manual abstract
If sprayer runs when cool, correct cause of overheating. Keep sprayer in cooler location with good ventilation. Make sure motor air intake is not blocked. If sprayer still does not run, follow Step 1. NOTE: Motor must be cooled down for the test. 1. Check thermal device connector (yellow wires) at control board. 2. Disconnect thermal device connector from control board socket. Make sure contacts are clean and secure. Measure resistance of the thermal device. If reading is not correct, replace motor. Check Motor Thermal Switch: Unplug thermal wires. Set meter to ohms. Meter should read the proper resistance for each model (see table below). Digital display shows E=06 Control board status light blinks 6 times repeatedly 3. Reconnect thermal device connector to control board socket. Connect power, turn sprayer ON and control knob 1/2 turn clockwise. If sprayer does not run, replace control board. - ti13140a Resistance Table: 695 0 ohms 795 2k ohms 1095 3.9k ohms 1595 6.2k ohms MARK IV 2k ohms MARK V 120V 6.2k ohms MARK V 240V 3.9k ohms Sprayer does not run at all Check the connections. Control is not receiving a motor position sensor signal 1. Turn power OFF. 2. Disconnect motor position sensor and inspect for damage at connectors. 3. Reconnect sensor. 4. Turn power ON. If error continues, replace motor. Digital display shows E=09 Control board status light blinks 9 times repeatedly 3A0157A 17 Troubleshooting TYPE OF PROBLEM WHAT TO CHECK HOW TO CHECK Sprayer does not run at all Check to see if control board is over heating. 1. Make sure motor air intake is not blocked. 2. Make sure fan has not failed. 3. Make sure control board is properly connected to back plate and that conductive thermal paste is used on power components. 4. Replace control board. 5. Replace motor. Digital display shows E=10 Control board status light blinks 10 times repeatedly Sprayer Will Not Shut Off 1. Perform Pressure Relief Procedure; page 8. Leave prime valve open and power switch OFF. Troubleshooting Procedure 2. Remove control box cover so the control board status light can be viewed if available. Plumb pressure gauge into paint hose, plug sprayer in, and turn power switch ON. Does sprayer reach or exceed its maximum pressure? NO Mechanical problem: See the proper fluid pump manual for the sprayer for further trouble shooting procedures. YES Unplug the transducer from control Replace the control board. NO board. Does motor stop running? YES Bad transducer. Replace and test with a new one. 18 3A0157A Troubleshooting Sprayer Will Not Run (See following page for steps) Remove control box cover. Turn sprayer ON. Observe control board status light on control board (see page 13). No light Once Normal operation Light on Continuously Control board commanding motor to run Flashing See Error Code section for further troubleshooting See Step 1. Do you have over 100 AC volts (200 for 220V units)? NO See Step 2. Do you have over 100 AC volts? NO Repair or replace power cord. YES YES Replace the ON/OFF switch. See Step 3. Is the proper reading present through the thermal switch wires?. YES NO If motor is hot, let cool and retest. If Step 4 still shows incorrect resistance, replace motor. The motor has a defective thermal device. See step 4. Does the motor run? NO Connect a test transducer to the board. Does the motor run? NO YES YES Replace the control board. 3A0157A 19 Replace potentiometer. Pressure switch. Replace the transducer Troubleshooting 20 3A0157A 110-120 AC V - + - 110-120 AC V - + - - 100k ohm + - STEP 1: Plug power cord in and turn switch ON. Connect wires to control board and on/off switch. Turn meter to AC Volts. STEP 2: Plug power cord in and turn switch ON. Connect wires to control board and on/off switch. Turn meter to AC Volts. STEP 3: Check motor thermistor. Unplug yellow wires. Meter should read according to Resistance Table on page 17. NOTE: Motor should be cool during reading. STEP 4: Plug power cord in and turn switch ON. Disconnect potentiometer. Black Black Black Black Yellow Black Black Black + Black On/Off Switch Control Board White Power Cord Control Board Control Board Control Board On/Off Switch Power Cord White Thermal Switch Pressure Transducer Potentiometer Motor AutoClean WatchDog Switch: On - Open Off - Closed Switch: 15 Amp - Closed 20 Amp - Open On/Off Switch Green/Ground Power Plug White Green/Ground GFI Filter Coil Motor Motor Leads Motor Sensor Leads Neutral Thermal Switch To Optional Display Troubleshooting 3A0157A 21 240 VAC and 110 VAC Motor Control Board Removal Perform Pressure Relief Procedure; page 8. Wait 5 minutes before servicing. 1. Remove Motor Shroud (for units equipped with Hose Reel only): a. Remove bolts from motor shroud. b. Remove pressure tube from sprayer. c. Remove bottom screw from toolbox. d. Loosen (but do not remove) four nuts on shelf. Carefully slide shelf forward. e. Remove shroud. f. Slide shelf back and tighten four nuts on shelf. 2. Remove all four screws (38) and cover (9...
Other models in this manual:Paint Sprayers - 1095 Premium Hi-Boy (4.9 mb)