manual abstract
Oil level should be up to the bottom of the fill plug opening. 2. Always check oil level before starting engine. Refer to engine manual for capacity and type of oil to use. height adjustment holes lower handlebar mount 3/8-16 nuts 3/8-16 x 3/4” bolts handlebar stem gear case dipstick gear case dipstick hole NO ENGINE OIL! ! CAUTION DO NOT TRY TO LIFT THE ROTOTILLER FROM THE CARTON. DO NOT ADD ENGINE OIL INTO GEAR CASE DIPSTICK HOLE. IMPORTANT The rig ht an d left si des of your rototi ller are deter mine d fro m the operating position as you face the direction of forwar d travel. Engine is shipped fro m factory wit hout oi l. You must add engine oil before starting engine. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS and parts explosions CRT Models 800-345-6007 Page Features forward drive safety control lever detent pin forward & reverse cable recoil start serial number plate wheel lock pin (Model 5055, R5055H) or wheel lockout (Model 5155, 6065VE) belt guard reverse drive safety control lever depth regulator lever bumper guard (Model 5055, 6065VE, R5055H ) OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ANd PARTS ExPlOSIONS CRT Models OPERATION PRE-START INSPECTION 1. Make sure all safety guards are in place and all nuts and bolts are secure. 2. check oil level in engine crankcase. See your engine manual for procedure and specifications. 3. Inspect air cleaner for cleanliness. See your engine manual for procedure. 4. check the fuel supply. Fill the fuel tank no closer than 1 inch from top of tank to provide space for expansion. See your engine manual for fuel recommendations. 5. Be sure spark plug wire is attached and spark plug is tightened securely. 6. check position of wheels and wheel lockouts. 7. check depth regulator lever position. 8. Examine underneath and around engine for signs of oil or fuel leaks. 9. Inspect fuel hoses for tightness and fuel seepage. 10.Look for signs of engine damage. 11.Remove excessive debris from muffler area and recoil starter. START-UP The controls required to start and run the rototiller are located on the engine and are marked “choke” and “Throttle”. A more detailed description of engine operation and all related precautions and procedures can be found in the engine manufacturer’s manual that accompanies each tiller. COld STARTS 1. Move choke lever to full choke position. 2. Move throttle lever to “start”. 3. Pull starting rope out slowly one time and allow to return normally. 4. Pull starting rope out rapidly, and allow rope to return normally. 5. When engine starts, gradually move choke lever to “no choke” position and increase throttle speed. RESTARTING A WARm ENGINE Restarting an engine that is already warm from previous running does not normally require use of the choke. 1. Move throttle lever to “start” position. 2. Pullstartingropeoutrapidlyuntilenginestarts.Allowropetoreturn normally. Repeat until engine starts. 3. Adjust throttle speed to “high” for best tiller action. PlEASE dO NOT START YOUR TIllER UNTIl YOU hAvE REAd ThE mANUAl ThAT CAmE WITh YOUR ENGINE, ANd ThE SECTIONS IN ThIS mANUAl TITlEd CONTROlS, AdjUSTmENTS ANd SAFETY. IF YOU hAvE REAd ThESE, FOllOW ThE STEPS BElOW TO START YOUR TIllER. AlWAYS PERFORm ThIS PRE-START ChECklIST BEFORE STARTING ThE ENGINE. GASOlINE IS hIGhlY FlAmmABlE ANd mUST BE hANdlEd WITh CARE. NEvER FIll ThE TANk WhEN ThE ENGINE IS hOT OR RUNNING. AlWAYS mOvE OUTdOORS TO FIll ThE TANk. WhEElS mUST AlWAYS BE lOCkEd IN ThE TIllING POSITION WhEN ENGINE IS RUNNING. dO NOT OPERATE ThE TIllER WITh ThE WhEEl lOCkOUTS UNlOCkEd. AlWAYS SET ThE WhEElS INTIllING POSITION BEFORE STARTING ENGINE. AlWAYS PUT ThE dEPTh REGUlATOR lEvER IN ThE TRANSPORT POSITION BEFORE STARTING ENGINE. TINES ShOUld ClEAR ThE GROUNd. ImPORTANT ENGINE IS ShIPPEd FROm FACTORYWIThOUT OIl. YOU mUST Add ENGINE OIl BEFORE STARTING ENGINE. AlWAYS kEEP hANdS ANd FEET ClEAR OF ROTATING mAChINE PARTS. CAUTION ! WARNING dANGER ! ! Page 8 800-345-6007 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ANd PARTS ExPlOSIONS CRT Models IdlE SPEEd Use the “low” position on the throttle lever to reduce stress on the engine when tilling is not being performed.Lowering the engine speed to “idle” will help extend the life of the motor, as well as conserve fuel and reduce the noise level of the equipment. OPERATING SPEEd For normal tilling, set the throttle lever to “fast”. ShUTTING dOWN To stop the engine at any time, move throttle control to the off position. To stop wheels and tines at any time, release drive safety control levers to neutral position. TIllING 1. Adjust the depth regulator lever to desired tilling depth. NOTE: Raise depth regulator lever up one hole at a time, testing tiller operation after each raise. Raising depth regulator lever too high can result in loss of control of tiller! 2. Move the throttle control to fast. 3. Place the tiller in forward by pushing down on the drive safety control lever labeled “FORWARD”--this will engage the wheels and tines. NOTE: You can slow the tiller’s forward advance at any time by putting slight downward p...
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