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Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. 5 6 7 How to use Assembling cleaner aOOOI.AO‚‡IEA O.IAOOO‡ e·O.I‡ O.IAOOO‡ aIOOI‡ OO‰‡.E .‡IOUIfl COUOIIOA OU‚A.OUEA ‰Ifl O.IE eAUA‚OE .IU. a.‡OI‡fl IAUI‡ UAIU‡fl IAUI‡ aIOOI‡ OAUA‚O„O .IU.‡ oI‡I„ eUIOflUI‡ .I‡I„‡ aOIUAEIA. ‰Ifl O.IE a‡.AII‡ a...I‡ IOIUAEIA.‡ ‰Ifl .‡IOUIfl e‡OO.Ifl..‡fl I‡O‡‰I‡ e..‡„ OO‰‡.E .‡IOUIfl i.U·‡ i.U·‡ a...I‡ eU.I‡ aOIUAEIA. ‰Ifl .‡IOUIfl aIOOI‡ ‚.II..‡UAIfl Shampoo Button Inlet Dust Switch Button Power Cord Red Mark Yellow Mark Hose Hose Handle Dust Tank Clamp Shampoo Tank Cap Spray Nozzle Shampoo Lever Pipe Pipe Cover Handle Shampoo Tank Cord Reel Button If you can see red mark on power cord when you pull the cord out of the appliance, you must stop pulling out the cord immediately. OOIE O.E ‚.Ufl„E‚‡IEE .IU.‡ OOI‡A‡I‡O. I.‡OI‡fl IAUI‡ OIA‰UAU IAIA‰IAIIO O.AI.‡UEU. ‚.Ufl„E‚‡U. .IU.. Tips c‡ A‡IAUIU Optional cA ‚O ‚OA. IO‰AIfl. Carpet Master a‡OUA. IO‚.O‚ Carpet/Floor Nozzle c‡O‡‰I‡ ‰Ifl U‚A.‰.. IO‚.O‚.. OOI..UEE Spray Nozzle e‡OO.Ifl..‡fl I‡O‡‰I‡ Frame Brush .AUI‡ ‰Ifl .‡I Crevice Tool c‡O‡‰I‡ ‰Ifl .AIAE Shampoo Bottle Brush Dusting Brush .AUI‡ ‰Ifl O.IE Upholstery Nozzle aOIUAEIA. ‰Ifl .‡IOUIfl .AUI‡ .AUI‡ ‰Ifl .EOUIE O·E‚IE Window Master a‡OUA. OIOI Small Shampoo Nozzle a‡I‡fl I‡O‡‰I‡ ‰Ifl .‡IOUIfl 8 How to use Using carpet/floor nozzle and carpet master aOOOI.AO‚‡IEA O.IAOOO‡ c‡O‡‰I‡ ‰Ifl IO‚.O‚/OOI‡ E I‡O‡‰I‡ (a‡OUA. IO‚.O‚) Floor Carpet Long type Carpet Hard Floor & Short type Carpet eOI aO‚A. NIEIIO‚O.OI.E IO‚A. UAOUIOA OOIOA OOI..UEA E IO.OUIO‚O.OI.E IO‚A. c‡O‡‰I‡ ‰Ifl .EOUIE IO‚.‡/OOI‡ Carpet/Floor Nozzle Carpet Master iOU.OEOU‚O ‰Ifl .EOUIE IO‚.O‚ How to use Using accessory nozzles aOOOI.AO‚‡IEA O.IAOOO‡ NOOOIIEUAI.I.A I‡O‡‰IE Upholstery Nozzle Dusting Brush Crevice Tool c‡O‡‰I‡ ‰Ifl .EOUIE O·E‚IE oAUI‡ ‰Ifl U‰‡IAIEfl O.IE c‡O‡‰I‡ ‰Ifl .EOUIE ‚ U.U‰IO‰OOUUOI.. IAOU‡. Long carpet Short carpet How to use Dry vacuuming aOOOI.AO‚‡IEA O.IAOOO‡ eU.‡fl .EOUI‡ 4 The Air Flow Regulator allows you to change the vacuum suction for different fabric and carpet weight. Adjust the suction power with Air Flow Regulator in the handle. eA„UIflUO. OEI. ‚O‡O.‚‡IEfl OOA‚OIflAU ‡‰‡OUE.O‚‡U. UOIO‚Efl .EOUIE ‰Ifl I‡UA.EE E IO‚.O‚ .‡AIE.IOE OIOUIOOUE. eU.A„UIE.UEUA IO.IOOU. OA.AII..‡UAIAI I‡ .U.IA. 1 3 Connecting the Air Filter Closing the Top Cover Assy e.EOOA‰EIAIEA ‚OA‰U.IO„O UEI.U.‡ a‡I..‚‡IEA ‚A..IAE I...IE ‡OO‡.