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The clips must be attached to the smooth outer side of the bracket. 2. Attach the bracket to the suspended ceiling T-bar at the desired mounting position. 3. Once the bracket is firmly attached to the T-bar, cut a hole in the ceiling through the bracket opening for the Ethernet cable. 4. Pull the Ethernet cable through the hole in the bracket. Attach the MSM415 to the Bracket 1. Connect the Ethernet cable to the MSM415 Ethernet port. Push excess cable back into the hole. 2. Position the MSM415 against the bracket so that the bracket tabs fit into the tab slots on the back of the MSM415. Push the MSM415 against the bracket and then pull down firmly so that it snaps onto the bracket. 3. Verify that the MSM415 is firmly anchored before letting go of it. 4. Optionally, secure the MSM415 to an immovable object with a Kensington-type cable lock using the hole below the status LEDs. 1-14 Getting Started Introduction These procedures describe how to initially set up the RF Manager and MSM415 Sensor. After preforming the procedures outlined here, see the HP ProCurve RF Manager and Sensors Management and Configuration Guide. License Key File Note The HP ProCurve RF Manager Controller is activated by a license key. You obtain the license key by registering the product on the MyProcurve portal. To register the product, follow these instructions: 1. The RF Manager ships with an HP ProCurve RF Manager Controller 50 Sensor License Activation Registration Card in the box. The License Registration ID is printed on this card. With the License Activation Registration Card in hand, go to the My ProCurve portal: https://my.procurve.com. 2. If you are a new user, click, Customer account or Partner account under Create an account and follow the prompts to set up an account. 3. Log into the My ProCurve portal using your My ProCurve user ID and password. 4. Under My Licenses, select Device Software License. 5. Enter the License Registration ID from the registration card, and the product MAC address (printed on the product or listed as Serial Number at the bottom of the initial RF Manager product activation screen) and select Next. The Generate license key for ProCurve device page displays. Select Next. 6. Review and accept the License Agreement text. 7. Complete the service information fields. The product license key is generated, a link to it is displayed, and a copy is sent to you by email. 8. Follow the on-screen prompts to download the license key file and save it to your local system. Getting Started Quick Setup Quick Setup 1. Power up the RF Manager by connecting it to a power source. 2. Connect Port 1 of the RF Manager to the Network using a network interface cable. Warning The default IP address of the RF Manager Controller is Ensure that no other device on your network uses the same IP address as the controller. Connect port 1 on the controller to the desired subnet using the network interface cable provided. Do not connect the High Availability (HA) Interface port to the subnet. 3. Access the HP ProCurve RF Manager Server. a. Connect your computer to the same subnet where the Server is connected. b. Change your computer IP address to 192.168.1.XXX. For example, c. Access the HP ProCurve RF Manager Server using SSH as shown in the figure below. d. Login using the Username: config and Password: config. 4. Complete the Server Initialization and Setup Wizard. Follow the steps in the Server Initialization and Setup Wizard to configure the HP ProCurve RF Manager Server. Getting Started Quick Setup Important You need to reboot the Server on completion of the Initialization and Setup Wizard before you access the Server Console (GUI). 5. Set up the Server DNS Entry. Add a DNS entry wifi-security-server in your organization/ enterprise DNS server. This entry should point to the IP Address of the Server configured in the Server Initialization and Setup Wizard, sub-step 2, Change the Network Settings. Adding this entry serves two purposes: . Sensors can connect to the Server with zero configuration if they are connected to a DHCP enabled subnet. . You can access the Server using the address https:// wifi-security-server. 6. Access the HP ProCurve RF Manager Console (GUI). Important The minimum system requirements to access the RF Manager Console are a laptop with Intel P4 X86 1.4 GHz Processor, 512 MB RAM, Windows 2000 or XP Operating System, IE 5.5 or higher, and JRE 1.6 or higher. a. Type https:// wifi-security-server to access the RF Manager Console. The Console can take up to 2 minutes to load. Important Pop-up blockers (if any) must be disabled on the Web browser. The Reuse windows for launching shortcuts option in Tools > Internet Options > Advanced should be deselected in the Internet Explorer Web browser. b. Click Yes on each of the Security Alert/Warning pop-up screens. c. Browse to the location of the license key file and select it. Getting Started Quick Setup Note To obtain the license key fil...