User manual Avery, model MONARCH 9460
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manual abstract
The print server is different in the NP and SNP printers, so commands may vary slightly. This guide lists the NP printer default settings, serial communication settings, and console commands with their SNP equivalents (if applicable). Information in this document supercedes information in previous versions. Check our Web site (for the latest documentation and release information. Printer Defaults The following table lists the radio frequency (RF) defaults for the NP and the SNP printers. Function Default SSID search mode Security disabled IP Addressing DHCP Application Connectivity Raw data on Port 9100 Keep Alive Time 1 minute Connection Timeout 0 minutes Power save mode on Radio Card PSP Level 3 Console password access Serial Communications Defaults The following table lists the direct serial communications defaults for the NP and the SNP printers. Function Default Baud Rate 19200 Parity None Data Bits 8 Stop Bits 1 Flow Control RTS/CTS Monarch®, Sierra Sport2, and 9460 are trademarks of Paxar Americas, Inc. Paxar® is a trademark of Paxar Corporation. Avery Dennison® is a trademark of Avery Dennison Corporation. TC9460MG Rev AD 12/07 ©2007 Paxar Americas, Inc. a subsidiary of Avery Dennison Corp. All Rights Reserved. Conventions This guide uses the following conventions. You must have a basic understand of Telnet to proceed. KEYwords Type the capitalized letters of each keyword instead of the whole keyword. Some keywords require more capitalized letters than others. For example, SEt KEYVAL Radio [options] Mutually-exclusive options are included within square brackets and separated by a forward slash. Select only ONE of the options. For example, [DISable/STRICT/FLEXible] Values are included within brackets. Values that contain spaces (multiple words) must be enclosed within quotation marks (""). For example, SEt NW PW SEt NW PW "Store 876" n Numeric digits are indicated by the letter (n). For example, SEt IP BOot n SEt IP BOot 5 SEt NW CHannel nn SEt NW CHannel 11 Telnet Console Commands These tables list the NP commands and their SNP equivalents (if applicable). General Commands This table lists the general NP commands and their SNP equivalents. 9460NP Command 9460SNP Command Equivalent EXIT EXIT HELP HElp INIT INIT SAVE SAVE SEt CONSole TImeout n No equivalent SEt DEFAULT SEt DEFAULT PIng SEt IP PIng 802.11b/g Commands This table lists the NP 802.11b/g commands and their SNP equivalent. 9460NP Command 9460SNP Command Equivalent SEt WIreless SSid SEt NW SSid SEt WIreless MOde SEt NW MOde SEt WIreless CH nn "\n" when none SEt NW CHannel nn SEt WIreless POwermgmt <0-5> SEt POWer LEvel <0-5> SEt WIreless SPeed <1/2/5/11> SEt NW SPeed <1/2/5.5/6/9/11/12/18/24/36/48/54> DHCP Commands This table lists the NP DHCP commands and their SNP equivalent. 9460NP Command 9460SNP Command Equivalent SEt IP ADdress SEt IP ADdress SEt IP BOot n SEt IP BOot n SEt IP KEepalive n SEt IP KEepalive n SEt IP MEthod SEt IP MEthod SEt IP ROuter SEt IP ROuter SEt IP SUbnet SEt IP SUbnet SEt IP TImeout n SEt IP TImeout n SEt IP PAssword SEt PAssword Printing Commands This table lists the NP printing commands and their SNP equivalent. 9460NP Command 9460SNP Command Equivalent SEt PRinting PRotocol SEt IP TCP [EN/DI] SEt IP LPD [EN/DI] SEt PRinting POrt <1-65535> SEt SERVIce 1 TCP <1024-65535> Security Mode Commands This table lists the NP security command and its SNP equivalent. 9460NP Command 9460SNP Command Equivalent SEt SECurity MOde SEt NW ENCryption Kerberos Security Commands Kerberos is not supported in the 9460SNP printer. WEP Security Commands This table lists the NP WEP security configuration commands and their SNP equivalent. 9460NP Command 9460SNP Command Equivalent SEt SECurity WEp LEngth <64/128> SEt NW ENC [64/128] SEt SECurity WEp AUthtype SEt NW AUTHtype SEt SECurity WEp KEy <1-4> SEt NW KEY# <1-4> SEt SECurity WEp KEYn SEt NW KEYVAL WPA Security Commands This table lists the NP WPA security configuration commands and their SNP equivalent. 9460NP Command 9460SNP Command Equivalent SEt SECurity WPa AUthtype SEt NW AUTHtype SEt SECurity WPa ENcryption SEt NW ENCryption SEt SECurity WPa PSkey <8-63 character passphrase> SEt NW WPAPSK <64 HEX/8-63 character passphrase> SEt SECurity WPa USername <32max> SEt NW ID SEt SECurity WPa PAssword <32max> SEt NW PW Server Commands This table lists the NP server command and its SNP equivalent. 9460NP Command 946...