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User manual Philips, model AE6775/20Z

Manafacture: Philips
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manual abstract

2. Pour supprimer le verrouillage, appuyez de nouveau sur LOCK. Cuando se activa LOCK aparece . disappears from the display. disparait de l’ecran. 2. Para desactivar la funcion LOCK, pulse de nuevo LOCK. desaparece del visor. GENERAL INFORMATION INFORMATIONS GENERALES INFORMACION GENERAL Accessories (included) Accessoires (compris a la livraison) 1 x AY 3656 stereo headphone with winder 1 x ecouteurs stereo AY 3656 avec enrouleur Accesorios (incluidos) • Touse:pull and extend headphone cord gently. • Avant utilisation:tirez et deroulez le cordon avec precautions. 1 x Auriculares estereo con rebobinador AY 3656 • Torewind:push the WIND d ddswitch. • Pour rebobinerle cordon: appuyez sur le bouton WIND d dd. • Para utilizarlo: tire y extienda con cuidado el cable de auriculares. • Para rebobinar: pulse el interruptor WIND d dd. TAKE CARE WHEN USING HEADPHONES PRECAUTIONS A PRENDRE LORS DE L’UTILISATION DES ECOUTEURS TENGA CUIDADO AL UTILIZAR LOS AURICULARES Hearing Safety: Listen at a moderate volume. Use at high volume can Securite de l’ouie: Ecoutez a volume modere. Une ecoute a forte puisimpair your hearing! sance peut etre nuisible pour l’ouie! Seguridad de audicion: Escuche a un nivel de sonido moderado. .Si los Traffic Safety: Do not use headphones while driving or cycling as you may Securite sur la route: N’utilisez pas les ecouteurs a bicyclette ou au utiliza a un nivel alto, puede danar su capacidad auditiva! cause an accident! volant, car vous risquez de causer un accident! Seguridad durante la conduccion: .No utilice los auriculares durante la conduccion o cuando monte en bicicleta ya que podria causar un accidente! MAINTENANCE ENTRETIEN MANTENIMIENTO • Use a soft damp cloth to wipe off dust and dirt. Don't use benzene or cor• Utilisez un chiffon doux legerement humidifie pour enlever la poussiererosives to clean the set. et la salete. N’utilisez pas de benzene ou des produits detergents pou-• Utilice un pano suave humedecido para quitar el polvo y la suciedad. No • Don't expose the set to rain, moisture, sand or to excessive heat e.g. cars vant avoir un effet abrasif pour nettoyer l’equipement. utilice productos de limpieza corrosivos o benceno. parked in direct sunlight. • Ne pas exposer l’equipement a l’humidite, a la pluie, au sable ni a la • No exponga el receptor a la humedad, lluvia, arena o calor excesivo chaleur excessive causee par exemple par des vehicules en station-(automoviles expuestos directamente al sol). ENVIRONMENTAL NOTE nement exposes en plein soleil. CONSEJO MEDIOAMBIENTAL • The packaging has been minimized so that it is easy to separate into two INFORMATIONS SUR L’ENVIRONNEMENT materials: cardboard and plastic. Please observe the local regulations • El embalaje se ha simplificado para que pueda dividirse facilmente en regarding the disposal of these packaging materials. • Tous les materiaux d’emballage inutiles n’ont pas ete utilises et ce pour faciliter dos materiales: carton y plastico. Por favor, cumpla con la normativa • Please inquire about local regulations on how to hand in your old set for la separation plus tard en deux materiaux: le carton et le plastique. Veuillez local referente a la eliminacion de estos materiales de embalaje. recycling. observer les regulations locales quant au rebut de ces materiaux d’emballage. • Para reciclar el aparato desechable, informese sobre la normativa local. • Batteries contain chemical substances, so they should be dis• Veuillez vous renseigner sur les regulations locales concernant le recy- • Las pilas contienen sustancias quimicas peligrosas, cuando las posed of properly. clage de votre ancien appareil. vaya a tirar, hagalo conforme a la normativa local. • Les piles contiennent des substances chimiques, donc elles doivent etre jetees selon les normes de l’environnement. CINESE POWER SUPPLY Battery (not included) • Open battery door and insert two alkaline batteries, type R03,UM4 or AAA as indicated. • Remove the batteries from the set if they are exhausted or not to be used for a long time. – When the batteries are running low, flashes in the display. If the radio is on, it will automatically switch off. – It may be necessary to reprogramme your preset stations. SETTING THE CLOCK When the radio is off, the time is displayed using the 24-hour clock or the 12 clock system with AMand PMindication. 1. Check the radio is switched off. 2. Press TIMESET on the back panel. 3. To set the hours/minutes, press TUNING 3 or 4 (HR or MIN) while the display is still flashing. – With your finger held down on 3/4, the hour/minute increases continu- ously. Release 3/4 when you reach the correct hour/minute setting. – Press 3/4 briefly and repeatedly if you need to adjust the hours/ min- utes slowly. To adjust the 9/10 kHz AM tuning step and clock display In North and South America the frequency step between adjacent AM band channels is 10kHz. In the rest of the world e.g. Europe, this step is 9 kHz. Usually the frequency step has been preset in the ...


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