User manual Canon, model PIXMA MX515
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Provjerite isporucene stavke. .о'^эп о'опэп nN pun Network connection: Prepare the Ethernet cable or network devices such as a router or an access point as necessary. USB connection: A USB cable is required. Mrezna veza: Po potrebi pripremite Ethernet kabel ili mrezne uredaje kao sto su usmjerivac ili pristupna tocka. USB veza: Potreban je USB kabel. :hbi na'n чрлп i« Ethernet 'пз лк pn ■d1? пш'д mip: I« ил: тэ лшт .USB ta: шт :USB na'n Preparation Priprema Л Remove the protective sheets and tape. Uklonite zastitne listove i traku. .rmnn uno ЛК1 rmnn nni'Vj лк ion Q Open the Front Cover, the Paper Output Tray, and the Document Cover. Q Otvorite prednji poklopac, izlaznu ladicu za papir i poklopac za dokumente. o'pd wan pin ,'nTpn noDnn pin nnD Q .□'Dnonn DODH UNI T'DPI Q Open the Paper Output Cover. Q Otvorite poklopac izlaza papira. Л"]П u'pd поэп лк плэ 2 Q Remove the orange tape and plastic bag. Q Uklonite narancastu traku i plasticnu vrecicu. • Р'ОО'РЭП Л'Р^ nNI отэп uion ли ion ß □ Q Close the Paper Output Cover and the Document Cover. Q Zatvorite poklopac izlaza papira i poklopac za dokumente. ПОЭЯ nNI Т'ЗП О^Э ПОЭП nN НЛО ß .□'ЭПОПП Q Connect the power cord. Do not connect the USB or Ethernet cable yet. Q Pri kljucite kabel napajanja. Nemojte jos prikljucivati USB i Ethernet kabel. .^ПШПП ЛК inn ^ .Ethernet 1« USB ta: лк птл 'm |mtjj Q Press the ON button. Q Pritisnite gumb [ON] (Ukljuci). .(n'jvsn) [ON] i^n^n ■?V yn1? Q ▲ л ► Y ÍD^OK • I Щг ▲ л ► ь J ок _ Back button Gumb Povratak ттп pm1? V Q Select your language, then press the OK button. Q Odaberite jezik, a zatim pritisnite gumb [OK] (U redu). ■7V Yn1? pH inN1? DDWD UN inn Q .(iie/'N) [OK] i^n'pn To change the language setting, press the Back button. Kako biste promijenili postavku jezika, pritisnite gumb Povratak. ■711 yn1? ,novjn nmin 'n'w1? .ттп i^n'jn Q Select the country of use, then press the OK button. Q Odaberite drzavu, a zatim pritisnite gumb [OK] (U redu). .Wffl'Wn lirN UN IN m'Tnn UN inn Q .(hwn) [OK] l^n'pn 'in yn1? pn inN1? Depending on the country or region of purchase, the Country select screen may not be displayed. Ovisno 0 drzavi ili regiji u kojoj ste kupili uredaj, zaslon «Country select> (Odabir drzave) mozda se nece prikazati. иг«1? I« пз'тп1? оилга ~|опш рлм ,пшопп лтпа) ,Л*Г X1? (т'ТП ©CANON INC.2012 k. <1> Select (okJ and start the setup by referring to the "Getting Started" instructions. Q When this screen is displayed, press the OK button. Q Kada se prikaze ovaj zaslon, pritisnite gumb [OK] (U redu). 'in yn1? nr ~|on ~iwnd ^ .(llWli) [OK] Q Open the Paper Output Tray and the Paper Output Cover. Q Otvorite ladicu za izlaz papira i poklopac izlaza papira. U'PD nODH UNI 1"]n U'PD WAH UN nJlD ( •T'Dn Check that the Head Cover has opened automatically. Provjerite je li se poklopac ispisne glave automatski otvorio. ПЛЭ] ПОЭТПП VJN1 ПОЭПШ ¡7ITH .n'UniUIN If the Head Cover is closed, close the Paper Output Cover and open it again to open the Head Cover. Ako je poklopac ispisne glave zatvoren, zatvorite poklopac izlaza papira i zatim ga ponovo otvorite kako biste otvorili poklopac ispisne glave. пк ило ,~нло поэтпп ш поэп он rims'? 'тэ niw mix rmsi тчп o'jd поэп .позтпп ш поэп лк Q Lower the Ink Cartridge Lock Lever. The left is where the Color FINE Cartridge is to be installed and the right is where the Black FINE Cartridge is to be installed. Q Spustite rucicu za zakljucavanje spremnika s tintom. Na lijevoj strani se umece spremnik s tintom u boji FINE (Color FINE Cartridge), a na desnoj strani spremnik s crnom tintom FINE (Black FINE Cartridge). .1'ТП Л'ЮПП *?& П'Р'УЗП Л'Т nN тип Q лк i'pnn1? vj' aw "ran «in |'П' та (Color FINE Cartridge) лчщтап FINE лчопп лк |'рлп1? w qw тап «in 'ixnvj та .(Black FINE Cartridge) minwn FINE лчопп Q Insert the FINE Cartridge until it stops. 0 Do not knock it against the sides! Q Umecite spremnik s tintom FINE (FINE Cartridge) dok se ne zaustavi. 0 Nemojte njime udarati o strane! FINE) FINE ri'Donn pin oddh Q .njii'sn1? tv (Cartridge Imonnn djj D'Trai VJ'n 'ik 0 Insert it straight until it stops. Ravno ga umecite dok se ne zaustavi. .nm'SV1? TV nniN ODDD Cleaning the print head,., Q Lift the Ink Cartridge Lock Lever. Q Podignite rucicu za zakljucavanje spremnika s tintom. .1'ТП Л'ЮПП ‘PW n'P'Vin Л'Т' nN DID Q Q Repeat Q to Q to install the other FINE Cartridge. Q Ponavljajte Q do Q kako biste umetnuli drugi spremnik s tintom FINE (FINE Cartridge). D'DOnn UN I'pnn1? 'TD Q 'TD Q HTTI Q ,n"]wn (FINE Cartridge) FINE Q Close the Paper Output Cover. Wait for about 1 to 2 minutes until this screen disappears, then proceed. Q Zatvorite poklopac izlaza papira. Pricekajte oko 1 do 2 minute da ovaj zaslon nestane, a zatim nastavite. Л"]П О^Э ПОЭП nN НЛО Q mx1? ,nr ion лл^п1? IV nipi 2 iv 1 -э |лпп ,~H¿/nn pn Q Unpack the FINE Cartridge, then remove the protective tape. Be...