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Song Name Favorites 001 Don’t Know Why (Jesse Harris (Norah Jones)) 002 My Favorite Things (Richard Rodgers) 003 Killing Me Softly With His Song (Charles Fox (Roberta Flack)) Easy Play 004 Down By The Riverside (Traditional) 005 I’ve Been Working On The Railroad (Traditional) 006 Carry Me Back To Old Virginny (James A. Bland) 007 The Last Rose Of Summer (Thomas Moore) 008 The First Noel (Traditional) Pianist 009 The Entertainer (S. Joplin) 010 Greensleeves (Traditional) 011 Londonderry Air (Traditional) 012 Traumerei (R. Schumann) 013 Pastorale (J.F. Burgmuller) Organist 014 Wedding March From A Midsummer Night’s Dream (F. Mendelssohn) 015 Allein Gott In Der Hoh Sei Eh (N. Decius) 016 Wachet Auf, Ruft Uns Die Stimme. (J.S. Bach) Advanced 017 Menuett In G Major WoO 10-2 (L.v. Beethoven) 018 Prelude Op.28 No.7 (F. Chopin) 019 To A Wild Rose (E.A. Macdowell) 020 Fur Elise (L.v. Beethoven) 021 Etude Op.10-3 “Chanson de l’adieu” (F. Chopin) Band Play 022 Aura Lee (G. Poulton) 023 Canon (J. Pachelbel) 024 Symphonie Nr.9 (L.v. Beethoven) Duet 025 Sur Le Pont D’Avignon (Traditional) 026 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (Traditional) 027 Muffin Man (Traditional) Holidays 028 Joy To The World (G.F. Handel) 029 Ave Maria (F. Schubert) 030 Jingle Bells (Traditional) 70 MIDI Songs Provided On the Supplied CD-ROM / 70 MIDI Songs auf der mitgelieferten CD-ROM / 70 morceaux MIDI disponibles sur le CD-ROM fourni / 70 canciones MIDI incluidas en el CD-ROM proporcionado File Name Song Name AMERICA America The Beautiful (S.A. Ward) ATHOME Old Folks At Home (S.C. Foster) AURALEE Aura Lee (G. Poulton) BABBINO O Mio Babbino Caro (From “Gianni Schicchi”) (G. Puccini) BANJO Ring De Banjo (S.C. Foster) BILLBAIL Bill Bailey (Won’t You Please Come Home) (H. Cannon) BROWNJUG Little Brown Jug (Traditional) CAMPTOWN Camptown Races (S.C. Foster) CANON Canon (J. Pachelbel) D_AGSTIN O Du Lieber Augustin (DUET) (Traditional) D_CHTREE O Christmas Tree (DUET) (Traditional) D_CLOSE Close Your Hands, Open Your Hands (DUET) (J.J. Rousseau) D_CUCKOO The Cuckoo (DUET) (Traditional) D_IMMAI Im Mai (DUET) (Traditional) D_INDIAN Ten Little Indians (DUET) (Septimus Winner) D_LONDON London Bridge (DUET) (Traditional) File names that begin with “P_” do not include chord data and they cannot be used with the performance assistant technology feature or Easy Song Arranger feature. Dateinamen, die mit „P_“ anfangen, enthalten keine Akkorddaten und konnen nicht mit der Spielassistentenfunktion oder dem Easy Song Arranger verwendet werden. Les noms de fichier commencant par « P_ » ne contiennent pas de donnees d’accord. Ils ne peuvent des lors pas etre utilises ni avec la technologie Performance Assistant ni avec la fonction Easy Song Arranger. Los nombres de archivo que comienzan por “P_” no incluyen datos de acordes, por lo que no se pueden utilizar con la funcion de la tecnologia del ayudante de interpretacion ni con la funcion Easy Song Arranger (Arreglos sencillos de canciones). File Name Song Name D_MARY Mary Had A Little Lamb (DUET) (Traditional) D_ROWROW Row Row Row Your Boat (DUET) (Traditional) D_SCARBO Scarborough Fair (DUET) (Traditional) D_SMOKY On Top Of Old Smoky (DUET) (Traditional) D_THREE Three Blind Mice (DUET) (Traditional) D_WEASEL Pop Goes The Weasel (DUET) (Traditional) D_WEWISH We Wish You A Merry Christmas (DUET) (Traditional) DANUBEWA The Danube Waves (I. Ivanovici) FRULIED Fruhlingslied (F. Mendelssohn) FRUSTIME Fruhlingsstimmen (J. Strauss II) FUNICULA Funiculi-Funicula (L. Denza) GAVOTTE Gavotte (F.J. Gossec) GUILLAUM Guillaume Tell (G. Rossini) IRISHEYE When Irish Eyes Are Smiling (E.R. Ball) JOYOFMAN Jesu, Joy Of Man’s Desiring (J.S. Bach) LIEBEST3 Liebestraume Nr.3 (F. Liszt) LOMOND Loch Lomond (Traditional) LORELEI Die Lorelei (F. Silcher) MAGICFLT From “The Magic Flute” (W.A Mozart) MIRLITON Danse Des Mirlitons From “The Nutcracker” (P.I. Tchaikovsky) MONDSHIN Piano Sonate Op.27-2 “Mondschein” (L.v. Beethoven) MUSSIDEN Muss I Denn (F. Silcher) MYBONNIE My Bonnie (Traditional) ORPHEE “Orphee Aux Enfers” Ouverture (J. Offenbach) P_ANGELS Angels Serenade (Traditional) P_ARABES Arabesque (J.F. Burgmuller) P_CANDEU La Candeur (J.F. Burgmuller) P_CHEVAL La Chevaleresque (J.F. Burgmuller) P_CONSOL Consolation (J.F. Burgmuller) P_INOCEN Innocence (J.F. Burgmuller) P_MENUBA Menuett (J.S. Bach) P_MENUBO Menuett (L. Boccherini) P_MOMENT Moments Musicaux Op.94-3 (F. Schubert) P_PCHIEN Valse Op.64-1 “Petit Chien” (F. Chopin) P_PETITE Petite Reunion (J.F. Burgmuller) P_PROGRE Progres (J.F. Burgmuller) P_SARAFA Krasnyj Sarafan (Traditional) P_TENDRE Tendre Fleur (J.F. Burgmuller) P_TMARCH Turkish March (W.A. Mozart) P_VIOLET La Viollette (Streabbog) PEARLFIS Song Of The Pearl Fisher (G. Bizet) PRIMVERA La Primavera (From Le Quattro Stagioni) (A. Vivaldi) SAINTSGO When The Saints Go Marchin’ In (Traditional) SERENAHY String Quartet No.17 2nd Mov. “Serenade” (F.J. Haydn) SILENTNT Silent Night (F. Gruber) SLAVON10 Slavonic Dances No.10 (A. Dvorak)....
Other models in this manual:Synthesizer & Piano - DGX-205 (5.92 mb)