manual abstract
ALL FOOD HOLDING SHOULD BE BASED ON INTERNAL PRODUCT TEMPERATURES. ALWAYS FOLLOW LOCAL HEALTH (HYGIENE) REGULATIONS FOR ALL INTERNAL TEMPERATURE REQUIREMENTS. HFT2 INSTALLATION/OPERATION/SERVICE MANUAL • 12 CARe AND CLeANiNG PROteCtiNG stAiNLess steeL suRFACes It is important to guard against corrosion in the care of stainless steel CLeANiNG AGeNts Use non-abrasive cleaning products designed for use on stainless steel surfaces. Cleaning agents CLeANiNG AND PReVeNtiVe mAiNteNANCeCARe AND CLeANiNG PROteCtiNG stAiNLess steeL suRFACes It is important to guard against corrosion in the care of stainless steel CLeANiNG AGeNts Use non-abrasive cleaning products designed for use on stainless steel surfaces. Cleaning agents CLeANiNG AND PReVeNtiVe mAiNteNANCe surfaces. Harsh, corrosive, or inappropriate chemicals can completely destroy the protective surface layer of stainless steel. Abrasive pads, steel wool, or metal implements will abrade surfaces causing damage to this protective coating and will eventually result in areas of corrosion. Even water, particularly hard water that contains high to moderate concentrations of chloride, will cause oxidation and pitting that result in rust and corrosion. In addition, many acidic foods spilled and left to remain on metal surfaces are contributing factors that will corrode surfaces. Proper cleaning agents, materials, and methods are vital to maintaining the appearance and life of this appliance. Spilled foods should be removed and the area wiped as soon as possible but at the very least, a minimum of once a day. Always thoroughly rinse surfaces after using a cleaning agent and wipe standing water as quickly as possible after rinsing. must be chloride-free compounds and must not contain quaternary salts. Never use hydrochloric acid (muriatic acid) on stainless steel surfaces. Always use the proper cleaning agent at the manufacturer's recommended strength. Contact your local cleaning supplier for product recommendations. CLeANiNG mAteRiALs The cleaning function can usually be accomplished with the proper cleaning agent and a soft, clean cloth. When more aggressive methods must be employed, use a non-abrasive scouring pad on difficult areas and make certain to scrub with the visible grain of surface metal to avoid surface scratches. Never use wire brushes, metal scouring pads, or scrapers to remove food residue. CAutiON nOWiRe bRUSHeS nOSteelpadS nOSCRapeRStO pROteCt StainleSS Steel SURFaCeS, COmpletelY avOid tHe USe OF abRaSive Cleaning COmpOUndS, CHlORide baSed CleaneRS, OR CleaneRS COntaining QUateRnaRY SaltS. neveR USe HYdROCHlORiC aCid (mURiatiC aCid) On StainleSS Steel. neveR USe WiRe bRUSHeS, metal SCOURing padS OR SCRapeRS. HFT2 INSTALLATION/OPERATION/SERVICE MANUAL • 13 equiPmeNt CARe The cleanliness and appearance of this equipment will contribute considerably to operating efficiency and savory, appetizing food. Good equipment that is kept clean works better and lasts longer. 5. Clean heat guards with a window cleaner. 6. To help maintain the protective film coating on polished stainless steel, clean the exterior of the unit with a cleaner recommended for stainless steel surfaces. Spray the cleaning agent on a cloth and wipe with the grain of the stainless steel. Always follow appropriate state or local health (hygiene) regulations regarding all applicable cleaning and sanitation requirements for foodservice equipment. CARe AND CLeANiNGCARe AND CLeANiNG tHOROuGHLy CLeAN tHe APPLiANCe DAiLy 1. Remove food from merchandiser. 2. Turn ON/OFF toggle switch to the “OFF” position. Disconnect unit from power source. Let the unit cool. 3. Clean heat plate and metal surfaces of the unit with a damp, clean cloth and any good commercial detergent at the recommended strength. Use a plastic scouring pad or oven cleaner for difficult areas. Rinse surfaces by wiping with sponge and clean warm water NOte: Avoid the use of abrasive cleaning, compounds, chloride based cleaners, or cleaners containing quaternary salts. Never use hydrochloric acid (muriatic acid) on stainless steel. 4. Surfaces can be wiped with a sanitizing solution after cleaning and rinsing. This solution must be approved for use on stainless steel food contact surfaces. DANGeR at nO time SHOUld tHe inteRiOR OR eXteRiOR be Steam Cleaned, HOSed dOWn, OR FlOOded WitH WateR OR liQUid SOlUtiOn OF anY Kind. dO nOt USe WateR Jet tO Clean. seVeRe DAmAGe OR eLeCtRiCAL HAZARD COuLD ResuLt. WaRRantY beCOmeS vOid iF applianCe iS FlOOded DANGeR DisCONNeCt uNit FROm POWeR sOuRCe BeFORe CLeANiNG OR seRViCiNG. HFT2 INSTALLATION/OPERATION/SERVICE MANUAL • 14 sANitAtiON sANitAtiON Food flavor and aroma are usually so closely related that it is difficult, if not impossible, to separate them. There is also an important, inseparable relationship between cleanliness and food flavor. Cleanliness, top operating efficiency, and appearance of equipment contribute considerably to savory, appetizing foods. Good equipment that is kept clean, wo...
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