manual abstract
disc 2.disc 2. 3. Pass 3. Pass3. Pass down through down throughdown through the thread the threadthe thread tension disc tension disctension disc 3. 3.3. 4. T 4. T4. To left o lefto left pass through pass throughpass through the thread the threadthe thread control assembly control assemblycontrol assembly 4. 4.4. 5. Pass 5. Pass5. Pass up through up throughup through the upper the upperthe upper thread guide thread guidethread guide 5,then pass 5,then pass5,then pass through the through thethrough the thread hole thread holethread hole of the of theof the thread threadthread take-up take-uptake-up lever leverlever from right from rightfrom right to left. to left.to left. 6.Pass down 6.Pass down6.Pass down through the through thethrough the middle thread middle threadmiddle thread guide 6,lower guide 6,lowerguide 6,lower thread guide thread guidethread guide 7 and 7 and7 and needle bar needle barneedle bar thread threadthread guide guideguide 8, 8,8, then thenthen pass through pass throughpass through the thethe hole holehole of the of theof the needle needleneedle 9 99 and draw and drawand draw out outout over 100mm. over 100mm.over 100mm. 1010 13. 13.13. Installing InstallingInstalling the thethe bobbin bobbinbobbin and andand the thethe bobbin bobbinbobbin case casecase (Fig.10) (Fig.10)(Fig.10) 1. Open 1. Open1. Open the rotating the rotatingthe rotating hook guard hook guardhook guard A. A.A. 2. Lift 2. Lift2. Lift the bobbin the bobbinthe bobbin case latch case latchcase latch lever B. lever B.lever B. 3. Draw 3. Draw3. Draw out the out theout the threads about threads aboutthreads about 50mm from 50mm from50mm from the notch the notchthe notch of ofof the bobbin the bobbinthe bobbin case. case.case. 4. Install 4. Install4. Install the bobbin the bobbinthe bobbin case into case intocase into the rotating the rotatingthe rotating hook. hook.hook. 5. Close 5. Close5. Close the bobbin the bobbinthe bobbin case latch case latchcase latch lever B. lever B.lever B. 6. Hold 6. Hold6. Hold the needle the needlethe needle thread by thread bythread by left hand, left hand,left hand, and turn and turnand turn the thethe balance wheel balance wheelbalance wheel by right by rightby right hand to hand tohand to put aside put asideput aside the thethe bobbin bobbinbobbin thread. thread.thread. 7. Close 7. Close7. Close the rotating the rotatingthe rotating hook guard hook guardhook guard A. A.A. „” ./: (495) 989-22-9714. First 14. First14. First sewing (Fig.1 sewing (Fig.1sewing (Fig.11) 1)1) 1. Lift 1. Lift1. Lift the presser the presserthe presser foot lift foot liftfoot lift lever. lever.lever. 2. Close 2. Close2. Close the roller the rollerthe roller foot. foot.foot. 3. Lay 3. Lay3. Lay down the down thedown the materials. materials.materials. 4. T 4. T4. Turn the urn theurn the balance wheel balance wheelbalance wheel to make to maketo make the needle the needlethe needle pick pickpick through the through thethrough the materials. materials.materials. 5. Put 5. Put5. Put down the down thedown the presser foot presser footpresser foot lift lever lift leverlift lever. .. 6. The 6. The6. The thread should thread shouldthread should be drawn be drawnbe drawn out about out aboutout about 100mm for 100mm for100mm for the thethe first sewing. first sewing.first sewing. 15. End 15. End15. End of sewing of sewingof sewing (Fig.12) (Fig.12)(Fig.12) 1. Lift 1. Lift1. Lift the thread the threadthe thread take-up lever take-up levertake-up lever to its to itsto its highest position. highest position.highest position. 2. Lift 2. Lift2. Lift the presser the presserthe presser foot lift foot liftfoot lift lever. lever.lever. 3. Draw 3. Draw3. Draw out the out theout the sewing material sewing materialsewing material slant ways. slant ways.slant ways. 4. Cut 4. Cut4. Cut off the off theoff the needle thread needle threadneedle thread and bobbin and bobbinand bobbin thread. Leave thread. Leavethread. Leave about 100mm about 100mmabout 100mm needle thread needle threadneedle thread and bobbin and bobbinand bobbin thread when thread whenthread when drawing out drawing outdrawing out the material the materialthe material for next for nextfor next sewing. sewing.sewing. 16. 16.16. Adjusting AdjustingAdjusting the thethe stitch stitchstitch length lengthlength (Fig.13) (Fig.13)(Fig.13) 1. Push 1. Push1. Push down the down thedown the stitch length stitch lengthstitch length adjusting button adjusting buttonadjusting button B by B byB by left forefinger left forefingerleft forefinger. .. 2. T 2. T2. Turn the urn theurn the balance wheel balance wheelbalance wheel by right by rightby right hand. hand.hand. 3. The 3. The3. The stitch stitchstitch length lengthlength could couldcould be bebe adjusted adjustedadjusted when whenwhen the thethe adjusting button adjusting buttonadjusting button is depressed. is depressed.is depressed. 4. The 4. The4. The figure is figure isfigure is marked on marked onmarked on the balance the b...
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