manual abstract
RP-SDW_E2.book 3 ページ 2010年3月17日 水曜日 午前9時6分
≥ Do not use or store this card in a location subjected to static
Removal and storage of the SDXC memory
electricity or electrical noise. If the host device does not operate
normally due to the effects of static electricity on the card, then
Opening and closing the case
remove the card from the host device and insert it again.
≥ After using the card, store it in a commercially available card
Hold the case with both hands when opening and closing it to
case with anti-static electricity treatment, or similar.
prevent damage to the card.
≥ Do not place it inside a car that may become very hot, or places
that will get very hot, such as under direct sunlight.
≥ Do not use or store in humid or dusty locations.
≥ Do not use or store in locations exposed to corrosive gases.
Removing and storing the card
About “
” (SD Speed Class, Class 10)
Slide the card on the tray when removing and storing it. Ensure
the card is correctly placed on the tray before closing the case.
” represents Class 10 of the speed specification
regarding continuous writing between SDXC compatible
equipment and SDXC memory cards (SD Speed Class),
specified by the SD Standards. If the SDXC compatible
equipment is compatible with the SD Speed Class, and
recommends the Class 10 card, you will have stable recording
operation using this card.
About writing on this card
You can write notes directly onto this card with a
pen, etc.
Cautions about disposal or transferring
≥ Do not use excessive force as it may damage
ownership of this card
the card. Take care not to stain the metal
≥ SDXC compatible equipment may contain the functions
≥ Use a pencil or similar to write on the reverse
“Format” and “Erase”. However, in most cases all data on the
side of the card, and not writing instruments with
card will not be completely erased even after performing these
a hard tip, such as a ballpoint pen.
functions. When disposing or transferring ownership of the
card, we recommend using Panasonic formatting software
Protecting your data
to completely erase all data from the card.
≥ Switch the write-protect switch a to
≥ When you dispose of the SDXC memory card, destroy it
“LOCK”. Unlock when you want to record or
physically or erase all data completely and follow your local
edit the card again.
rules of separation and disposal of waste.
≥ While data is being read or written, do not
remove the card or turn off any equipment
using the card. Do not remove the batteries
≥ SDXC Logo is a trademark of SD-3C, LLC.
from battery-operated equipment. These
≥ Microsoft®, Windows®, Windows® 98, Windows® Me,
actions can cause data to be destroyed.
Windows® 2000, Windows® XP, Windows Vista® and
≥ Make backup copies of your data wherever possible.
Windows® 7 are either registered trademarks or trademarks
Panasonic will not accept responsibility for any data loss, or
of the Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or
loss directly or indirectly caused by data loss.
other countries.
≥ Apple, Mac OS is either registered trademarks or
trademarks of Apple Inc. in the United States and/or other
Handling and storage precautions
≥ When a reformatting is required, format with compatible
≥ Other names of systems and products mentioned in these
equipment or use the dedicated formatting software. You may
instructions are usually the registered trademarks or
have a problem with the compatibility or performance when it is
trademarks of the manufacturers who developed the system
formatted with the formatting software that is included in your
or product concerned.
PC. For the dedicated formatting software, see the Panasonic
Web Site.
≥ Do not disassemble or modify the card.
≥ Do not impact, bend, drop, or wet.
≥ Do not touch the metal terminals with your hands or metal
≥ Do not detach the label on the card.
≥ Do not attach other labels or stickers.
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