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4500 Great America Parkway Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA 202-10204-03 v1.0 August 2007 © 2007 by NETGEAR, Inc. All rights reserved.. Trademarks NETGEAR, the NETGEAR logo, RangeMax and Auto Uplink are trademarks or registered trademarks of NETGEAR, Inc. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Other brand and product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders. Portions of this document are copyright Intoto, Inc. Statement of Conditions In the interest of improving internal design, operational function, and/or reliability, NETGEAR reserves the right to make changes to the products described in this document without notice. NETGEAR does not assume any liability that may occur due to the use or application of the product(s) or circuit layout(s) described herein. Regulatory Compliance Information This section includes user requirements for operating this product in accordance with National laws for usage of radio spectrum and operation of radio devices. Failure of the end-user to comply with the applicable requirements may result in unlawful operation and adverse action against the end-user by the applicable National regulatory authority. NOTE: This product's firmware limits operation to only the channels allowed in a particular Region or Country. Therefore, all options described in this user's guide may not be available in your version of the product. Europe – EU Declaration of Conformity Marking by the above symbol indicates compliance with the Essential Requirements of the R&TTE Directive of the European Union (1999/5/EC). This equipment meets the following conformance standards: EN300 328, EN301 489-17, EN60950 Europe – Declaration of Conformity in Languages of the European Community Cesky [Czech] NETGEAR Inc. timto prohlasuje, ze tento Radiolan je ve shode se zakladnimi pozadavky a dalsimi prislusnymi ustanovenimi smernice 1999/5/ES.. Dansk [Danish] Undertegnede NETGEAR Inc. erkl.rer herved, at folgende udstyr Radiolan overholder de v.sentlige krav og ovrige relevante krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF. Deutsch [German] Hiermit erklart NETGEAR Inc., dass sich das Gerat Radiolan in Ubereinstimmung mit den grundlegenden Anforderungen und den ubrigen einschlagigen Bestimmungen der Richtlinie 1999/5/EG befindet. Eesti [Estonian] Kaesolevaga kinnitab NETGEAR Inc. seadme Radiolan vastavust direktiivi 1999/5/EU pohinouetele ja nimetatud direktiivist tulenevatele teistele asjakohastele satetele. English Hereby, NETGEAR Inc., declares that this Radiolan is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. v1.0, August 2007 Espanol [Spanish] Por medio de la presente NETGEAR Inc. declara que el Radiolan cumple con los requisitos esenciales y cualesquiera otras disposiciones aplicables o exigibles de la Directiva 1999/5/CE. ........ [Greek] .. ... ....... NETGEAR Inc. ....... ... Radiolan ............. .... ... ......... .......... ... ... ...... ........ ......... ... ....... 1999/5/... Francais [French] Par la presente NETGEAR Inc. declare que l'appareil Radiolan est conforme aux exigences essentielles et aux autres dispositions pertinentes de la directive 1999/5/CE. Italiano [Italian] Con la presente NETGEAR Inc. dichiara che questo Radiolan e conforme ai requisiti essenziali ed alle altre disposizioni pertinenti stabilite dalla direttiva 1999/5/CE. Latviski [Latvian] Ar so NETGEAR Inc. deklare, ka Radiolan atbilst Direktivas 1999/5/EK butiskajam prasibam un citiem ar to saistitajiem noteikumiem. Lietuviu [Lithuanian] Siuo NETGEAR Inc. deklaruoja, kad sis Radiolan atitinka esminius reikalavimus ir kitas 1999/5/EB Direktyvos nuostatas. Nederlands [Dutch] Hierbij verklaart NETGEAR Inc. dat het toestel Radiolan in overeenstemming is met de essentiele eisen en de andere relevante bepalingen van richtlijn 1999/5/EG. Malti [Maltese] Hawnhekk, NETGEAR Inc., jiddikjara li dan Radiolan jikkonforma mal-htigijiet essenzjali u ma provvedimenti ohrajn relevanti li hemm fid-Dirrettiva 1999/5/EC. Magyar [Hungarian] Alulirott, NETGEAR Inc. nyilatkozom, hogy a Radiolan megfelel a vonatkozo alapveto kovetelmenyeknek es az 1999/5/EC iranyelv egyeb eloirasainak. Polski [Polish] Niniejszym NETGEAR Inc. oswiadcza, ze Radiolan jest zgodny z zasadniczymi wymogami oraz pozostalymi stosownymi postanowieniami Dyrektywy 1999/5/EC. Portugues [Portuguese] NETGEAR Inc. declara que este Radiolan esta conforme com os requisitos essenciais e outras disposicoes da Directiva 1999/5/CE. Slovensko [Slovenian] NETGEAR Inc. izjavlja, da je ta Radiolan v skladu z bistvenimi zahtevami in ostalimi relevantnimi dolocili direktive 1999/5/ES. Slovensky [Slovak] NETGEAR Inc. tymto vyhlasuje, _e Radiolan splna zakladne po_iadavky a vsetky prislusne ustanovenia Smernice 1999/5/ES. Suomi [Finnish] NETGEAR Inc. vakuuttaa taten etta Radiolan tyyppinen laite on direktiivin 1999/5/EY oleellisten vaatimusten ja sita koskevien direktiivin muiden ehtojen mukai...