manual abstract
We urge you to read this information carefully and review it again at any time you notice achange in your water or appliance. Later in the manual, there is a Troubleshooting section. Ifyou are unable to fix a problem, simply call your Hague dealer for expert service. This manual provides a reference for operation and maintenance of the following WaterMaxwater conditioning appliance models:63MAQ, 63BEQ, 63MXQ, 63MDQ, 62AMQ, 62APQ, 62AKQ and 62AJQ.Additionally, a WaterMax application chart is included for the followingfiltermodels:61AAN, 61AAE-BWO, 61AAR-BWO, 6AAS-BWO and 61AAF-BWO.Ifyoudo not see your specific model listed here, your dealer has customized your WaterMax tosolve additional water conditioning problems that you may have and will be happy to explainany additional special features. Please familiarize yourself with the contents of this manual so that you understand what isrequired of you to ensure reliable performance of your newWaterMaxappliance. YourHague WaterMaxwater conditioning appliance is designed to be permanently plumbedto the water supply of your home. The model you have purchased should be appropriate foryour local municipal or well water conditions. Operational, maintenance and replacementrequirements are essential for this product to perform to specifications as advertised. Date of Installation: Model Number: Serial Number: Date Limited Warranty Form Returned: 1 How To Get The Maximum Efficiency From Your Appliance 1.Maintain salt level at least 1/3 full; usesolar salt or pellets and purchase a cleangrade of salt. Use one or the other; do notmix pellet and solar salt.If potassiumchloride is used in place of nugget orpellet salt, you must select the potassi- um option during the programming ofthe controller (see pg. 8-12).We do notrecommend using Potassium Chloride ifthere is iron and/or manganese in yourwater. 2.Allow the appliance to regenerate at atime when the water is not being used. Ifyou have more than one appliance, allowtwo hours between each regeneration. 3.Protect your60 Series,including thedrain line, from freezing. 4.Should dirt, sand, or large particles bepresent in your water supply, it is importantthat you consult your Hague dealer forfilters that will eliminate this problem. 5.Bypass the appliance(s) if well, plumbing, or pump work is required, and turn on out- side tap until water runs clear before puttingthe appliance back in service. Your60 Seriesappliance my be disinfected with 5.25% sodium hypochlorite, which is theactive ingredient in household bleach. To disinfect your appliance, add 4.0 fluid ounces ofsodium hypochlorite solution to the brine well of the brine tank (the brine tank should havewater in it to permit the solution to be carried into the appliance). Start a manual regeneration. OPERATIONAL, MAINTENANCE, AND REPLACEMENT REQUIREMENTSARE ESSENTIAL FOR THE PRODUCT TO PERFORM TO SPECIFICATIONS. NOTES: 2 Checklist Before Installation 1.WaterPressure -Not less than 20 nor greater than 120 psi (1.4 - 8.4 bar) constant. (See Engineering Specifications, page 13.) 2.Water Temperature -Not less than 40° nor greater than 120°F (6°- 49° C). (See Engineering Specifications, page 13.) 3.MinimumServiceFlow Rate Available To The Appliance -3 gpm or equal to the backwashflow rate of your particular model. (See Engineering Specifications, page 13.) For filter installa- tion, refer to page 16 to confirm the backwash rates of the specific model. 4.Drain -Drain the appliance to a floor drain, washer drain, or other suitable waste receptor. To prevent back-siphoning, the installer must provide an adequate air gap or a siphon break. See figure 1. 5.Electricity -The transformer suppliedisa standard 115 volt, A.C. 6.Water Quality -Ifyour water supply contains sand, sulfur, bacteria, iron bacteria, man- ganese bacteria, tannins, algae, oil, acid, salt, or other unusual substances, additional supportequipment must be installed ahead of the WaterMax appliance unless otherwise indicated onthe Engineering Specifications, page 13. NOTES: 3 Do's And Don'ts SOME DO'S 1.Do install after the pressure tank on well water installations. 2.Do comply with all local building, plumbing and electrical codes. 3.Do install pressure-reducing valve if inlet pressure exceeds 90 psi. 4.Do install gravity drain on cabinets. 5.Do secure drain line on appliance and at drain outlet. SOME DON'TS 1.Do not install if checklist items are not satisfactory. 2.Do not install if incoming or outlet piping water temperature exceeds 120° Fahrenheit (49° C) . Please see specifications on page 13. 3.Do not allow soldering torch heat to be transferred to valve components or plastic parts. 4.Do not overtighten plastic fittings. 5.Do not place appliance right up against a wall which would deny access to plumbing. 6.Do not install the appliance backwards. Follow arrows on inlet/outlet. 7.Do not plug the transformer into an outlet that is activated by an on/off switch. 8.Do not connect the drain and the overflow (gravity ...
Other models in this manual:Home Care Products - 63BEQ (945.95 kb)