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User manual LG, model U8150

Manafacture: LG
File size: 3.14 mb
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When the message has been sent successfully, the message in the Outbox or not based on sending option. If the transmission has been failed, the message saved in Outbox as a fail message. 46 U8150 User Guide Messaging 5.1.3 MMS Sending an MMS Selecting (5). Messaging from the top menu or pressing the Messaging shortcut key displays the message menu. In the menu, select (1). Write message, and then select MMS to create an MMS message. You can create various types of messages. MMS 1. You can create an MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) message. 2. Select ‘MMS’ from the Write Message menu and then press [OK]. U8150 User Guide 47 Messaging 3. You can edit an MMS message field using the cursor. 4. Move the cursor to the To field, and enter the message recipient. You can specify the recipient by either the phone number or the e-mail address. You can search the phone book by pressing the right soft key. When a recipient has been specified, another field where you can specify another recipient appears. You can specify up to 20 recipients. 5. Move the cursor to a slide item to add, delete or edit the slide.

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