manual abstract
All other product names and other company names used herein are for identification purposes only and are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. EPSON disclaims any and all rights in those marks. Scan/Print samples shown herein are simulations. Specifications are subject to change without notice. 270mm (10.63”) 437mm (17.2”) 326mm (12.83”) 260mm (10.2”) 388mm (15.27”) 76mm (2.99”) ELPDC06ELPDC11Windows XP SP2 or later, Windows vista Windows 7, mac X 10.5 and 10.6 29 Languages ELPdC06, ELPdC11 SPECIFICATIONS MODEL NUMBER ELPdC06 ELPdC11 viDEO PICk-UP dEvICE 1/3” CmOS Sensor 1/4” CmOS Sensor EFFECTIvE PIXELS 1.92m pixels 5m pixels FrAmE rATE W/PC mAX 15fps mAX 30fps OUTPUT ANALOG NA SXGA / XGA / WXGA USB XGA QvGA / vGA / SvGA / XGA / SXGA / UXGA w/PJ, UXGA / SXGA / XGA / SvGA / vGA / QvGA w/PC WhITE BALANCE Auto Auto EXPOSUrE Auto Auto BrIGhTNESS Auto Auto ImAGE FrEEzE Available NA OPticaL SyStEM LENS F=2.8 f=4.1 F=2.8 ShOOTING ArEA 10.7”.14.3” 11.7”.16.5” dIGITAL zOOm 4x 10x digital (including loss-less zoom) FOCUS Auto (Need to press “AF Button”) Auto (Need to press “AF Button”) IrIS Auto NA iLLUMiNatiON SyStEM UPPEr White LEd.2 White LEd.2 BrIGhTNESS NA 250lx (Shooting area: A3) gENERaL OPErATING TEmPErATUrE 5 °C to 35 °C <41 °F to 95 °F> 5 °C to 35 °C <41 °F to 95 °F> OPErATING hUmIdITy 20%-80% 20%-80% dImENSION (Not including protruding parts) OPEN W260 x d76 x h388 mm W270 x d326 x h437 mm FOLdEd W260 x d76 x h60 mm W270 x d192 x h244 mm WEIGhT 2.1lbs / 0.9kg 4.85lbs / 2.2kg ThEFT PrOOF kENSINGTON LOCk Available Available SECUrITy BAr NA Available SECUrITy LOCk hOLE NA Available FUNctiON zOOm + (TELE => WIdE) 32 steps 10 times (including loss-less zoom) - (WIdE => TELE) 32 steps 10 times (including loss-less zoom) LOSS-LESS zOm NA 2 times *Only XGA/WXGA output **1.9 times at SXGA output FrEEzE / AUTO FOCUS / LEd Available Available SOUrCE ChANGE FOr PJ Available NA BrIGhTNESS / CONTrAST / NEGATIvE / B&W NA Available SPLIT SCrEEN / SLIdEShOW NA Available vIdEO CAPTUrE NA Available dIGITAL SCrOLL PAN/TILT NA Available FLICkEr rEdUCTION / ImAGE rOTATION NA Available SOUrCE(PC/dC) / AUTO dETECT ASPECT rATIO NA Available POWER POWEr SUPPLy mEThOd USB Bus power NA POWEr SUPPLy vOLTAGE 5v 100v - 240v AC/dC POWEr FrEQUENCy NA 50/60hz OUTPUT vOLTAGE OF AC POWEr AdAPTEr NA dC 12v POWEr CONSUmPTION Less than 2.5W 14.5W POWEr CONSUmPTION (STANd-By mOdE) NA 0.46W iMagE ROtatiON hOrIzONTAL / vErTICAL ±90° ±90° iMagE EFFEct FrEEzE Available NA aNaLOg OUtPUt StaNDaRD NA NTSC/PAL Mic NA yes (Internal mIC) MEMORy INTErNAL mEmOry NA yes / 1GB Sd CArd NA Sd compatibility FILE FOrmAT NA JPEG SPEciFicatiON OF MaiN PaRtS SENSOr ImAGE PICkUP dEvICE NA CmOS OPTICAL FOrmAT NA 1/4.2” NUmBEr OF EFFECTIvE PIXELS NA 2592(h)*1944(v),5.03m pixels ASPECT rATIO NA 4:3 LENS F-NUmBEr NA 2.8 FIELd OF vIEW NA 66.8° iNtERFacE PORt I/F POrT INPUT NA vGA Built-in mIC OUTPUT NA vGA USB-B USB-B NA Composite video cOMPatiBiLity FOR OS PJ Linux2.6 NA PC Windows XP SP2 or later Windows vista OSD NA yes / 13 Languages LaNgUagE mANUAL USEr’S GUIdE 6 Languages (Japanese / English / French / Germany / Italian / Spanish) SUPPLiED accESSORiES USB Cable 3m (USB-A/USB-B) Soft Carrying Case User’s manual Set Quick Set-up Guide Instruction Sticker SUPPLiED accESSORiES USB Cable USB-A/USB-B User’s manual Set Cd-rOm External AC Power Adapter with Power Code Application Software remote Control 2pcs AA Batteries Quick Set-up Guide vGA Cable aPPLicatiON SOFtWaRE ArcSoft Application Software Language 6 Languages Edit Preview Saving Format Still Image JPG/BmP aPPLicatiON SOFtWaRE ArcSoft Application Software Button manager Language 13 Languages Annotation (Live/Still image) Edit Preview video Capture Still image capture Time Lapse Web Upload Intelligent File management Saving Format Still Image video(For Windows) video(For mAC) JPG/BmP Wmv/mPG/AvI mOv iMagiNg iNNOvatiON EPSON is the registered trademark of Seiko Epson Corporation. All other product names and other company names used herein are for identification purposes only and are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. EPSON disclaims any and all rights in those marks. Scan/Print samples shown herein are simulations. Specifications are subject to change without notice. 270mm (10.63”) 437mm (17.2”) 326mm (12.83”) 260mm (10.2”) 388mm (15.27”) 76mm (2.99”) ELPDC06ELPDC11Windows XP SP2 or later, Windows vista Windows 7, mac X 10.5 and 10.6 29 Languages ...
Other models in this manual:Projectors - ELPDC06 (324.04 kb)
Projectors - ELPDC11 (324.04 kb)