User manual Canon, model PIXMA MX895
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and/or other countries. • Windows Vista is a trademark or registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. • Macintosh, Mac, Mac OS, AirPort and Bonjour are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Model Number: K10376 (MX895) • Windows je zastitni znak ili registrirani zastitni znaktvrtke Microsoft Corporation u SAD-u i/ili drug im drzavama. • Windows Vista je zastitni znak ili registrirani zastitni znak tvrtke Microsoft Corporation u SAD-u i/ili drugim drzavama. • Macintosh, Mac, Mac OS, AirPort i Bonjour su zastitni znakovi tvrtke Apple Inc. registrirani u SAD-u i drugim drzavama. Broj modela: K10376 (MX895) a (MX895) K10376 :атп noon nnon |Ю'0 IX nnon |K)'0 Kin Windows • /1 n“n~iK2 Microsoft Corporation 'i'-u снул лппк липкд IK Dien nnon |Ю'о Kin Windows Vista • липкл ik/i п“ткп Microsoft Corporation лппк AirPort ,Mac OS ,Mac .Macintosh • 'l'ij D'nnon d'dki'o ün Bonjour -I nn'inni п“п~1кп D'nuyin .Apple Inc. .ЛППК To perform setup, place the machine near the access point* and computer. (* Required for wireless LAN) Kako biste izvrsili postavljanje, smjestite uredaj blizu pristupne tocke* i racunala. (* Potrebno za bezicni LAN) nwnn1?! *nWAn mif?]1? 'linon TWDnn pin ,miAnn yisa1? (■uin1?* LAN iay vjvm *) Included Items Isporucene stavke Check the included items. Provjerite isporucene stavke. .о'^эп о'опэп лк pun Network connection: Prepare the Ethernet cable or network devices such as a router or an access point as necessary. USB connection: A USB cable is required. Mrezna veza: Po potrebi pripremite Ethernet kabel ili mrezne uredaje kao sto su usmjerivac ili pristupna tocka. USB veza: Potreban je USB kabel. :n«n na'n чрлп i« Ethernet ta: лк pn ■s'? пш'д mip: in im: тэ лшт ,~pi*n .USB 'jud ит :USB иа'п [Preparation L J 1 Priprema L J ПЗЭП L ^ Remove the protective sheets and tape. Uklonite zastitne listove i traku. .rmnn uno лк! rmnn nni'Vj лк ion Do not allow objects to fall inside the machine. These could cause malfunction. The Paper Output Tray opens automatically as printing starts. Keep the front of the tray clear of any obstacles. Pazite da nikakav predmet ne upadne u uredaj. To bi moglo uzrokovati kvar. Izlazna ladica za papir automatski ce se otvoriti kada ispis zapocne. Pazite da ispred ladice ne bude nikakvih prepreka. .n'jpn'? сайд1? on л'шэпп im 'ik ‘лз'^п о'гшп ion .шдпп лтр лк D'noinn о'гш |'xw «ti .позтпп л'т'пл du n'onioix плз: тчп o'jd шдп О Open the Paper Output Tray. Q Otvorite ladicu za izlaz papira. Л"]П О^Э Wffl лк плэ Q Q Lift the Scanning Unit / Cover, then fix it with the Scanning Unit Support. 0 Document Cover must be closed to lift Scanning Unit / Cover! Q Podignite jedinicu za skeniranje / poklopac, a zatim je pricvrstite potporom jedinice za skeniranje. 0 Poklopac za dokumente mora biti spusten kako bi se jedinica za skeniranje / poklopac mogao podici! .npnon лтп' inm oy mipnn miN ynp pn тк1? ,поэп / npnon лтп1 лк cnn Q !(поэп) np'ion ЛТП' лтп ЛК 'iVJDK'l 'ТЭ ИДО ЛМП1? }"П й'ЭПОПП поэп 0 3 Remove the orange tape and protective material. 3 Uklonite narancastu traku i zastitni materijal. .rmnn min лк! отэп топ лк ion □ Q Close the Scanning Unit / Cover. Q Spustite jedinicu za skeniranje / poklopac. .(ПОЭП) ПрПОП ЛТ'П' лк ило ß Q Connect the power cord. Do not connect the USB or Ethernet cable yet. Q Pri kljucite kabel napajanja. Nemojte jos prikljucivati USB ili Ethernet kabel. .Ethernet in USB ta: лк ~апл 'iк |мти Q Press the ON button. Q Pritisnite gumb [ON] (Ukljuci). .(n'jvsn) [ON] i^n^n ■?V yn1? Q ©CANON INC.2012 k. Back button Gumb Povratak nun pm1? 0 0 □ 0 0 Î3 0 t 0 0 * 0 ) 0 Q Select your language, then press the OK button. To change the language setting, press the Back button. Q Odaberite jezik, a zatim pritisnite gumb [OK] (U redu). Kako biste promijenili postavku jezika, pritisnite gumb Povratak. ■7V yn1? pn inN1? nDWn UN inn Q .(ne/'N) [OK] pn^n .min l^n'jn '7JJ yn1? ,nswn nmjn 'n'W1? Q Select the country of use, then press the OK button. Depending on the country or region of purchase, the Country select screen may not be displayed. Q Odaberite drzavu, a zatim pritisnite gumb [OK] (U redu). Ovisno o drzavi ili regiji u kojoj ste kupili uredaj, zaslon (Odabir drzave) mozda se nece prikazati. ,wm'wn HTN UN IN DD'Tnn UN inn Q .(■my'N) [OK] pn^n 'iv yn1? pn inN1? pn" ,nW3in TirK1? 1« ni'Tn1? D«nn2 (ni'in TiTna) ~|onw • AXI' tù Select (okJ and start the setup by referring to the "Getting Started'1 instructions. 0 4 □ 0 0 Î3 0 Q When this screen is displayed, press the OK button. Q Kada se prikaze ovaj zaslon, pritisnite gumb [OK] (U redu). 'in yn1? nr ~|on iwnd J .(llWli) [OK] This is where the ink tanks are to be installed. 0 Do not touch it until it stops. Ovdje se umecu posude s tintom. 0 Nemojte ih dodirivati dok se ne zaustave. • I'm ,l70n npni' QW oi...