Manafacture: Agri-Fab
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manual abstract
DO NOT TIGHTEN YET. See figure 2. 6. Tighten the nuts and bolts fastening the hitch braces to the hopper frame and the hitch tube, then tighten the middle lock nut fastening the hitch tube to the crossover tube. DO NOT COLLAPSE TUBES WHEN TIGHTENING. 7. Select the end of the axle with no cross hole. Assemble a spacer (L), a 5/8" flat washer (G), a wheel (air valve facing out) and then another 5/8" flat washer (G) onto the axle. See figure 3. 8. Install a hub cap (Q) by tapping it carefully onto the axle with a hammer. See figure 3. (L) SPACER(G) 5/8" DIA. FLAT WASHER(G) 5/8" DIA. FLAT WASHER(Q) HUB CAPAIR VALVE FIGURE 3 (A) 1/4" x 1-1/2" HEX BOLTS(D) 1/4" NYLOCKNUTSCROSSOVERTUBEHITCH BRACEHITCHTUBESHAFTSUPPORTPLATEMIDDLENUTMIDDLE BOLTHITCH BRACE 9. Select the end of the axle containing the cross hole. Assemble a spacer (L), a 5/8" flat washer (G), a wheel (air valve facing out) and then another 5/8" flat washer (G) onto the axle. Insert the 5/32" x 2" cotter pin (I) through the wheel hub and the axle and then spread the ends of the pin. See figure 4. 10. Install a hub cap (Q) by tapping it carefully onto the axle with a hammer. See figure 4. (I) 5/32" x 2" COTTER PINAIR VALVE(L) SPACER(G) 5/8" DIA. FLAT WASHER(Q) HUB CAP FIGURE 2 FIGURE 4 ENGLISH 11. Turn the spreader upright on its wheels. 12. Assemble the hitch bracket to the top of the hitch tube using two 1/4" x 1" hex bolts (B) and 1/4" nylock nuts (D). See figure 5. 13. Assemble the hitch pin (K) through the hitch bracket and the hitch tube and secure with the hair cotter pin (J). See figure 5. 15. Assemble the flow control arm to the flow control mounting bracket using a 1/4" x 1" hex bolt (B), two nylon washers (E) and a 1/4" nylock nut (D) as shown in figure 7. Tighten carefully. The flow control arm should pivot with a slight resistance. 16. Assemble the vinyl grip (P). See figure 7. (B) 1/4" x 1" HEX BOLT(D) 1/4" NYLOCK NUTFLOW CONTROLMOUNTINGBRACKETFLOW CONTROL ARM(E) 2 NYLONWASHERS(P) VINYL GRIP (B) 1/4" x 1" HEX BOLT(D) 1/4" NYLOCKNUT(K) HITCH PIN(J) HAIR COTTER PIN FIGURE 5 FIGURE 7 14. Assemble the flow control link (O) (end with small hole) to the flow control arm using a 1/4" x 1" hex bolt (B), a nylon washer (E) and a 1/4" nylock nut (D). Tighten carefully. The flow control link should not be loose but should pivot with no more than slight resistance. See figure 6. 17. Place a 5/16" flat washer (F) onto the end of the flow control rod. Insert the end of the rod through the slot in the flow control mounting bracket and through the hole in the flow control link (O). Secure with a 3/32" x 3/4" cotter pin (H). See figure 8. (O) FLOW CONTROLLINKFLOW CONTROL ARM(D) 1/4" NYLOCK NUT(B) 1/4" x 1" HEX BOLTSMALLEST HOLE(E) NYLONWASHER FLOWCONTROLROD(O) FLOW CONTROL LINK (H) 3/32" COTTERPIN (F) 5/16" FLATWASHERSLOT FIGURE 6 FIGURE 8 ENGLISH 18. Hook the free end of the flow control rod through the hole in the slide gate bracket located near the bottom of the hopper. See figure 9. (F) 5/16" FLATWASHEROFFON12346789105(E) NYLONWASHER(C) 1/4" x 3/4" CARRIAGE BOLT (M) NYLONWING NUT(N) ADJUSTABLESTOP FIGURE 11 21. Position the flow control mounting bracket (figure 12). a. Push on flow control arm until it locks in "OFF" position. b. Slide flow control mounting bracket along tube until closure plate in bottom of hopper just closes. c. Snug the mounting bolts just enough to hold flow control mounting bracket in place. d. Set adjustable stop at "5". Pull flow control arm against stop. Verify that closure plate has opened about half way. e. If closure plate does not open half way, it may be closed too far at "OFF". Adjust position of flow control mounting bracket until closure plate will open about half way at "5" and still close when arm is locked in "OFF". Tighten mounting bolts. FIGURE 9 19. Assemble the flow control mounting bracket to the hitch tube using two 1/4" x 1-1/2" hex bolts (A), four 5/16" flat washers (F) and two 1/4" nylock nuts (D) as shown in figure 10. Do not tighten at this time. FLOW CONTROLMOUNTING BRACKET(A) 1/4" x 1-1/2" HEX BOLT(D) 1/4" NYLOCKNUTOFFON12346789105(F) 5/16" FLATWASHER OFFON12346789105FLOWCONTROLARMONOFFAJDUSTABLESTOPSETTING "5" MOUNTING BOLTS FIGURE 10 20. Place the adjustable stop (N) into the "ON" end of the slot in the top of the flow control mounting bracket. Secure with the 1/4" x 3/4" carriage bolt (C), a nylon washer (E), a 5/16" flat washer (F) and the nylon wing nut (M). See figure 11. FIGURE 12 ENGLISH OPERATION OVERLAPREFER TOCHARTS HOW TO USE YOUR SPREADER SETTING THE FLOW CONTROL (Refer to figure 12 on page 7.) 1. Loosen the nylon wing nut, set the adjustable stop to the desired flow rate setting and retighten the wing nut. The higher the setting number, the wider the opening in the bottom of the hopper. 2. Refer to the application chart on page 8 and to the instructions on the fertilizer bag to select the proper flow rate setting. 3. Pull the flow control arm against the adjustable stop for the on position a...