User manual Sears, model 247.34625
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247.346250 Caution: ReadandFollow All SafetyRules andInstructions BeforeOperating ThisEquipment CRRFTSMRN 5.0 HORSEPOWER 25.5 TON HYDRAULIC LOG SPLITTER Assembly Operation Customer Responsibilities Serviceand Adjustment RepairParts " SEARS ROEBUCKANDCO Chicago IL 60684 U S A ........ Ill IIIII I;_ _ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiII IIII g_ i IJ_ i• •• iii IIIIIIIIH IMPORTAN[ =ill| ii ii i SAFETYRULES I• II I IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII l Ill I Rill IIIIIIIII ALSAFETYAND/ORPROPERTYANDOTHERS.ANDFOLLOWINTHISMANUAL OFYOURSELFREADALLINSTRUCTIONSBEFORE ATTEMPTINGYOURLOGSPLITTER.TOCOMPLYWITHTHESEINSTRUCTIONSMAYRESULTIN PERSON TOOPERATE FAILURE THISSYMBOLPOINTSOUTIMPORTANTSAFETYINSTRUCTIONSWHICH,IFNOTFOLLOWED,THEPERSON-A COULDENDANGER ALINJURY.WHENYOUSEETHISSYMBOL--,_ HEEDiTSWARNING. ,_ DANGER & & Yourlogsplitterwasbuilttobeoperatedaccordingtothe rulesforsafeoperationinthismanual.Aswith any b/pe of power equipment, carelessness or error on the part of the operator can result in serious injury.If youviolateanyoftheserules,youmaycauseseriousinjurytoyourselforothers. TRAINING 8. Only operateyour splitter on level ground and not on the side 1. Beforeoperatingthissplitter,readandunderstandthismanual of a hill. it couldtip, or roiling logs or poorfooting couldcause completely.Becomefamiliarwithit for yourownsafety.Totail an accident. Operating the splitter on level ground also pre- to doso may causeseriousinjury.Do notallow anyoneto vents the spillage of gasoline from the fuel tank. operateyoursplitterwhohasnot readthismanual Keepthis 9. Never attemptto move the log splitter over hillyor uneventermanualina safeplaceforfutureandregularreferenceandfor rain without a tow vehicle or adequate help. orderingreplacement parts. 10. Always block the wheels to prevent movement of log splitter 2. Neveruseyour splitterfor anyotherpurposethansplitting while in operation. isdesignedfor thisuseandany otherusemaycause aninjury.Yourlogsplitteris a precisionpieceof powerequip-11. Check the fuel before starting the engine. Gasoline is an ment,nota toy.Therefore,exerciseextremecautionat all extremely flammable fuel. Do not fill the gasoline tank indoors, times, when the engine is running, or while the engine is still hot. 3. Neverallowchildrento operateyourlogsplitter.Donotallow Replacegasolinecap securely and wipe off any spilled gasoline adultsto operateit withoutproperinstruction.Onlypersons before starting the engineasit may causea tire or explosion. wellacquaintedwiththeserulesof safeoperationshouldbe 12. Both ends of each log must be cut as square as possibleto allowedto useyourlogsplitter. help preventthe log from riding out of the splitter during oper 4. Onlytheoperatoris to be nearyourtogsplitterduringuse, ation. Keepallothers,includingpetsandchildren,a minimumof 20 & feetawayfrom yourworkzone.Flyingwoodcanbehaz-OPERATION ardous.If a helperisassistinginloadinglogs,neveractivate 1. Standbehindthereservoirtankwhenoperating.Seeillusthecontroluntilthehelperisclearofthearea. Moreaccidents trations. occurwhenmore thanonepersonoperatesthe log splitter thanat anyothertime. 5. Nooneshouldoperatethisunitwhileintoxicatedorwhiletakingmedicationthat impairsthe sensesor reactions.A clear mindis essentialforsafety.Neverallowa personwhoistired orotherwisenot alertto useyoursplitter. PREPARATION 1. Neverwear looseclothing orjewelrythatcanbecaughtby movingpartsof your log splitterandpullyouinto it. Keep clothingawayfromallmovingpartsofyourlogsplitter. 2. Wearproperheadgearto keephairawayfrommovingparts. Alwayswearprotectivehearingdevicesasneeded. 3. Alwayswearsafetyshoes.A droppedlog canseriouslyinjure yourfoot. 4. Alwayswearsafetyglassesor goggles whileoperatingyour splitter.Apieceof splittinglogcouldflyoff andhityoureyes. 5. Ifyouweargloves,besuretheyaretightfitting withoutloose cuffsordrawstrings. 6. Useyourlogsplitterindaylight,or undergoodartificiallight. 7. Neveroperateyoursplitteron slippery,wet,muddyoricysurfaces. Safefootingisessentia!in preventingaccidents.Never / operateyoursplitterwhileattachedtoatowingvehicle. 2. Know how to stop the unitand disengagethe controls. 3. Never placehands or feet between log and splitting wedge or between log and end plateduring forward or reverse stroke. To do so may result in crushedor amputated fingers or toes, or worse, you may lose an arm or foot. 4. Do not straddle the splitter when using it. A slip in any position could result in a serious injur),. 5. Do not step over your log splitter when the engineis running. You may trip or accidentallyactivate the splitting wedge if you step over. If you need to get to the other side, walkaround. 6. Never try to split two logs on top of each other. One may fly out and injure you. 7. When loading the log splitter, place your hands on the side of the log, not at the ends. Never attempt to load your splitter while the splitting wedge is in motion. You may get caught by the wedge and injured. 8. Only use your hand to operate the splitting wedge or control lever. Neve...