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manual abstract
P06-73(ES4025欧州) 05.11.16 3:50 ページ 6
rection of your beard. You may gen-
inner blades, one at a time, by grasp-
mium battery.
the ES4025/ES4026/ES4027
tly increase the amount of pressure
ing them firmly at both ends and pull-
Please make sure that the battery is
as your skin becomes accustomed
ing straight away from the shaver
disposed of at an officially assigned
• The supply cord of the charging
to this shaver. Applying excessive
(see fig. 7). Clean the outer foil, the
location, if there is one in your country.
adaptor cannot be replaced; if the
pressure does not provide a closer
foil frame, the shaver body and the
How to remove the built-in
cord is damaged, the entire charger
trimmer with the long side of the
rechargeable battery before
should be discarded.
brush. Clean the inner blades with
disposal of the shaver
• Dry the shaver completely before
Using the trimmer
the short side of the brush (see fig.
(see fig. 9)
setting it in the charging adaptor.
(see fig. 4)
8). Do not use the short brush to
The battery in this shaver is not in-
• Keep the charging adaptor away
Slide the trimmer handle up to open
clean the outer foil.
tended to be replaced by consum-
from water and handle it only with
the trimmer.
ers. However, the battery may be re-
dry hands. Do not use an extension
Place the trimmer at a right angle to
Replacing shaving head
placed at an authorized service
cord to connect the charging adap-
your skin and move it downward to
center. The procedure described be-
tor to an outlet.
trim sideburns.
low is intended only for removal of
• Grip the plug when disconnecting
It is recommended that you replace
the rechargeable battery for the pur-
the charging adaptor from a recep-
Cleaning your shaver
the outer foil at least every year and
pose of proper disposal.
tacle; tugging on the cord may dam-
the inner blades at least every 2
(see fig. 5)
1. Remove the protective cap, outer
age it.
years to maintain your shaver’s cut-
For cleanliness and convenience, we
foil frame and inner blades.
• Store the charging adaptor and its
ting performance.
recommend that you clean your
2. Remove the 2 screws (a) on the
cord set in a dry area where it will
shaver with water and a liquid hand
Replacing the outer foil
be protected from damage.
soap. Regular cleaning will keep your
(see fig. 6)
3. Grasp the bottom of the unit and
• The outer foil is very thin. If han-
shaver in good condition while pre-
Squeeze the outer foil release but-
the button area (b) located on the
dled improperly, it can be easily
venting odors or bacteria from devel-
tons and lift the outer foil upward to
left and right, and pull the button
damaged. To avoid personal injury,
oping, and maintain the cutting per-
remove it. To insert the new outer foil,
area away from the main unit.
do not use the shaver if it has a
press down until it snaps into place.
4. Remove the 2 screws (c) located
damaged foil or inner blades.
With the outer foil in place, apply
Replacing the inner blades
inside the main unit’s case.
• Wash the shaver in tap water. Do
some hand soap onto the outer foil.
(see fig. 7)
5. Grasp the top part (d) and bot-
not use salt water or boiling water.
Turn the shaver on and pour some
Squeeze the foil frame release but-
tom part (e) of the main unit, and
Also, do not use cleaning products
water over the outer foil.
tons and lift the foil frame upward to
pull them both out.
that are designed for toilets, bath-
After about 10-20 seconds, turn the
remove it. Remove the inner blades,
6. Remove the battery (f) from the
rooms or kitchen appliances. Do
shaver off.
one at a time, by grasping them firmly
not submerge the shaver for a long
Remove the outer foil and clean it
at both ends and pulling straight
with running water.
away from the shaver. To insert the
• Do not wipe any part of the shaver
Wipe off any moisture from the
new inner blades, hold the blades,
• Do not charge the shaver where the
with thinner, benzine or alcohol.
shaver with a dry cloth and remove
one at a time, at both ends and press
temperature is below 0°C (32°F) or
Clean it by using a cloth dampened
the protective cap to allow the outer
downward until they snap into place.
above 40°C (104°F), where it will
with soapy water.
foil to dry completely.
be exposed to direct sunlight or a
• Do not take the housing apart as
For environmental protec-
heat source, or where there is a lot
this can affect the watertight con-
Brush cleaning
tion and recycling of
of moisture.
Squeeze the outer foil release but-
• Use only the included shaver
• If the shaver is not working prop-
tons and lift the outer foil upward to
charging adaptor RE3-68 to charge
erly, have it inspected at the place
remove it (see fig. 6). Remove the
This shaver contains Nickel-Cad-
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