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It is designed not to exceed the limits for exposure to radio wavesrecommended by international guidelines. These guidelines were developed by the independent scientific organization ICNIRPand include safety margins designed to assure the protection of all persons, regardless of age and health. The exposure guidelines for cellular devices employ a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate or SAR. TheSAR limit stated in the ICNIRP guidelines is 2.0 watts/kilogram (W/kg) averaged over 10 grams of tissue. Tests for SAR areconducted using standard operating positions with the device transmitting at its highest certified power level in all testedfrequency bands. The actual SAR level of an operating device can be below the maximum value because the device is designedto use only the power required to reach the network. That amount changes depending on a number of factors such as howclose you are to a network base station. The highest SAR value under the ICNIRP guidelines for use of the device at the ear is 0.98 W/kg . Use of device accessories may result in different SAR values. SAR values may vary depending on national reporting and testingrequirements and the network band. Additional SAR information may be provided under product information atYour cellular device is also designed to meet the requirements for exposure to radio waves established by the FederalCommunications Commission (USA) and Industry Canada. These requirements set a SAR limit of 1.6 W/kg averaged over onegram of tissue. The highest SAR value reported under this standard during product certification for use at the ear is 0.90 W/ kg and when properly worn on the body is 0.52 W/kg . Copyright and other notices 59 Copyright and other notices Copyright and other notices 59 Copyright and other notices DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY Hereby, NOKIA CORPORATION declares that this RM-639 product is in compliance with the essential requirements and otherrelevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. A copy of the Declaration of Conformity can be found at phones/declaration_of_conformity/. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved. Nokia, Nokia Connecting People, Ovi, Nokia Xpress print, Nokia Xpress audio messaging, and Navi are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of Nokia Corporation. Nokia tune is a sound mark of Nokia Corporation. Other product and company namesmentioned herein may be trademarks or tradenames of their respective owners. Reproduction, transfer, distribution, or storage of part or all of the contents in this document in any form without the priorwritten permission of Nokia is prohibited. Nokia operates a policy of continuous development. Nokia reserves the right to makechanges and improvements to any of the products described in this document without prior notice. Includes RSA BSAFE cryptographic or security protocol software from RSA Security. Java and all Java-based marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. This product is licensed under the MPEG-4 Visual Patent Portfolio License (i) for personal and noncommercial use in connectionwith information which has been encoded in compliance with the MPEG-4 Visual Standard by a consumer engaged in a personaland noncommercial activity and (ii) for use in connection with MPEG-4 video provided by a licensed video provider. No licenseis granted or shall be implied for any other use. Additional information, including that related to promotional, internal, andcommercial uses, may be obtained from MPEG LA, LLC. See To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, under no circumstances shall Nokia or any of its licensors be responsiblefor any loss of data or income or any special, incidental, consequential or indirect damages howsoever caused. The contents of this document are provided "as is." Except as required by applicable law, no warranties of any kind, eitherexpress or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are made in relation to the accuracy, reliability or contents of this document. Nokia reserves the right to revise this documentor withdraw it at any time without prior notice. The availability of products, features, applications and services may vary by region. For more information, contact your Nokiadealer or your service provider. This device may contain commodities, technology or software subject to export laws andregulations from the US and other countries. Diversion contrary to law is prohibited. Nokia does not provide a warranty for or take any responsibility for the functionality, content, or end-user support of third- party applications provided with your device. By using an application, you acknowledge that the application is provided as is. Nokia does not make any representations, provide a warranty, or take any responsibility for the functionality, content, or end- user support of third-party applications provid...