manual abstract
111-7 NO. l’l.ATK NAME 1211179 7019 Button ('lump Locking Device Latch Shaft Crank 1_> ItisO 7010 Hutton Clamp Locking Device Latch Shaft Crank Connection.............. 1282c 7019 Hutton Clamp Locking Device Latch Shalt Crank Connection Hinge Screw (lower)..... 12S2c 7010 Hutton Clamp Locking Device Latch Shaft Crank Connection Hinge Screw (upper) 2209 0994 Hutton Clamp Locking Device Latch Shaft Crank Pin 30211 0978 Button Clamp Pressure Spring........... 17713 097S “ “ “ “ B r a c k e t 1177u 0078 “ “ .. « << Screw...... 177 14 6978 Hutton Clamp Pressure Spring Guido Block 11 7Sj 0978 U ii “ “ Screw..... 30242 6978 ii << Spreader................. 17717 0070 a a “ Lever........... 50237k 0079 H a “ “ Hinge Screw IISOj 6979 a a “ Locking 17718 6070 Button Clamp Spreader Lever Locking Thumb Screw Washer................ 1182j 0078 Hut ton Clamp Spreader Screw........... 17719 7019 (< ii Spring.......... 1181.1 7019 ii l( “ Screw 17720 0079 Li li “ Steady Pm....... 39244 7017 ii i( Spring (left) for Hat buttons 30245 7017 “ “ “ (right) for Hat but- tons....... 39240 0078 Button (/lamp Spring (left) for stud back buttons. . . 39217 6978 Hutton Clamp Spring (right) for stud back buttons 220.1 6978 Hutton Clamp Spring Screw............. 9311 7017 a a “ Steady Pin......... 39248 6970 a a Stop with two 17720...... 1183.1 6079 a a 17723 6979 a a Stud.................... 03028 7018 Hutton Clani] > (universal) complete, for 10 to 50 line thin buttons, Nos. 1180j 1181.1, 1182 j, 1183.1, 17717 to 17710, 39238, 30230, 39242, 39244 or 39240, 39245 or 30247, 30248, 50237k, 63027 and two each 229j and 1175j.......... *02101 -- Cloth Plate PARTS FOR M \< 111 \ 1 : \o. 11 1-7 Ml. 02102 7 12 F 1 5 171 > 021 ( );l :;()■_> L lOOl) 02101 20770 ti_* 10o '02177 021 S3 02 .OS (¡2 Is I (121 S.-) (¡211 1 I 177» (¡21 12 1 177i> 1 ( ):> Id (¡21 14 2S0i> ;>«7i i Kiln 2107 220i) 05 i:i 054 I 20Si> 05 15 (¡2115 ltilOc 1050c 021 Hi 1772S 11S Ik 5071 :i 17730 11 S5c l’I. \ ri: N'AMK OOSO C’lot 11 Plate Guide Block (loll).......... (¡OM) “ “ “ “ “ Screw OOM) “ “ “ “ " " Nut.. (¡‘.(SO “ “ “ “ i right).......... 0050 “ “ “ ‘‘ “ liivct . .. . (¡000 “ “ Scrcw...................... liOSO “ “ Stop...................... (¡‘»SO “ “ “ Rivet................. 0075 Cloth Plate complete, Nos. 742i\ 1517i>, 20770, 02101 to 02101 and two 3021 . . ---- Cylinder.............................. 7020 “ Bottom Cover................. 0051 " Knd ('over................... ------------“ “ “ (¡210S with 103 In, 02111 to 02113, 021 S3, 021S5 and four 1 177»............................... 00S0 Cylinder F’nd Cover Bracket............. 00S0 “ “ ‘‘ “ Hinge Pin . . 00S0 “ “ “ “ Screw....... OOSO “ “ “ Hinge.............. OOsO “ “ “ “ Screw........ 00,SO “ “ “ “ Screw. 0050 “ Top Cover............ (ii)SO “ “ “ Tliiiml) Screw. 0051 I'uce Plate...................... 50711 and two each 220i), 2107 and 0543 (¡000 F’ace Plate Screw....................... OOSO Face Plate Thread Guard............... 007X “ ‘‘ “ “ Screw.......... OOSO “ “ “ Nipper Disc.......... (¡‘.ISO “ ‘‘ “ “ “ ('over. . . OOSO “ “ “ “ “ “ Screw OOSO “ “ “ “ “ Spring... 00S2 Feed Across Connection Adjusting Stud 00S2 “ “ “ “ Nut (left)........................... 00S2 F'eeil Across Connection Adjusting Stud Nut (right).......................... 00S2 F'eed Across Knuckle Joint.............. 00S2 “ “ “ “ Connection..... 00S2 “ “ “ “ “ Hinge Screw............................... OOSt l'\‘(‘d Across Lever with 1185c and 50150c. 00S2 “ “ “ Hall Stud............. 00S2 “ “ “ “ “ SetScrew.... 24 F ARTS FOR MACHINE No. 111-7 NO. PI.ЛТК N AM К 5971 1 — Feed Across Lever complete. Xos 59713, 59715 and 597‘M.............. 50715 0983 Feeil Across Lever Extension with 1952 and 51,SI 1.................... 59710 0983 Feed Across Lever Extension Disengaging Errent rie..................... 50717 09,S3 F’eeil Across Lever Extension Disengaging Errent rie ( 'onnect ion.......... 999i> 09S3 Feed Across Lever Intension Disengaging Errent rir Connect ion I linge Screw . . 507 IS 0983 Feed Across Lever Extension Disengaging Eeeentrir Connection Spring . . . 103d 09S3 Feed Across I.evrr Extension Disengaging Eccentric Connection Spring Sen "W..... 238» 0983 Feed Across Lever Extension Disengaging Eccentric Connection Stop Screw....... 2273 09S3 Feed Across Lever Extension Disengaging Errent rir Pin................. 59710 0983 Feed Across Lever FaIelision Disengaging Eeccnt rir Shal t ............ 50720 0983 l'Ved Across Lever Extension Disengaging 2273 0983 Feed Across Lever Extension Disengaging Handle Pin................... 51811 0983 Feed Across Lever Intension ( luiding iioiiri' and Srivw St ml......... 50150c 0991 ...................... .. Set Screw.................... 124089 7025 Feed Across Lever Exte...
Other models in this manual:Sewing Machines - 114-5 (1.96 mb)