manual abstract
3. In the Domain Controller field, enter the name of the authentication server for the domain. 4. Enter the domain controller’s IP Address. 5. In the UserName field, enter the username of the administrator. 6. Enter the password in the Password and Confirm Password fields. 8E6 TECHNOLOGIES, R3000 ENTERPRISE FILTER AUTHENTICATION USER GUIDE CHAPTER 3: NT AUTHENTICATION SETUP CREATE AN NT DOMAIN 7. Click Apply to add the domain to the tree. Refresh the NT branch Click NT in the control panel to open the pop-up menu, and select Refresh whenever changes have been made in this branch of the tree. 8E6 TECHNOLOGIES, R3000 ENTERPRISE FILTER AUTHENTICATION USER GUIDE CHAPTER 3: NT AUTHENTICATION SETUP CREATE AN NT DOMAIN View or modify NT domain details Domain Settings 1. Double-click NT in the control panel to open the NT branch of the Group tree. Select the NT domain you added, and choose Domain Details from the pop-up menu to display the default Settings tab of the NT Domain Details window: Fig. 3-3 NT Domain Details window, Settings tab NOTE: To enter profile information for NT groups and users once domain settings are established, see Set up NT Domain Groups, Members. 8E6 TECHNOLOGIES, R3000 ENTERPRISE FILTER AUTHENTICATION USER GUIDE CHAPTER 3: NT AUTHENTICATION SETUP CREATE AN NT DOMAIN 2. For the Domain Settings: • The Domain Name entered in the Create Domain Controller dialog box displays greyed-out and cannot be modified. • The following fields can be modified: name of the domain Controller, IP Address, User Name, Password, and Confirm Password. Whenever criteria on this tab is modified: a. The password from the Password field must be entered in the Confirm Password field for verification. b. Click Modify to apply your settings. 8E6 TECHNOLOGIES, R3000 ENTERPRISE FILTER AUTHENTICATION USER GUIDE CHAPTER 3: NT AUTHENTICATION SETUP CREATE AN NT DOMAIN Default Rule 1. Click the Default Rule tab to display the Default Rule settings of the NT Domain Details window: Fig. 3-4 NT Domain Details window, Default Rule tab 2. For the Default Rule: • “Rule0, the Minimum Filtering Level” displays by default as the Default Rule. If this rule is used, it will be applied to all groups and members in the NT domain without a filtering profile established. • “Default Block Page” is selected by default as the Default Redirect URL. If the default block page is used, it will be applied to all groups and members in the NT domain without a filtering profile established. If “Custom URL” is selected, a URL must be entered in the corresponding text box. 8E6 TECHNOLOGIES, R3000 ENTERPRISE FILTER AUTHENTICATION USER GUIDE CHAPTER 3: NT AUTHENTICATION SETUP CREATE AN NT DOMAIN • Filter Options that have been selected display check marks in corresponding checkboxes for “X Strikes Blocking”, “Google/Yahoo! Safe Search Enforcement”, “Search Engine Keyword Filter Control”, “URL Keyword Filter Control”, and “Extend URL Keyword Filter Control”. Whenever criteria on this tab is modified, click Modify to apply your settings. Delete an NT domain To delete a domain profile, choose Delete from the NT domain menu. This action removes the domain from the tree. 8E6 TECHNOLOGIES, R3000 ENTERPRISE FILTER AUTHENTICATION USER GUIDE CHAPTER 3: NT AUTHENTICATION SETUP SET UP NT DOMAIN GROUPS, MEMBERS Set up NT Domain Groups, Members In the control panel, the NT domain branch of the tree menu includes options for setting up groups and/or members in the domain so that filtering profiles can later be created. The following options are used in this setup process: Select Group/Member from Domain, Set Group Priority, Manually Add Member, Manually Add Group, and Upload User/Group Profile. Add NT groups, members to the tree Before you can create filtering profiles for groups and/or members in a domain, you must first add the groups and/or members to the tree list for that domain. Fig. 3-5 Select Groups/Members from Domain window 8E6 TECHNOLOGIES, R3000 ENTERPRISE FILTER AUTHENTICATION USER GUIDE CHAPTER 3: NT AUTHENTICATION SETUP SET UP NT DOMAIN GROUPS, MEMBERS Select the NT domain, and choose Select Group/Member from Domain from the pop-up menu to display the Select Groups/Members from Domain window (see Figure 3-5). To add groups—that need filtering profiles—to the tree list: 1. Choose a group from the Available Groups list box. 2. Use the right arrow button (>) to move the group to the Selected Groups list box. If necessary, select a group and use the left arrow button (<) to move the group back to the Available Groups list box. To add group members—who need filtering profiles—to the tree list: 1. Choose the group from the Available Groups list box. 2. Click Show Members to display group members in the Available Members list box. 3. Choose a member from the Available Members list box, and use the right arrow button (>) to move the group to the Selected Members list box. If necessary, select a member and use the left arrow button (<) to move the member back to...
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Network Equipment - Enterprise Filter Authentication R3000 (5.81 mb)
Network Equipment - Enterprise Filter Authentication R3000 (5.81 mb)