‡U‡ 1 2 4 5 6 Assembling Hose and Pipes Connecting the Hose Turning on the Power Switch e·O.I‡ .I‡I„O‚ E U.U·OI eO‰OOA‰EIAIEA .I‡I„‡ CII..AIEA OEU‡IEfl 9 1 ON Caa 2 Air Flow Regulator eA„UIflUO. OEI. ‚O‡O.‚‡IEfl eUI..U. Open Close a‡I..U. After cleaning eOOIA .EOUIE 9 Separating the Air Filter eUOOA‰EIAIEA ‚OA‰U.IO„O UEI.U.‡ 9 Separating the Air Filter eUOOA‰EIAIEA ‚OA‰U.IO„O UEI.U.‡ 8 Opening the Top Cover Assy Pouring the Cleaning Liquid eUI..‚‡IEA ‚A..IAE I...IE ‡OO‡.‡U‡ iUEIEA‡.Efl .EOUfl.AE EE‰IOOUE 1 2 10 1 2 11 10 11 10 12 CcaaAcaO! AIIU.‡UIO O.OI.‚‡EUA I‡E‰U. ‰AU‡I. ‚OA‰U.IO„O UEI.U.‡ ‚ OU‰AI.IOOUE OO‰ OU.UAE .OIO‰IOE ‚O‰. ‰O UA. OO., OOI‡ IA OOUA.AU .EOU‡fl ‚O‰‡. cA OOI.AUEUAO. IO..EIE O.A‰OU‚‡IE, IA IOEUA UEI.U. EIE O.OII‡‰IU ‚ OUE.‡I.IOE EIE OOOU‰OIOA.IOE I‡.EIA. COU.fl.IEUA UEI.U. .UO·. U‰‡IEU. ‚O‰U. cA OU.EUA A„O IE ‚ OUE.‡I.IOE I‡.EIA O.E OOIO.E .AIU.EUU„E, IE ‚ IEI.O‚OIIO‚OE OA .E, IE O.E OOIO.E IAOOO.A‰OU‚AIIO„O I‡„.A‚‡. i·A‰EUAO., .UO UEI.U. OO‚A..AIIO O.OOO.. eO·A.EUA A„O E UOU‡IO‚EUA ‚ O.IAOOO, OIA‰Ufl EIOU.UI.EE I‡ IO.OUOA UEI.U.‡. C OIU.‡A OO‚.AE‰AIEfl UEI.U.‡ IA UOU‡I‡‚IE‚‡EUA A„O ‚ O.IAOOO. eOA‚OIEUA ‚ OIUE·U OO‰‰A.EIE. 10 WARNING! Gently rinse air filter separately under a cold running water until the water runs clear. Do not use detergent or a washing machine or dishwasher. Shake off excess water from the filter. Do not tumble/spindry, microwave or place in oven or on direct heat. Ensure the filter is completely dry. Re-assemble and place it back in your machine, filter frame. If the filter is damaged, do not place them in the machine. Please call the Helpline. Washing & Drying the Air Filter Brushing the Air Filter Connecting the Air Filter Closing the Top Cover Assy e.OI.‚I‡ E O.OOU.I‡ ‚OA‰U.IO„O UEI.U.‡ oEOUI‡ ‚OA‰U.IO„O UEI.U.‡ e.EOOA‰EIAIEA ‚OA‰U.IO„O UEI.U.‡ a‡I..‚‡IEA ‚A..IAE I...IE ‡OO‡.‡U‡ Reuse the Air Filter after drying sufficiently. eO‚UO.IOA EOOOI.AO‚‡IEA ‚OA‰U.IO„O UEI.U.‡ OOOIA U.‡UAI.IOE O.OOU.IE 1 2 1 2 12 1 2 3 5 8 4 6 7 CO‰‡ oI‡I„ 1 3 2 How to use Wet cleaning aOOOI.AO‚‡IEA O.IAOOO‡ CI‡EI‡fl .EOUI‡ 7 If there is a strange sound in the pump, put the cleaning fluids into the shampoo tank. Because it indicates that there is no cleaning fluid in the shampoo tank. OOIE I‡OOO O.OEA‚O‰EU OOOUO.OIIEE .UI ‰O·‡‚.UA ‚ IOIUAEIA. ‰Ifl .‡IOUIfl .EOUfl.AE EE‰IOOUE. oUI „O‚O.EU O UOI, .UO ‚ IOIUAEIA.A ‰Ifl .‡IOUIfl IA OOU‡IOO. .EOUfl.AE EE‰IOOUE. Connecting the Air Filter Closing the Tank Cap and the Top Cover Assy Turning on the Power & Shampoo Switch Connecting the Hose P...