Lightweight and easy to fit, the OMNI STAR® mask is available with a choice of silicone or rubber. OMNI STAR® Full Facepiece/Dual Cartridge/ Airline Respirators Features and Benefits Include: • Meets NIOSH 42CFR84 Requirements when Worn with Recommended AOSafety Cartridges and Filters • Easily Converted to NIOSH Approved Type C Continuous Flow Airline Respirator • Built-in Speech Diaphragm To Aid in Communication • Inner Nosecup Reduces Fogging and Minimizes Rebreathing • Choice of Silic

Although this transmitter can be programmed into any of the Audiovox remote start and or alarm, remote start systems, it will offer limited use and should be used for the remote start upgrade only. To program this transmitter into your remote start upgrade unit: 1) Turn the ignition to the on position 2) Press and release the programming switch 3 times 3) Press and hold, for 3 seconds, the button of the transmitter you wish to add until the parking light flashes indicating the transmitter ha

Ezek az illatosito golyocskak nem ehetoek. Ha szemmel erintkezik, azonnal oblitse le bo vizzel. Az illatosito golyocskak osszetetelet megtalalja a weboldalon vagy telefonon kaphat rola tajekoztatast orszaga Philips vevoszolgalatanal. A Philips vevoszolgalat telfonszamat megtalalja a vilag osszes orszagaban er venyes grandialevelen, melyet mellekeljuk a Philips INNERGIZE-hoz. РУССКИЙ Внимание Хранить в недоступном для детей месте. Эти гранулы несъедобны. В случае попадания в глаза, немедленно про