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(If your USB device has special drivers, it is not compatible.) Note: If your USB device requires a power supply, you must use it when connecting your USB device to a NETGEAR router or gateway. It may take up to 2 minutes before the USB drive is ready for sharing after it is connected to the router. To access your USB device: On Windows systems, use any of these methods: • Select Start > Run and enter \\readyshare in the dialog box. Click OK. • Open Explorer or Safari and enter \\readyshare in the address bar. • Open My Network Places and enter \\readyshare in the address bar. 10 On Mac systems, do this: 1. Select Go > Connect to Server. 2. Enter smb://readyshare as the Server Address. 3. Click Connect. The readyshareconnect.exe file (for Windows) is available to download here: ReadySHARE Printer ReadySHARE Printer lets you connect a USB printer to the router’s USB port, and access it wirelessly. To set up ReadySHARE Printer: Step 1: Connect the USB printer to the router’s USB port with a USB printer cable. Step 2: Install the USB printer driver software on each computer that will share the printer. If you do not have the printer driver, contact the printer manufacturer to find and download the most recent printer driver software. Step 3: On each computer that will share the printer, download the NETGEAR USB Control Center utility. The NETGEAR USB utility has a Mac version and a Windows version, which you can access in two different ways: • From the ReadySHARE Printer area of this URL: 11 • From the ReadySHARE tab of the Desktop NETGEAR Genie. NOTE: • You must install this utility before you can use the ReadySHARE Printer feature. • For the ReadySHARE Printer feature to work, this utility must be run in the background. Step 4: Follow the instructions to install the NETGEAR USB Control Center utility. 12 Step 5: After you have installed the utility, select the language. Step 6: If this is the first time you are accessing the utility, you are asked to select the printer and click the Connect button. Once the connection is established, the status changes to Manually connected by xxx.. 13 Step 7: Click the Disconnect button at any time to release the connection. The status then changes to Available. Once the Connect button has been clicked once on all computers in the network, the utility on each of them automatically handles the printing queue and handling. The status of the printer should appear as Available on all of the computers. NOTE: • When the status is Available, you can use the USB printer. • When the status is Manually connected by xxx, only the xxx computer can use the printer. Other network devices must wait until the xxx computer has released the connection, or until the connection times out (the default time-out value is 30 seconds). • You can set the value for the default time-out time from the Tools > Configuration screen. 14 • The USB Control Center utility must be running for the computer to be able to print to the USB printer attached to the router. If you exit the utility, printing does not work. • Some firewall software, such as Comodo, blocks the ReadySHARE Print utility from accessing the USB printer. If you do not see the printer in the utility, you can disable the firewall temporarily to allow the utility to work. Step 8: If your printer supports scanning, make sure that the printer is in the Available state, and click the Network Scanner button. This activates the Scanner window so you can use the printer for scanning. For more detailed information about ReadySHARE Printer, see the User Manual by clicking the Documentation link in the router management interface or on the R6300 product page on the Support website 15 Other Features For additional features, including Live Parental Controls, Traffic Metering, ReadySHARE, Guest Access, and more, please log into your router at Download the free Desktop NETGEAR Genie from Automatically fix common network problems and easily manage your home network connections. Internet STATUS G OOD Network Map Number of devices 16 Parental Controls WiFi Connection STATUS Connected Router Settings Click here ReadySHARE Click here Click here 16 © 2012 NETGEAR, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form or by any means without the written permission of NETGEAR, Inc. DO NOT stack equipment, or place equipment in tight spaces or in drawers. Be sure your equipment is surrounded by at least 2 inches of air space. Trademarks NETGEAR, the NETGEAR logo, and Connect with Innovation are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of NETGEAR, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries. Information is subject to change without notice. Other brand and product names are registered trademarks...