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manual abstract
Please set up the printer while referring to the Quick Setup Guide. You can view it on both the printed poster and the CD-ROM. Please read this manual thoroughly before using the printer and keep the CD-ROM in a convenient place for quick and easy reference at all times. Please visit our user support web site, Brother Solutions Center at You can see latest drivers and information. Version F HL-2460 series USER’S GUIDE D DDe eef ffi iin nni iit tti iio oon nns sso oof ffW WWa aar rrn nni iin nng ggs ss, ,,C CCa aau uut tti iio oon nns ss, ,,a aan nnd ddN NNo oot tte ees ss The following conventions are used in this User’s Guide: Warning Indicates warnings that must be observed to prevent possible personal injury. ! Caution .Note Indicates cautions that must be observed to use the printer properly or prevent damage to the printer. Indicates notes and useful tips to remember when using the printer. i ii To Use the Printer Safely Warning • There are high voltage electrodes inside the printer. Before replacing internal parts, cleaning the printer or clearing a paper jam, make sure you have turned off the power switch and unplugged the power cord from the power outlet. • Do not handle the plug with wet hands. Doing this might cause an electrical shock. High Temperature After you have just used the printer, some internal parts of the printer are extremely hot. When you open the front cover or rear cover of the printer, never touch the shaded parts shown in the following illustration. Inside the printer Open the face up output tray • To prevent injuries, at least two people should lift the printer – making sure they hold the printer as shown in the illustration below. • Do not stand the printer and optional. • Be careful not to trip on the legs of the optional Stabilizer unit. Fuser is HOT! T TTA TTB BBL LLE EE O OOF FF C CCO OON NNT TTE EEN NNT TTS SS C CCCH HHHA AAAP PPPT TTTE EEER RRR 1 111 A AAAB BBBO OOOU UUUT TTT T TTTH HHHI IIIS SSS P PPPR RRRI IIIN NNNT TTTE EEER RRR W WWWh hhha aaat ttt i iiis sss i iiin nnnc cccl lllu uuud ddde eeed ddd i iiin nnn t ttth hhhe eee C CCCa aaar rrrt ttto ooon nnn C CCCa aaar rrrt ttto ooon nnn C CCCo ooom mmmp pppo ooon nnne eeen nnnt ttts sss 1 111--1 111W WWh hha aat tt i iis ss i iin nnc ccl llu uud dde eed dd o oon nn t tth hhe ee C CCD DD--R RRO OOM MM ( ((F FFo oor rrW WWi iin nnd ddo oow wws ss® ®® u uus sse eer rrs ss) )) 1 11--3 33 W WWh hha aat tt i iis ss i iin nnc ccl llu uud dde eed dd o oon nn t tth hhe ee C CCD DD--R RRO OOM MM ( ((F FFo oor rr M MMa aac cci iin nnt tto oos ssh hh® ®® o oon nn a aa N NNe eet ttw wwo oor rrk kk u uus sse eer rrs ss o oon nnl lly yy) )) 1 11--5 55 G GGGe eeen nnne eeer rrra aaal lll v vvvi iiie eeew www 1 111--7 777 P PPPo ooos sssi iiit ttti iiio ooon nnni iiin nnng ggt ttth hhhe eee P PPPr rrri iiin nnnt ttte eeer rrr 1 111- ---9 999 P PPPo ooow wwwe eeer rrr s sssu uuup pppp pppl llly yyy --9 999 1 111 E EEEn nnnv vvvi iiir rrro ooon nnnm mmme eeen nnnt ttt 1 111- -1 1110 000 O OOp ppt tti iim mmu uum mm e een nnv vvi iir rro oon nnm mme een nnt tta aal ll c cco oon nnd ddi iit tti iio oon nns ss 1 11--1 110 00 S SSp ppa aac cce ee r rre eeq qqu uui iir rre eed dd f ffo oor rr i iin nns sst tta aal lll lla aat tti iio oon nn 1 11--1 111 11 W WWWh hhha aaat ttt K KKKi iiin nnnd ddd o ooof fff P PPPa aaap ppe eeer rrr c ccca aaan nnn I III U UUUs ssse eee? ??? 1 111- ---1 1113 333 P PPPr rrri iiin nnnt ttt m mmme eeed dddi iiia aaa a aaan nnnd ddd s sssi iiiz zzze eee 1 111--1 1113 333P PPr rri iin nnt tta aab bbl lle ee a aar rre eea aa 1 11--1 117 77 P PPPr rrri iiin nnnt ttti iiin nnng ggM MMMe eeet ttth hhho oood ddds sss 1 111- ---1 1118 888 P PPPr rrri iiin nnnt ttti iiin nnng ggg f fffr rrro ooom mmm U UUUp pppp pppe eeer rrr p pppa aaap pppe eeer rrr t tttr rrra aaay yyy ( (((F FFFa aaac ccce eee d dddo ooow wwwn nnn p pppr rrri iiin nnnt ttti iiin nnng ggg) ))) 1 111--1 1118 888T TTr rra aay yy I IID DD s sse eet ttt tti iin nng gg ( ((O OOn nnl lly yy i iif ff t tth hhe ee l llo oow wwe eer rr t ttr rra aay yy u uun nni iit tt i iis ss i iin nns sst tta aal lll lle eed dd) )) 1 11--2 222 22 P PPPr rrri iiin nnnt ttti iiin nnng ggg p pppa aaap pppe eeer rrr f fffr rrro ooom mmm t ttth hhhe eee m mmmu uuul lllt ttti iii- ---p pppu uuur rrrp pppo ooos ssse eee t tttr rrra aaay yyy --2 2223 333 1 111 P PPPr rrri iiin nnnt ttti iiin nnng ggg o ooon nnn e eeen nnnv vvve eeel lllo ooop pppe eees sss ( (((F FFFa aaac ccce eee u uuup ppp p pppr rrri iiin nnnt ttti iiin nnng ggg) ))) 1 111- -2 2227 777 P PPPr rrri iiin nnnt ttti iiin nnng ggg o ooon nnn L LLLa aaab bbbe eeel llls sss, ,,, T TTTr rrra aaan nnns sssp pppa aaar rrre eeen nnnc ccci iiie eees sss e eeet tttc ccc. ... 1 111- -3 3333 333 iii P PPPr PPPi iiin nnnt ttti iiin nnng ggg t ttto ooo t ttth hhhe eee F FFFa aaac ccce eee u uuup ppp o ooou uuut tttp pppu uuut ttt t tttr rrra aaay yyy ( (((F FFFa aaac ccce eee u uuup ppp p pppr rrri...