manual abstract
-Donotauto-startthevehicle with people in the it. Page 10 ActivatingReservationMode (ManualTransmissiononly) Step1 : Afterarriving atyour destination,and BEFORETURNING YOURENGINE OFF,placethetransmission in the Neutralposition. Step2 : Activate the parking brake. Step3 : Removeyour footfromthe footbrake. Step4 : Removethekeyfromthe ignition,and the engine willremain running. Step5 : Exitthe vehicleand closethedoorwithintwo minutesafter a c t i v a t i n gtheparking brake.The engine willshutoffandreservation mode for the remote-starterisnowcomplete. Your vehicle is now ready for auto-starting. However, the reservation mode will be cancelled if a door is opened or the CompuStar system is put in Valet mode after the reservation has been set. Once cancelled, you will have to start the vehicle with the key and repeat the above 5 steps if you want to restore reservation mode. When the vehicle shuts off after reservation mode, the CompuStar system will lock/arm the vehicle. Take care to not lock your keys inside. Important! Important!If you try to auto-start the vehicle when reservation mode has not been set, the auto-start feature will not work. When you press the auto-start button, the remote will beep three times. The car parking lights will flash three times, pause, then flash seven times. Canceling Reservation Mode If you do not want to set reservation mode, shut off the engine before you exit the vehicle. The engine will shut off for the following reasons: -Youdid notactivate the parking brake or pressedthefootbrakewhen youturned the keyto the offposition. -Youreleased the parking brake while the engine wasrunning. -YouenteredValetMode aftertheReservation Modehasbeencompleted. Page 11 Valet Mode Valet Mode While the vehicle is in valet mode, only the keyless entry function will be available. Valet Mode is very useful when loaning your vehicle or having it serviced. In order to enter Valet mode, press buttons ( I + I I I ) simultaneously for a 1/2 second. In order to manually enter Valet Mode, insert your key into the ignition and turn the ignition on, then off, (between ACCand ON) five times within 10 seconds. You can exit Valet Mode only by pressing buttons ( I + I I I ) simultaneously for a 1/2 second. Safety Shut Down Features The CompuStar 2W900FMR, 2W900FMR-2ndsystem has several shut down safety features. The following actions will shut down the engine or prevent the car from auto-starting : Opening the hood, pressing the brake, or if Valet Mode is turned on. Turbo Mode (2W900FMR) IfthisoptionalTurbo Modehasbeenprogrammedatthetime ofinstallation, you can turn this feature on and off by pressing buttons ( I I I + I V ) for a 1/2 second. In this mode, if the emergency brake has been set, the engine will continue to run after the key has been taken out of the ignition. It will run until two minutes after the emergency brake has been set. • To utilize this mode, the emergency brake sensing wire has to be connected to the emergency brake wire of the vehicle. Consult the authorized dealer for this mode. • This option is ideal for turbo-charged vehicles because it allows the turbo too slowly cool after operation. 2nd Car Mode (2W900FMR-2nd) This Remote-Pager is able to operate a 2nd vehicle. Press buttons I III&IV simultaneously for 1/2 second. If this mode is turned to 2nd Car, the Remote-Pager will not communicate with the 1st vehicle. To Exit 2ndCar press buttons I I I & I V simultaneously again. Page 12 Page 13 Limited Lifetime Consumer Warranty Limited Lifetime Consumer Warranty Firstech, LLC Warrants to the original purchaser that this product shall be free of defects in material and workmanship under normal use and circumstances for the period of time that the original owner of this product owns the vehicle in which it is installed ; except that the remote controller unit for the period of one year from the date of installation to the original owner of this product. When the original purchaser returns the product to the retail store where it was purchased or prepaid postal to Firstech, LLC., 3415 S. 116th St Seattle, WA 98168, USA within the warranty period, and if the product is defective, Firstech, LLC, will at its option repair or replace such. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW, ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES ARE EXCLUDED BY THE MANUFACTURER AND EACH ENTITY PARTICIPATING IN THE STREAM OF COMMERCE THEREWITH. THIS EXCLUSION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE EXCLUSION OF ANY AND ALL WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR ANY AND ALL WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND/OR ANY AND ALL WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR PATENTS, IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND/OR ABROAD. NEITHER THE MANUFACTURER OF ANY ENTITIES CONNECTED THEREWITH SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF TIME, LOSS OF EARNINGS, COMMERCIAL LOSS, LOSS OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY AND THE LIKE. NOTWITHSTANDING THE ABOVE, MANUFA...
Other models in this manual:Two-Way Radio - 2W900FMR (245.33 kb)