User manual Craftsman, model 486.248371
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manual abstract
• Attach the L.H. hanger bracket to the empty hole using a 5/16" x 1" hex bolt, a 5/16" lock washer, and a 5/16" fiat washer. Place the fiat washer between the hanger bracket and the footrest bracket. • Repeat on the right side of the tractor frame using the the R.H. hanger bracket. ,.:5-:... J L.H. HANGER ' BRACKET 5/16" FLAT WASHER 5/16" LOCK WASHER 5/16" x 1" HEX BOLT FIGURE 5 STEP 6: (SEE FIGURE 6) e Turn the clutch idler assembly upside down. e Attach the spring from the parts bag to the bottom of the upper idler arm. Hook the spring onto the bolt that extends through the nut on the bottom of the upper idler arm and then install a 3/8" hex lock nut onto the bolt. Leave enough space for the spring to pivot. SPRING 3/8" HEX LOCK NUT © ATTACH SPRING HERE STEP 7 (SEE FIGURE 7) * insert tensioning chains through the holes shown and attach to the springs on the upper and lower idler arms. * Attach a 3/32" hairpin cotter to the chain attached to the upper idler arm, placing it in the third link from the spring. TENSIONING CHAIN (upper idler arm) THIRD LINK 3/32" HAIRPIN TENSIONING CHAIN (lower idler arm) FIGURE 7 STEP 8: (SEE FIGURE 8) • Refer back to step 4. if you used the top hole indicated in step 4, use hole A in this step. if you used one of the two lower holes, use hole B in this step. Attach the R.H. and L.H. rear frame brackets on the inside to either hole A or B using one 5/16" x 3/4" hex bolt and 5/16" nylock nut for each bracket. Do not tighten yet. • Assemble the R.H. and L.H. front frame brackets on the outside using two 5/16" x 3/4" hex bolts and 5/16" nylock nuts for each bracket. 5/16" x 3/4" HEX BOLT 5/16" x 3/4" 5/16" HEX BOLT NYLOCK NUT HOLE (B) HOLE (A) FIGURE 6 FIGURE 8 STEP 9: (SEE FIGURE 9) STEP 11 (SEE FIGURE 11) • Assemble the two support tubes to the inside of each , Assemble two 1/2" jam nuts all the way onto the front frame bracket using a 1/2" x 1-1/2" hex bolt, a threads of each support link. 1/2" spacer and a 1/2" nylock nut for each bracket. Do not tighten yet. 1/2" NYLOCK NUT SUPPORTTUBE / 1/2" SPACER / _'-. J 1/2" x 1-1/2" HEX BOLT 1/2 FIGURE 11 FIGURE 9 STEP 12: (SEE FIGURE 12) * Attach the front frame brackets to the two hanger brackets on the tractor frame using two pivot lock pins and 1/8" hairpin cotters. * Attach the rear frame brackets to the bottom of the STEP 10: (SEE FIGURE 10) * Three drive belts are supplied with the snow thrower. tractor frame using two small 5/64" hairpin cotters. Select one of the two shorter belts. If you used hole A in step 8, use the 52" drive belt (#41353) belt. If you PIVOT LARGE used hole B, use the 55" drive belt (#46989). LOCK HAIRPIN Slightly loosen the hex bolt next to the flat idler pulley. PIN COTTER Install the drive belt between the hex bolt and the flat idler pulley with the flat side of the belt against the pulley. Retighten the hex bolt. HAIRPIN * Loop the belt around the large v-pulley, placing it COTTER between the pulley and the hex bolt next to the pulley. 5/64" 52" or 55" DRIVE BELT (#41353) or (#46989) LOOSEN BOLT HOLE B HOLE FIGURE 10 FIGURE 12 10 STEP13 (SEEFIGURE13) • Assemblea1/2"x1"washerontothebentendofa supportlinkandtheninsertthethreadedendintoa supporttubeandthebentendintotherearholein afrontmountingplate,Assembleanother1/2"x 1" washerontotheendofthelinkandsecureitwith asmall5/64"hairpincotter.Repeatfortheother supportlink. Tightentheboltandnutin eachrearframebracket. Tightentheboltandnutineachsupportlink. Tightenthejamnutssothatallloosenessis eliminatedfromthesupportlinksandsupporttubes. 1/2" x 1" WASHER SMALL 5/64" HAIRPIN COTTER TIGHTEN BOLT FIGURE 13 STEP 14: (SEE FIGURE 14) Remove the belt guard for the PTO pulley on the tractor. Refer to "Cutting Deck Removal" in the SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE section of your tractor Operator's Manual. Install the drive belt onto the tractor's PTO pulley.You may need to temporarily lift the belt from the large pulley on the clutch idler assembly. Reinstall the belt guard for the tractor's PTO pulley. Be sure the belt guard is installed in the notch on the side of the tractor's electric clutch. Place tension on the belt by pulling the left side tensioning chain out as far as the 3/32" hairpin cotter will allow. Secure the chain in this position by inserting a 1/8" hairpin cotter through the chain. DO NOT start the engine until the PTO pulley belt guard has been reinstalled. The tractor's electric clutch could be damaged. 1/8" HAiRPiN COTTER / iDLER PULLEY CHAIN (L.H. SIDE) KEEPER BOLT & NUT FIGURE 14 VIEWED FROM UNDERNEATH 11 ASSEMBLY OF THE SNOW THROWER STEP 15: (SEE FIGURE 15) • Place the lift handle into the lift bracket on the right side of the snow thrower. Fasten the handle to the bracket using two 5/16" x 1-3/4" hex bolts and 5/16" Nylock nuts. LiFT HANDLE FIGURE 15 RIGHT SiDE ViEW NOTE: Be sure the lift release cable's plastic covering stays inserted into the trigger assembly for the next step. STEP 16 (SEE FIGURE 16) Push the lift handle down into the locked position....