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manual abstract
Apply the skin protector at a 90˚ angle to your skin
with gentle force.
- Failure to do so may cause injury to the skin or cause
The following persons should not use this appliance:
hair or clothing entanglement and damage.
·Persons suffering from atopic dermatitis or rashes and
other skin diseases
►About using the foot care head
·Persons with allergic diathesis or persons who are
Do not use foot care head in the following ways:
easily irritated by cosmetics, clothing, metals, etc.
·Filing too deeply
·Persons who are easily suppurated
·Letting the file touch soft skin
·Persons suffering from varicose veins, diabetes,
· Filing hardened skin when you have an ailment in the
hemophilia, etc.
area around your toenails
·Persons who have trouble stopping bleeding
· Using the foot care head in the bath
·Persons who have suffered skin problems (suppuration,
·Sharing with your family or others
inflammation, etc.) caused by epilation (plucking,
- Doing so may cause injury to the skin, infection,
depilation, waxing, etc.)
inflammation, bleeding or other trouble, or worsening of
- Use in such cases may cause the skin to become sensitive
such symptoms.
or cause inflammation, bleeding, or increased pain.
When using the appliance for filing, be careful of the
Do not use epilation/shaver head in the following
direction in which the main body moves.
- Rotation of the file may cause the main body to move in
·Using just before swimming or sea bathing (use at least
an unexpected direction and cause injury to the skin.
2 days before such activities)
• People suffering from diabetes; poor circulation in
·Using just before bathing
the feet; or swelling, itchiness, pain, or excessive
·Sharing with your family or others
warmth in the feet should consult their doctor before
· Engaging in extreme sports or exercise right after
using the foot care head.
• If skin appears abnormal after filing, stop using the
- Doing so may cause infection or inflammation resulting
foot care head and consult a dermatologist.
from bacteria that enter the body from the pores.
• File the hardened skin little by little over a few days.
If skin problems continue for 2 days or longer after
• File only calluses or hardened skin on your feet.
treatment, stop using the unit and contact a
- Failure to follow the above instruction may cause injury to O
the skin, infection, inflammation, bleeding or other
- Failure to do so may cause symptoms to worsen.
trouble, or worsening of such symptoms.
11 TR