Other manuals for this model:
manual abstract
Bug ID
RMS Config Check Utility displays incorrect volume
Utility has been changed to display the correct volume
The user is unable to backup to media from the remote
This occurs because a storage system check is in
backup server.
progress and is blocking the backup operation. This
problem is now corrected.
Policy does not verify "VVRetentionTimeMax" value if
This is fixed. The changes include the ability to retrieve
volumes belong to a 3PAR domain.
and verify the information from the storage system
through the CLI.
RMS ADMIN console displays "Expiration Time" and
The problem existed due to some variables that
"Retention Time" column order differently on local and
initialized improperly. Issue is now corrected.
remote backup server
GUI to fetch and display the maximum retention time
Maximum retention time label always shows as 43800
from storage system (InServ)
regardless of retention time set in the storage system
(InServ). This display is made dynamic by fetching Max
Retention time from the InServ that object belongs. This
change is reflected in following screens:
• Policy
• Edit Time Constraints
• Create Virtual Copy
• Create Remote Virtual Copy
If there are two VLUNs exported, after an unmount
A particular Windows API returns incorrect results with
operation one of the VLUN becomes unavailable
Inform OS 3.1.1. This Windows API is now removed.
Virtual Copy information is not showing under VC
During refresh of VC Management node, command is
management after refresh
issued to refresh the table in detailed pane.
Known Issues with Recovery Manager
The rmsql analyze command failed to update the
Command now updates the expiration and retain values
expiration and retention time values in the rmsql
in rmsql repository XML file.
repository XML file.
In schedule task for daily pattern, on entering past dates, Enter the correct dates while using the scheduler.
schedule is created successfully
HP DP backup fails for database due to a space in its
Do not use a space in database name. Using a space
is not supported with HP DP.
After using Peer Motion, RMS is not validating default
Use provcfg command to manually change the storage
storage system (InServ) configuration
system (InServ) configuration.
The CLI command rmsql Backup fails if a database
Always use the database option when specifying backup
name is not specified
If an invalid date is entered when scheduling a task with Enter the correct dates while using the scheduler.
a daily pattern, no error is returned and the command
log displays “in progress”
When installing Recovery Manager on new system, it
User needs to manually create a folder called C:\
does not create a default 3ParSnapshot directory
3ParSnapshot on a new machine before installing
HP 3PAR Recovery Manager Software for Microsoft SQL
Editing a scheduled task fails by showing an error
Delete that specific task for which the edit operation has
message as Edit Operation has failed :
failed and create a new task with the desired scheduling
ERROR : The parameter is incorrect, or the
GUI crashes when any wrong scheduling parameter is
Known Issues with Recovery Manager
...Other models in this manual:
Software - HP 3PAR 10400 Application Software Suite for Microsoft SQL Media LTU (126.77 kb)
Software - HP 3PAR Application Software Suite for Microsoft SQL (126.77 kb)
Software - HP 3PAR StoreServ Application Suite for Microsoft SQL E-Media (126.77 kb)
Software - HP 3PAR StoreServ Application Suite for Microsoft SQL Media (126.77 kb)