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User manual Ice-O-Matic, model Enodis

Manafacture: Ice-O-Matic
File size: 1.05 mb
File name: e313176f-1e79-498c-bb00-4f1bff8dd8dc.pdf
Language of manual:en
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manual abstract

Our equipment features ideal solutions for hard water, food safety concerns and tight spaces E x C E l l E n C E since our beginnings in 195 , we have sold more than 1,000,000 ICE Makers and storage Bins worldwide and have achieved world class quality levels r E l I A B I l I t y ICE-O-Matic is backed by the technological resources of our parent company Enodis Corporation, one of the world’s largest food equipment manufacturers E x P E r I E n C E For whatever ICE making needs you may have, ICE-O-Matic offers a full line of equipment with ICE making capacities from 60 pounds to more than a ton of ICE per day v E r s At I l I t y We currently hold 14 patents and have at our disposal a state-of-the-art 7,000 square foot technology center for developing unique solutions to customer problems I n n O v At I O n Our highly trained network of Factory Authorized service technicians are on duty to respond immediately to your needs s E r v I C E FOr quAlIty yOu CAn COunt On, ChOOsE ICE-O-MAtIC. ICE. PurE And sIMPlE™ PAGE Why Buy ICE-O-MAtIC? Built-in antimicrobial protection for the life of the ICE Maker inhibits bacteria and slime fungus growth on ICE Maker surfaces. ICE-O-Matic’s optional water filtration system provides protection against unpleasant tastes, odors and scale formation. P u r E I C E ® E x c l u s i v e l y B y I C E -O -M a t i c Consistent and fast ICE production 4 / 7 for the life of the ICE Maker, while reducing operating costs. ICE is assisted off of the evaporator freezing surface rather than relying solely ongravity to overpower scale build-up. h A r v E s t A s s I s t ICE-O-Matic uses electroless nickel plating on all its cuber evaporator plates. this hard coating resists the damaging effects of water and ice over an extended period of time. C u B E r E v A P O r At O r Our Cube and Flake ICE Makers are energy efficient machines that offer maximum ICE production with minimal kilowatts per hour and water usage. this results in a reduction of operating costs over the life of the ICE Maker. E n E r G y -E F F I C I E n t PAGE 4 Maximum ICE production in a minimum amount of space with an ultra-low profile. no side clearance required. A FrEE optional feature, it’s ideal for tight-fitting spaces. t O P A I r d I s C h A r G E no air filter to change. F I lt E r -F r E E A I r All cube ice making remote condensers are treated with a salt air corrosion protectant – FrEE. s E A s A lt C O r r O s I O n P r O t E C t I O n PAGE 5 Purchase an ICE-O-Matic water filter with your new ICE-O-Matic Cube ICE Maker, replace the water filter cartridge every 6 months, and the evaporator warranty is extended to 7 years - parts and labor. (Available in the usA and Canada only) 7 y E A r W A r r A n t y Why Buy ICE-O-MAtIC? rust-resistant ICE-O-Matic ICE Makers are constructed from stainless steel on the inside, and a combination of stainless steel and industrial-grade fingerprint-proof molding on the outside. All ICE-O-Matic storage Bins and dispensers are insulated with industrial polyetheleyne foam for maximum ICE preservation. I n s u l A t I O n Activated carbon, sediment removal and scale protection make ICE-O-Matic’s -In-1 water filters the ideal protection against unpleasant tastes, odors and scale formation in your ICE Maker. -I n -1 W A t E r F I lt E r Our Flakers are constructed with a durable brass evaporator and rugged stainless steel transport system that produces slow-melting, uniform quality flaked ICE, steadily and efficiently. F l A k E r E v A P O r A t O r s t A I n l E s s s t E E l PAGE 6 Beginning with installation and continuing for as long as you own your ICE Maker, ICE-OMatic’s team of nationwide Factory Authorized service technicians (F.A.s.t. Agents) are there to support you. s E r v I C E s u P P O r t ICE-O-Matic’s dedicated and knowledgeable customer support team is available to respond with effective and supportive answers to your questions. C u s t O M E r s E r v I C E ICE-O-Matic is certified under IsO 9001: 000 standards, assuring the customer quality, consistency and continuous improvement in every ICE Maker we manufacture. I s O C E r t I F I C At I O n ICE-O-Matic ICE Makers and storage Bins are designed and manufactured in our 160,000 square foot facility. M A n u FA C t u r I n G F A C I l I t y PAGE 7 CuBE ICE MAkErs WIth BuIlt-In stOrAGE ICE-O-Matic self-Contained Cube ICE Makers provide multiple size / capacity options with applications ranging from the small Office / home Office to a Commercial restaurant kitchen. Insulated self-Contained storage bins provide maximum ICE preservation. height adjustable legs and large bin door opening provide easy ICE access in tight-fitting situations or under-counter environments. Innovation, reliability and customer support has helped us win the trust of customers large and small. Purchase ICE-O-Matic with confidence and take the worry out of your ICE Making needs. shOtGlAss stylE hEIGht: 11/8 Inches dIAMEtEr: 11/4 Inches nOtE: ICEu 0...


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