manual abstract
1.PresstheSOUND button,the Soundmenuwil llappearonthe screen. .PresstheCH+/-buttonsto move theindicatorto thedesiredoption, thenpressVOL-/+ buttonstosetthe desiredquality.PresstheSOUND buttontoexittheSoundmenu. AdjustingtheBalanceitem MENU Picture Sound Tune Setup Timer SoundMode 3D Mono Trubass SRS Dialog W oofer Balance Equalizer Off Off Off Off 0 Standard Option PressVOL-button PressVOL+button BALANCE R trackdown Ltrackdown AdjustingtheSpecialitems Option Set tt ing"On" 3D Mono 3D dynamicsurround SRS Dialog SRS Dialog Trubass Enhancebass W oofer Enhancewoofer Sound Adjusting (Continued) EqualizerandMute functions SOUND CH+ CH- VOL-VOL+MENU CH+ CH- VOL-VOL+MENU MUTE Equalizerfunction 1.PresstheSOUND button,the Soundmenuwil llappearonthe screen. .PresstheCH+/-buttonstomove theindicatorto "Equalizer". .Pressthe VOL+ button to sub- SoundMode 3D Mono Off Off Trubass Off Off 0 Standard SRS Dialog Woofer Balance Equalizer MENU Picture Sound Tune Setup Timer menu. .Pressthe VOL-/+ buttonsto selectthedesired item. .Pressthe VOL+/-buttonsto adjusting. Equalizer Tip:TheEqualizercanbeadjustingonlyforthe personalmode. How touse theMute function W henyouwanttolistentothesoundnearby,orwhenyouare answeringthetelephone,ortalkingwithyourfriends,youmayuse themutefunction. 1.PresstheMUTE buttononce,a signofmutewil llappearonthe screen,thesoundwil llbeeliminated completely. X 2.Press theVOL-/+ buttonsor pressthe MUTEbutton again, and the soundwil llbe recovered. Time Set Up Function Thismodelhastimesetfunction such asOn/OffTime,Sleep andRemind Time,etc. The unitoftheTIME m enuisminute. Setcurrenttime andOn/OffTimefunctions TIME CH+ CH- VOL-VOL+MENU TIME CH+ CH- VOL-VOL+MENU Note: Thisfunction wil llonlybe available when theTV set isin them ode ofstandby. Setcurrenttime W hen thisfunctionisused,pleasefirstcheckwhetherthe clockisinaccordance with yourlocaltime;ifnot,you can follow the instructionsto adjustit. 1.PresstheTIME button,theTime menuwil llappearonthescreen. .PresstheCH+/-buttonstomove theindicatorto"CurrentTime". Tips: The availableoption isgreen. Pressthe VOL-/+buttonsto selectthe desireditem . Pressthe CH+/-buttonsto adjustthe value. Aftersettingthe Currenttime,pressMENU buttonto confirm. On/OffTimefunction CurrentTime Off Time On Time On program Rem ind time Rem indprogram Sleep Time 122 7 ---- ---- 10 ---- --- Off MENU Picture Sound Tune Setup Timer The TVsetcan bepowered on/offata presettimeand itcan startwith aprogram you havepreset. Heretake OnTimefunctionforexam ple.The OffTimefunction issam e withit. 1.PresstheTIME button,theTime menuwil llappearonthescreen. .PresstheCH+/-buttonstomove theindicatorto"OnTime". Tips: The available optionisgreen. Pressthe VOL-/+buttonsto select the desired item. Pressthe CH+/-buttonsto adjustthe value. Aftersettingthe On Time,pressMENUbutton to confirm . .PresstheCH+/-buttonstomove theindicatorto"OnProgram ",then presstheVOL-/+ buttonstoadjust (Forexample,10). 4.Repeatstep1-2toturnOFF TIME.(take23:00asanexample) CurrentTime Off Time On Time On program Remind time Remindprogram Sleep Time 122 7 ---- 18 00 10 ---- --- Off MENU Picture Sound Tune Setup Timer CurrentTime Off Time On Time On program Rem ind time Rem indprogram Sleep Time 122 7 23 00 18 00 10 ---- --- Off MENU Picture Sound Tune Setup Timer Time Set Up Function (Continued) RemindProgram Function CH+ CH- VOL-VOL+MENU TIME CALL/HELP RemindProgram Function WithRemindProgram function,theTV setcanautomatical lly changeapresetprogram inapresettime. 1.PresstheTIME button,the Timemenuwil llappearonthe screen. MENU Picture Sound Tune Setup Timer CurrentTime Off Time On Time On program Remind time Remindprogram Sleep Time 122 7 23 00 18 00 10 -- -- Off MENU Picture Sound Tune Setup Timer CurrentTime Off Time On Time On program Remindtime Remindprogram Sleep Time 122 7 23 00 18 00 10 19 00 --Off .PresstheCH+/-buttonstomove theindicatorto"RemindTime". Tips: The availableoption isgreen. Pressthe VOL-/+buttonsto selectthe desireditem . Pressthe CH+/-buttonsto adjustthe value. Aftersettingthe Rem indTime,pressMENU button toconfirm. .PresstheCH+/-buttonstomove theindicatorto"RemindProgram ", thenpresstheVOL-/+ buttonsto adjust(Forexample,18). MENU Picture Sound Tune Setup Timer CurrentTime Off Time On Time On program Remindtime Remindprogram Sleep Time 122 7 23 00 18 00 10 19 00 18 Off TIP: The unitoftheTIMER m enuisminute. ScreenDisplay PressCALL/HELP buttonto thescreendisplay,suchas channelnumber,coloursyst soundsystem. cal ll 3 PAL50 em, BG Set Up Function SelectthemenuLanguageandScreenSaverfunction CH+ CH- VOL-VOL+MENU CH+ CH- VOL-VOL+MENU How toselectthemenuLanguage Youmaychoose ChineseorEnglish. 1.PresstheFUNCTION button, theFunctionmenuwil llappearon thescreen. .PresstheCH+/-buttonsto move the indicatorto"Language ",then presstheVOL+ button toselectthe desired language,thentheOSD languageofthe TV setturntothe OSD languageselected. Language English ScreenSaver On Curtain Colorsys. PAL50 HDM scan 100Hz Sound Transparency On Til...
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