manual abstract
N7001–INSTV2 6/97, Part of N7001V2 Installation Instructions • Installation Instructions • Installation Instructions N7001–INSTV2 6/97, Part of N7001V2 Installation Instructions • Installation Instructions • Installation Instructions 2-Partitioned Security System VISTA-4. This Control Supports the Ademco 2-Way Voice Interface Module (VIM) For Audio Alarm Verification (AAV) (text) downloaded from: RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PROPER PROTECTION RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PROPER PROTECTION The Following Recommendations For The Location Of Fire And Burglary Detection Devices Help Provide Proper Coverage For The Protected Premises. Recommendations For Smoke And Heat Detectors With regard to the number and placement of smoke/heat detectors, we subscribe to the recommendations contained in the National Fire Protection Association’s (NFPA) Standard #72 noted below. Early warning fire detection is best achieved by the installation of fire detection equipment in all rooms and areas of the household as follows: For minimum protection a smoke detector should be installed outside of each separate sleeping area, and on each additional floor of a multi-floor family living unit, including basements. The installation of smoke detectors in kitchens, attics (finished or unfinished), or in garages is not normally recommended. For additional protection the NFPA recommends that you install heat or smoke detectors in the living room, dining room, bedroom(s), kitchen, hallway(s), attic, furnace room, utility and storage rooms, basements and attached garages. In addition, we recommend the following: • Install a smoke detector inside every bedroom where a smoker sleeps. • Install a smoke detector inside every bedroom where someone sleeps with the door partly or completely closed. Smoke could be blocked by the closed door. Also, an alarm in the hallway outside may not wake up the sleeper if the door is closed. • Install a smoke detector inside bedrooms where electrical appliances (such as portable heaters, air conditioners or humidifiers) are used. • Install a smoke detector at both ends of a hallway if the hallway is more than 40 feet (12 meters) long. • Install smoke detectors in any room where an alarm control is located, or in any room where alarm control connections to an AC source or phone lines are made. If detectors are not so located, a fire within the room could prevent the control from reporting a fire or an intrusion. DINING KITCHEN BEDROOM BEDROOM BEDROOM BEDROOM LIVING ROOM J J J J J s s BEDROOM BDRM BDRM DINING LIVING ROOM TV ROOM KITCHEN n n n J J J J J J s J J J BEDROOM BEDROOM TO BR n n n n n LVNG RM BASEMENT KTCHN s s . CLOSED DOOR GARAGE s Smoke Detectors for Minimum Protection Smoke Detectors for Additional Protection Heat-Activated Detectors ULThis control complies with National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) requirements for temporal pulse sounding of fire notification appliances. Recommendations For Proper Intrusion Protection For proper intrusion coverage, sensors should be located at every possible point of entry to a home or commercial premises. This would include any skylights that may be present, and the upper windows in a multi-level building. In addition, we recommend that radio backup be used in a security system so that alarm signals can still be sent to the alarm monitoring station in the event that the telephone lines are out of order (alarm signals are normally sent over the phone lines, if connected to an alarm monitoring station). .2– TABLE OF CONTENTS PART 1. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS............................................................................. 6 Use Part 1 when installing the hardware components of the installation. Section 1. GENERAL INFORMATION................................................................................. 7 SUMMARY OF SYSTEM FEATURES........................................................................ 7 INTRODUCTION TO THE PARTITIONED SYSTEM .................................................... 9 Section 2. INSTALLING THE CONTROL.......................................................................... 10 MOUNTING THE CABINET..................................................................................... 10 PHONE LINE CONNECTIONS................................................................................ 11 VOICE INTERFACE MODULE (VIM)........................................................................ 11 Section 3. POWERING THE SYSTEM............................................................................... 12 Primary Power ....................................................................................................... 12 Back-Up Power...................................................................................................... 12 Earth Ground Connections..................................................................................... 12 Power-Up Procedure.................................................
Other models in this manual:Alarms - Ademco VISTA-40 (1.4 mb)