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manual abstract
Because it indicates that the safety float automatically closes the suction inlet and you will notice that no more liquid is sucked up. C OIU.‡A OEI.IO„O .UI‡ ‚ O.IAOOOA O.EOUEUA IOIUAEIA. ‰Ifl IUOO.‡. i‡IOE .UI „O‚O.EU O UOI, .UO ‡‚UOI‡UE.AOIEE II‡O‡I A‡I..I ‚OUOIIOA OU‚A.OUEA. C. U‚E‰EUA, .UO EE‰IOOU. OA.AOU‡I‡ ‚O‡O.‚‡U.Ofl. Wet Cleaning Checking the Cleaning Liquid Opening the Top Cover Assy CI‡EI‡fl .EOUI‡ e.O‚A.I‡ U.O‚Ifl .EOUfl.AE EE‰IOOUE eUI..‚‡IEA ‚A..IAE I...IE ‡OO‡.‡U‡ MAX a‡IOEI‡I.I.E Lifting the Dust Tank Pouring the Cleaning Liquid Separating the Air Filter aA‚IA.AIEA .AAA.‚U‡.‡ ‰Ifl O·O.‡ O.IE iUEIEA‡.Efl .EOUfl.AE EE‰IOOUE eUOOA‰EIAIEA ‚OA‰U.IO„O UEI.U.‡ 1 2 14 15 16 17 18 21 19 20 WARNING! Gently rinse both parts separately under a cold running water until the water runs clear. Do not use detergent or a washing machine or dishwasher. Shake off excess water from the filter. Do not tumble/spindry, microwave or place in oven or on direct heat. Ensure the filter is completely dry. Re-assemble and place it back in your machine, filter frame. If the filter is damaged, do not place them in the machine. Please call the Helpline. CcaaAcaO! AIIU.‡UIO O.OI.‚‡EUA I‡E‰U. ‰AU‡I. ‚OA‰U.IO„O UEI.U.‡ ‚ OU‰AI.IOOUE OO‰ OU.UAE .OIO‰IOE ‚O‰. ‰O UA. OO., OOI‡ IA OOUA.AU .EOU‡fl ‚O‰‡. cA OOI.AUEUAO. IO..EIE O.A‰OU‚‡IE, IA IOEUA UEI.U. EIE O.OII‡‰IU ‚ OUE.‡I.IOE EIE OOOU‰OIOA.IOE I‡.EIA. COU.fl.IEUA UEI.U. .UO·. U‰‡IEU. ‚O‰U. cA OU.EUA A„O IE ‚ OUE.‡I.IOE I‡.EIA O.E OOIO.E .AIU.EUU„E, IE ‚ IEI.O‚OIIO‚OE OA .E, IE O.E OOIO.E IAOOO.A‰OU‚AIIO„O I‡„.A‚‡. i·A‰EUAO., .UO UEI.U. OO‚A..AIIO O.OOO.. eO·A.EUA A„O E UOU‡IO‚EUA ‚ O.IAOOO, OIA‰Ufl EIOU.UI.EE I‡ IO.OUOA UEI.U.‡. C OIU.‡A OO‚.AE‰AIEfl UEI.U.‡ IA UOU‡I‡‚IE‚‡EUA A„O ‚ O.IAOOO. eOA‚OIEUA ‚ OIUE·U OO‰‰A.EIE. Disassembling the Air Filter Drying the Air Filter Closing the Top Cover Assy Assembling the Air Filter Connecting the Air Filter Washing the Air Filter e‡A·O.I‡ ‚OA‰U.IO„O UEI.U.‡ e.OOU.I‡ ‚OA‰U.IO„O UEI.U.‡ a‡I..‚‡IEA ‚A..IAE I...IE ‡OO‡.‡U‡ e·O.I‡ ‚OA‰U.IO„O UEI.U.‡ e.OI.‚I‡ ‚OA‰U.IO„O UEI.U.‡ Reuse the Air Filter after drying sufficiently. eO‚UO.IOA EOOOI.AO‚‡IEA ‚OA‰U.IO„O UEI.U.‡ OOOIA U.