figures 2-8 through 2-10). All nuts and washers removed in Step 12 must be reinstalled. These nuts and washers secure the baseplate to the mounting plates. Rotating Plate Shippin