User manual FEIN Power Tools, model Msf 636-1
Msf 636-1 6” Random Orbit Sandpaper & Pads О D г Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone Number: (Must enter) Day Time Phone Number: Ref. Part Number Description List Price Qty. Net Price A 6-38-06-090-99-9 Medium Pad 6in $ 40.20 6-38-06-101-02-0 Hard Pad 6in 91.30 6-38-06-114-02-4 Soft Pad 6in 91.30 B 3-14-26-030-00-5 Spare H & L Element 22.б0 C 6-38-06-114-99-9 Super Soft Pad 6 in 25.10 3M268L100 100 Micron H&L 50/bx 95.30 3M268L15 15 Micron H&L 50/bx 95.30 3M268L20 20 Micron H&L 50/bx 95.30 3M268L30 30 Micron H&L 50/bx 95.30 3M268L60 60 Micron H&L 50/bx 95.30 3M268L80 80 Micron H&L 50/bx 95.30 3M268L9 9 Micron H&L 50/bx 95.30 6-37-28-019-99-9 H&L 24 Grit 50/bx 127.70 6-37-28-009-01-4 H&L 40 Grit 50/bx 165.90 6-37-28-072-01-2 H&L 40 Grit 50/bx 84.00 6-37-28-010-01-6 H&L 60 Grit 50/bx 157.50 6-37-28-073-01-6 H&L 60 Grit 50/bx 84.00 6-37-28-056-01-3 H&L 80 Grit 50/bx 140.70 6-37-28-074-01-4 H&L 80 Grit 50/bx 84.00 6-37-28-011-01-5 H&L 100 Grit 50/bx б5.30 6-37-28-054-01-6 H&L 100 Grit 50/bx 140.70 6-37-28-084-01-3 H&L 120 Grit 50/bx б5.30 6-37-28-012-01-8 H&L 150 Grit 50/bx б5.30 6-37-28-013-01-2 H&L 180 Grit 50/bx б5.30 6-37-28-014-01-0 H&L 220 Grit 50/bx б5.30 6-37-28-015-01-4 H&L 240 Grit 50/bx б5.30 6-37-28-016-01-7 H&L 280 Grit 50/bx б5.30 6-37-28-017-01-1 H&L 320 Grit 50/bx б5.30 6-37-28-061-01-0 H&L 400 Grit 50/bx 75.40 TYPEASBVF Scotchbrite Maroon 3.00 TYPESSBUF Scotchbrite Gray 3.00 TYPEFSFN Scotchbrite White 3.40 D 6-29-13-004-00-0 Pin Wrench б.б0 E 3-21-60-001-99-9 Grease-2oz (80 grams) 7.40 Prices subject to change without notice Revision 07-01-08 Please DO NOT include any checks or credit card information An authorized dealer will contact you to finalize your order Visit us at