Other manuals for this model:
manual abstract
server, you can simulate different workload configu-
era, power and cooling becomes a key consideration
rations on different sets of server resources. You can
when planning a technology environment or adding
automati cally find best-fit solutions for dozens of serv-
hardware to an existing data center.
ers, or even more. And you can easily see which
alternatives use the least computing power, the least
HP Insight Dynamics – VSE helps you overcome your
space, even the least energy.
power and cooling chal enges by enabling energy-
aware capacity planning. It gives you the hard data
Then HP Insight Dynamics – VSE gives you the infor-
you need to intel igently plan for your server capacity
mation you need to quickly rebalance and repur-
and power needs, taking service levels into account. In
pose infrastructure based on changing technology
addition to considering metrics on CPU, memory utili -
and business priorities. When you need to deploy
zation, and disk storage capacity, it helps your plan -
a new workload, the five-star rating system lets you
ning staff take a hard look at your power consumption.
instantly see the best place to put it in your existing
infrastructure. Using logical servers, you can then
HP Insight Dynamics – VSE can show you the power
drag and drop the workload onto a suitable virtual
implications of different scenarios. For example, you
or physical server that has free capacity. HP Insight
can run scenarios that show what happens under
Dynamics – VSE supports leading virtualization tech-
different consolidation approaches and compare
nology, including VMware ESX and VMware ESXi and different configurations to determine your best options
Microsoft Hyper-V.
for power utilization. The software’s five-star rating
system helps you quickly see your best choices for
You can quickly recognize opportunities to rebalance
provisioning and redeploying servers in an energy-
workloads—identifying servers that often push their
efficient manner.
capacity limits, and then shift the loads to servers that
are often under-utilized. You can see how repurposing These kinds of insights ease your energy pains through
infrastructure could make you more efficient. A server
better utilization of power and cooling resources and
that runs certain workloads at night, such as a back-
better placement of workloads. By quickly identifying
up application, might sit idle during the day. With HP
and consolidating inefficient servers onto fewer, more
Insight Dynamics – VSE, you have the information you power-efficient ones, you can reduce energy consump-
need to confidently shift certain daytime workloads
tion, cut costs, and extend the life of your data center.
to the idle server, so you can take advantage of the
Everyday high availability
open computing capacity.
Enable fast and affordable recovery and maintenance.
This day-to-day work can make a big difference in
High system availability is now an imperative for an
the life of your data center. You’re not locked into the
increasing number of applications. If your business
rigid al ocation of resources. You can complement
depends on certain applications, it can’t tolerate
your long-term consolidation initiatives with continuous downtime for those applications. Yet in many cases
optimization of resources. You can initial y deploy
the use of high availability (HA) failover is restricted
resources in one place and then later move workloads to a limited number of business-critical applications in
to systems that have free capacity—fine tuning your
complex, clustered configurations.
environment on an as-needed basis. By optimizing
utilization continuously, you can save valuable real
HP Insight Dynamics – VSE changes the ground rules
estate, avoid costly expansion projects, and extend
for HA. It introduces the concept of “everyday high
the life of your data center.
availability” for a wide range of applications. You can
now protect more of your systems and shrink mainte-
Energy-aware capacity planning
nance windows using spare capacity that is fast and
Consolidate workloads for increased power
affordable to set up, using existing virtual machines or
physical servers.
Power, cooling, and space are top expenses and
During periods of unplanned downtime, you can use
limitations in today’s data centers. Energy not only
HP Insight Dynamics – VSE to shift workloads to physi-
costs more, but data centers are using more of it. It’s
cal servers or virtual machines at an alternate location
no surprise then that energy expenditures are tak-
to enable higher availability for certain applications.
ing an ever-larger bite out of operating expenditure
This is made possible by the use of logical servers that
(OPEX) budgets. And, regardless of the cost issues,
can be easily created and freely moved across your
some data centers are having trouble acquiring suf-
infrastructure. This is the same approach that is used
ficient power to meet their energy needs. In this new
to enable an agile test and development environment.
It’s now being used to support a simple, everyday
HA environment.
...Other models in this manual:
Software - HP Matrix Operating Environment w/Insight Control 24x7 Supp 1 Server Lic (812.17 kb)
Software - HP Matrix Operating Environment w/Insight Control 24x7 Supp E-LTU (812.17 kb)
Software - HP Matrix Operating Environment w/Insight Control 24x7 Supp Flexible Lic (812.17 kb)
Software - HP Matrix Operating Environment w/Insight Control 24x7 Supp Tracking Lic (812.17 kb)