manual abstract
The sanding performance and quality dependmainly on the choice of the right sandingmaterial. Festool offers the appropriate sandingmaterial for all applications (see Festoolcatalogue). We recommend the following settings on therotary control (2.1) for electronic machines. 5 - 6 -sanding with max. drive-sanding old paint-sanding wood and veneer prior to painting-interim sanding of paint on surface. 4 - 5 -sanding of thinly applied primer-sanding of wood with sanding vlies-sanding edges on wooden parts-smoothing primed wooden surfaces. 3 - 4 -sanding full wooden and veneer edges-sanding in the grooves/rebates of windows and doors-interim paint sanding on edges-pre-sanding natural wood windows with sanding vlies-smoothing wood surfaces with sanding felt prior to staining-rubbing down stained surfaces with sanding vlies-rubbing down or removing excess lime paste with sanding vlie. 2 - 3 -interim paint sanding on stained surface. -cleaning natural wood window grooves withsanding fel. 1 - 2 -sanding stained edges-sanding thermoplastic synthetics . Maintenance and care Always remove the plug from themains supply socket before carrying out anywork on the machine! The cooling air vents on the motor housing mustalways be free of blockages and clean to ensureair circulation. Any maintenance or repair work requiring themotor housing to be opened may only be carriedout by an authorised service workshop. . WarrantyConditions of 1+2 WarrantyYou are entitled to a free extended warranty (1year +2 years =3 years) for your Festool powertool. Festool shall be responsible for all shippingcosts during the first year of the warranty.During the second and third year of thewarranty the customer is responsible forshipping the tool to Festool. Festool will pay forreturn shipping to the customer using UPSGround Service. All warranty service is valid 3years from the date of purchase on your receiptor invoice. Festool Limited Warranty This warranty is valid on the pre-condition thatthe tool is used and operated in compliancewith the Festool operating instructions. Festoolwarrants, only to the original consumerpurchaser, that the specified tool will be freefrom defects in materials and workmanship fora term of one year from the date ofprocurement. Festool makes no other warranty,express or implied, for Festool portable powertools. No agent, representative, distributor,dealer or employee of Festool has the authorityto increase or otherwise change the obligationsor limitations of this warranty. The obligationsof Festool in its sole discretion under thiswarranty shall be limited to the repair orreplacement of any Festool portable power toolthat is found to be defective as packaged withthe User Manual. Excluded from coverage under this warrantyare: normal wear and tear; damages causedby misuse, abuse or neglect; damage causedby anything other than defects in material andworkmanship. This warranty does not apply toaccessory items such as circular saw blades,drill bits, router bits, jigsaw blades, sandin. belts, and grinding wheels. Also excluded are"wearing parts ",such as carbon brushes,lamellas of air tools, rubber collars and seals,sanding discs and pads, and batteries. Festool portable power tools requiringreplacement or repair are to be returned withthe receipt of purchase to Festool (call 800-554-8741 for address details). IN NO EVENT SHALL FESTOOL BE LIABLEFOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL ORINCIDENTAL DAMAGES FOR BREACH OFTHIS OR ANY OTHER WARRANTY,EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WHATSOEVER.ALL WARRANTIES IMPLIED BY STATELAW, INCLUDING THE IMPLIEDWARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AN. FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE,ARE HEREBY LIMITED TO THE DURATIONOF THREE YEARS. Some states in the U.S. and some Canadianprovinces do not allow the limitations on howlong an implied warranty lasts, so the abovelimitation may not apply to you. With theexception of any warranties implied by state orprovince law as hereby limited, the foregoingexpress limited warranty is exclusive and in lieuof all other warranties, guarantees, agreementsand similar obligations of Festool. This warrantygives you specific legal rights and you mayalso have other rights which vary from state tostate in the U.S. and province to province inCanada. et/ou de blessures graves.et/ou de blessures graves. REGLES DE SECURITE GENERALESoutil electrique augmente le risque de chocAVERTISSEMENT! Vour devez lire etelectrique. comprendre toutes les instructions. Le non-. Ne maltraitez pas le cordon. Nerespect, meme partiel, des instructions ci-aprestransportez pas l.outil par son cordon et neentraine un risque de choc electrique, d.incendiedebranchez pas la fiche en tirant sur le cordon. N.exposez pas le cordon a la chaleur, a des huiles, a des aretes vives ouCONSERVEZ CES INSTRUCTION. a des pieces en mouvement. RemplacezAire de travailimmediatement un cordon endommage. Un cordon endommage augmente le risque de choc . Veillez a ce que l.aire de travail soit pro- electrique. pre et bien eclairee. Le desordre et le man...
Other models in this manual:Sanders - DS 400 Q (1.7 mb)