User manual AMD, model SimNow Simulator 4.4.4
Manafacture: AMD File size: 3.2 mb File name: c30cfb66-2667-4d19-a592-3f8c8f35fc54.pdf
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manual abstract
OUTSB 6E Output the byte in DS:rSI to the port specified in DX, and then increment or decrement rSI. OUTSW 6F Output the word in DS:rSI to the port specified in DX, and then increment or decrement rSI. OUTSD 6F Output the doubleword in DS:rSI to the port specified in DX, and then increment or decrement rSI. POP reg/mem16 8F /0 Pop the top of the stack into a 16- bit register or memory location. POP reg/mem32 8F /0 Pop the top of the stack into a 32- bit register or memory location. POP reg/mem64 8F /0 Pop the top of the stack into a 64- bit register or memory location. POP reg16 58 +rw Pop the top of the stack into a 16- bit register. POP reg32 58 +rd Pop the top of the stack into a 32- bit register. POP reg64 58 +rq Pop the top of the stack into a 64- bit register. Instruction Supported Mnemonic Opcode Description POP DS 1F Pop the top of the stack into the DS register. POP ES 07 Pop the top of the stack into the ES register. POP SS 17 Pop the top of the stack into the SS register. POP FS 0F A1 Pop the top of the stack into the FS register. POP GS 0F A9 Pop the top of the stack into the GS register. POPA 61 Pop the DI, SI, BP, SP, BX, DX, CX, and AX registers. POPAD 61 Pop the EDI, ESI, EBP, ESP, EBX, EDX, ECX, and EAX registers. POPF 9D Pop a word from the stack into the FLAGS register. POPFD 9D Pop a doubleword from the stack into the EFLAGS register. POPFQ 9D Pop a quadword from the stack into the RFLAGS register. PREFETCH mem8 0F 0D /0 Prefetch processor cache line into L1 data cache. PREFETCHW mem8 0F 0D /1 Prefetch processor cache line into L1 data cache and mark it modified. PREFETCHNTA mem8 0F 18 /0 Move data closer to the processor using the NTA reference. PREFETCHT0 mem8 0F 18 /1 Move data closer to the processor using the T0 reference. PREFETCHT1 mem8 0F 18 /2 Move data closer to the processor using the T1 reference. PREFETCHT2 mem8 0F 18 /3 Move data closer to the processor using the T2 reference. PUSH reg/mem16 FF /6 Push the contents of a 16-bit register or memory operand onto the stack. PUSH reg/mem32 FF /6 Push the contents of a 32-bit register or memory operand onto the stack. PUSH reg/mem64 FF /6 Push the contents of a 64-bit register or memory operand onto the stack. PUSH reg16 50 +rw Push the contents of a 16-bit register onto the stack. PUSH reg32 50 +rd Push the contents of a 32-bit register onto the stack. PUSH reg64 50 +rq Push the contents of a 64-bit register onto the stack. PUSH imm8 6A Push an 8-bit immediate value (sign- extended to 16, 32, or 64 bits) onto the stack. PUSH imm16 68 Push a 16-=bit immediate value onto the stack. PUSH imm32 68 Push the contents of a 32-bit register onto the stack. PUSH imm64 68 Push the contents of a 64-bit register onto the stack. PUSH CS 0E Push the CS selector onto the stack. PUSH SS 16 Push the SS selector onto the stack. PUSH DS 1E Push the DS selector onto the stack. PUSH ES 06 Push the ES selector onto the stack. PUSH FS 0F A0 Push the FS selector onto the stack. PUSH GS 0F A8 Push the GS selector onto the stack. PUSHF 9C Push the FLAGS word onto the stack. PUSHFD 9C Push the EFLAGS word onto the stack. PUSHFQ 9C Push the RFLAGS word onto the stack. RCL reg/mem8,1 D0 /2 Rotate the 9 bits consisting of the carry flag and an 8-bit register or memory location left 1 bit. RCL reg/mem8,CL D2 /2 Rotate the 9 bits consisting of the carry flag and an 8-bit register or memory location left the number of bits specified in the CL register. Instruction Supported Mnemonic Opcode Description RCL reg/mem8,imm8 C0 /2 ib Rotate the 9 bits consisting of the carry flag and an 8-bit register or memory location left the number of bits specified by an 8-bit immediate value. RCL reg/mem16,1 D1 /2 Rotate the 17 bits consisting of the carry flag and a 16-bit register or memory location left 1 bit. RCL reg/mem16,CL D3 /2 Rotate the 17 bits consisting of the carry flag and a 16-bit register or memory location left the number of bits specified in the CL register. RCL reg/mem16,imm8 C1 /2 ib Rotate the 17 bits consisting of the carry flag and a 16-bit register or memory location left the number of bits specified by an 8-bit immediate value. RCL reg/mem32,1 D1 /2 Rotate the 33 bits consisting of the carry flag and a 32-bit register or memory location left 1 bit. RCL reg/mem32,CL D3 /2 Rotate the 33 bits consisting of the carry flag and a 32-bit register or memory location left the number of bits specified in the CL register. RCL reg/mem32,imm8 C1 /2 ib Rotate the 33 bits consisting of the carry flag and a 32-bit register or memory location left the number of bits specified by an 8-bit immediate value. RCL reg/mem64,1 D1 /2 Rotate the 65 bits consisting of the carry flag and a 64-bit register or memory location left 1 bit. RCL reg/mem64,CL D3 /2 Rotate the 65 bits consisting of the carry flag and a 64-bit register or memory location left the number of bits specified in the CL register. RCL reg/mem64,imm8 C1 /2 ib Rotate the 65 bits consisting of the carry flag and a 64-...