User manual Pfaff, model 127-1
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manual abstract
127-1 TUB SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY HISTORICAL COPY Ndmbbrinc Department DO NOT REMbVE LIST OF PARTS COMPLETE FOR MACHINE NO. 127-1 For family use, vibrating shuttle with shuttle ejector. *55501 Arm with 443a and 8206...................... 2002 « Dowel Pin................................. 8203 “ Rock Shaft with 122e...................... 122e “ “ “ Adjusting Screw............... 8204 “ “ Centre (upper).................. 301a “ “ " Screw Centre................... 1508e “ “ “ “ “ Nut............... 64 9e “ Screw..................................... 8341 " Shaft...............'...................... 8206 “ " Bushing............................. 443a “ “ “ Set Screw.................... 8300 Side Cover................................ 286d “ “ “ Thumb Screw................... 2007 “ Spool Pin................................. 8879 “ “ “ Washer (cloth)................... 15282 Balance Wheel, 23^ in. pulley..... .............. *8328 Bed.......................................... 256b Clamp Stop Motion Clamp Screw.......... ....... 248a “ “ “ “ Stop Screw.......... 2020 “ “ “ “ Washer............... *15312 “ “ " Flanged Bushing............. 15313 “ “ “ " « 15312 with two 462c........................... 2022 Clamp Stop Motion Flanged Bushing Pin.......... 462c “ “ “ “ Set Screw. . . . 15314 Clamp Stop Motion complete, Nos. 248a, 256b, 2020 and 15313............................... 8210 Face Plate with 2827............................ 21 9a “ “ Screw............................... 2827 “ “ Thread Guard with 8505.............. 8505 “ “ “ “ Rivet.................. 32562 Feed Cam with 1285c............................ . 1285c “ “ Set Screw............................. 8321 “ Dog, four teeth at right of needle (square corners)................................ 2 PARTS FOR MACHINE NO. 127-1 8437 Feed Dog Carrier.............................. 1833 “ " “ Roller and Screw Stud..... 315c “ “ ' Screw Centre.............. 1519e “ “ “ “ “ Nut............. 191c “ « Screw........... ................. 8348 “ Forked Connection (cast iron) with 175b— 175b “ “ > “ Adjusting Screw........ 1381c “ “ ' “ Hinge Screw......... 1520e “ “ “ “ “ Nut......... 1832 “ “ “ Roller and Screw Stud.. . 253b “ Regulating Thumb Screw. ............. 8216 “ Regulator.....■ 8217 “ “ ' Friction Washer.................. 42d “ “ Hinge Screw................... 8334 “ Rock Shaft.............................. 307c “ * “ “ Screw Centre.................. 1513e “ “ “ “ Nut. .............. 25825 Feller......................................... 25527b Guide............... ............ ............ 287b “ Thumb Screw........................... 35857 Hemmer (foot) y$ in. hem...................... 26170 “ “ %4 “ . “ .......,............. 35996 “ “* %4 “ “ ................. 6267 “ Folder............................... 25888 “ Tongue................. ............ Note. When ordering Nos. 6267 or 25888, give width of hem and No. of Hemmer for which it is required. 55502 Needle Bar (hollow)...................... 8222 “ “ Cam with 175e and 400c.............. 175e “ “ “ Clamping Screw................ 400c “ “ “ Guide Adjusting Screw..... 233b “ “ “ Position Screw.................. 1836 “ “ “ Roller and Screw Stud.......... 8338 “ “ Thread Guard....................... 249a “ “ “ “ and Needle Stop Screw.. 2054 “ Clamp with 552c.................... 552c “ “ Thumb Screw.................... 8224 Presser Bar................................... 55507 “ “ Guide Bracket with 400F and 453c... . 400f “ “ “ Adjusting Screw...... 453c “ “ “ “ Set Screw............. 54503 “ “ Lifter............................. 97E “ " “ Screw........................ 8225 “ “ Spring............................ 2070 ' “ “ “ Washer..................... 8337 “ Foot for 8321.......................... PARTS FOR MACHINE NO. 127-1 3 50053b PresserFoot Thumb Screw...................... 263b Pressure Regulating Thumb Screw........... 8444 Shuttle Bell Crank.................. .......... 50036d “ “ “ Hinge Screw.. .......... ,54517 “ Bobbin. ............................ *54504 “ Body... ......................... 215h Tension Regulating Screw................ 8326 “ Spring-.. ........ .........*■ 54505 Shuttle complete, Nos. 215h, 8326, 54504 and 54517 54506 “ Carrier................................. 54507 Shuttle Carrier complete, Nos. 50126E, 54506, 54508, 54510, 54511 and two 34509................ 54508 Shuttle Carrier Cushion Spring................... 54509 « “ “ .. “ Rivet. . ........... 231c , “ “ Screw..... ............. ...... 54510 “ Ejector............................. 50126E “ “ Hinge Screw................. 54511 “ “ Spring.......................... 8232 “ Pitman with two 175b.......... ........ 175b “ “ Adjusting Screw. ............... 44a “ “ Screw Stud. ............... 520c “ “ “ “ (eccentric).......... 1520e “ . “ “ “ “ Nut......... 216a « “ “ “ “ Screw...... 55503 “ Slide (back)....................