‡UAI.IOE O.OOU.IE Push the Air Filter until reaching the rib. iOII‡EUA ‚OA‰U.I.E UEI.U., OOI‡ OI IA UO.AUOfl ‚ ·U.UEI Rib AU.UEI 1 2 15 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 OFF Coaa 3 How to use Carpet cleaning aOOOI.AO‚‡IEA O.IAOOO‡ oEOUI‡ IO‚.O‚ It is possible that the pump's thermal security mechanism has been acticated to protect the pump from overheating in case that the shampoo tank is empty or the shampoo button has remained in the (ON) position without any operation of the trigger. To check that the pump has not broken down, put the button at the (OFF) position and wait about 20 to 30 minutes until the pump cools down, then start it again. If your appliance still does not work in spite of following these instructions, contact the nearest authorized service center. C OIU.‡A OOUOUO.AIEfl IOIUAEIA.‡ ‰Ifl .‡IOUIfl, ‰‡EA IO„‰‡ IIOOI‡ OO‰‡.E .‡IOUIfl ‚II..AI‡ (ON), ‡‚UOI‡UE.AOIEE A‡.EUI.E IA.‡IEAI IOEAU OUII..EU. I‡OOO ‚O EA·AE‡IEA A„O OA.A„.A‚‡. e.E .UOI I‡E‡UEA I‡ ...‡„ OO‰‡.E .‡IOUIfl IA ‰‡OU .AAUI.U‡U‡. oUO·. U·A‰EU.Ofl, .UO I‡OOO EOO.‡‚AI, ‚.II..EUA IIOOIU OO‰‡.E .‡IOUIfl, OO‰OE‰EUA 20-30 IEIUU, OOI‡ I‡OOO IA OOU.IAU E OOO.O·UEUA OIO‚‡. OOIE OOOIA ‚.OOIIAIEfl O.E‚A‰AII.. ‚..A EIOU.UI.EE I‡OOO IA A‡.‡·OU‡AU, O·.‡UEUAO. ‚ ·IEE‡E.EE ‡‚UO.EAO‚‡II.E OA.‚EOI.E .AIU.. Turn on the Power & Shampoo Switch and Pull the Lever Wet Cleaning the Carpet Turn off the Shampoo Switch and Release the Lever Dry Cleaning the Carpet CII..EUA OEU‡IEA E OO‰‡.U .‡IOUIfl E OOUflIEUA A‡ ...‡„ CI‡EI‡fl .EOUI‡ IO‚.‡ C.II..EUA OO‰‡.U .‡IOUIfl E OUOUOUEUA ...‡„ eU.‡fl .EOUI‡ IO‚.‡ 16 1 2 3 1 2 3 Button aIOOI‡ 1 2 How to use Tile cleaning aOOOI.AO‚‡IEA O.IAOOO‡ oEOUI‡ OIEUIE How to use Window cleaning aOOOI.AO‚‡IEA O.IAOOO‡ oEOUI‡ OIOI Connecting the Frame Brush Tube Connecting/Disconnecting Cleaning the Tile e.EOOA‰EIAIEA .‡I. .AUIE e.EOOA‰EIAIEA/ OUOOA‰EIAIEA U.U·IE oEOUI‡ I‡UAIfl Connecting the Window Master Turning on the Power & Shampoo Switch Cleaning the Window e.EOOA‰EIAIEA UOU.OEOU‚‡ ‰Ifl .EOUIE OIOI CII..AIEA OEU‡IEfl E OO‰‡.E oEOUI‡ OII‡ .‡IOUIfl ON Caa ON Caa 2 1 3 6 31 1 2 How to use Sofa cleaning aOOOI.AO‚‡IEA O.IAOOO‡ oEOUI‡ ‰E‚‡IO‚ Rotating the Frame Turning off the Power & Shampoo Switch Cleaning Window C.‡.AIEA .AUIE C.II..AIEA OEU‡IEfl E OO‰‡.E .‡IOUIfl oEOUI‡ OII‡ 6 31 1 2 How to use Sofa cleaning aOOOI.AO‚‡IEA O.IAOOO‡ oEOUI‡ ‰E‚‡IO‚ Rotating the Frame Turning off the Power & Shampoo Switch Cleaning Window C.‡.AIEA .AUIE C.II..AIEA OEU‡IEfl E OO‰‡.E .‡IOUIfl oEOUI‡ OII‡ Connecting the Small Shompoo Nozzle Cleaning the Sofa Cleaning the Tile e.EOOA‰EIAIEA I‡IAI.IOE I‡O‡‰IE oEOUI‡ ‰E‚‡I‡ oEOUI‡ I‡UAIfl ‰Ifl .‡IOUIfl 1 2 17 How to use Blow cleaning aOOOI.AO‚‡IEA O.IAOOO‡ oEOUI‡ ‚.‰U‚‡IEAI 3 5 1 1 2 1 2 Separating the Hose & Exhaust Cover Connecting the Hose eUOOA‰EIAIEA .I‡I„‡ E ‚..IOOIOE I...IE ...
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