Manafacture: GE
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manual abstract
-—-, If you re~ive e damaged dishwasher,immediately contacttheretaildealerIor builder)from whomyou purchasedit. Heha$beeninformed of the proper procedure tn take care of such mattersandcanhandleitfaryou. Readthis Use and CareBook and the s~parate Operatinglnstrncti~ns Sheet carefully, They containdetded information on the operation and recommended maintenance of your new youhavereadthem,keepthem handyforanswersto questionsyou may have. If you have any additional questions concerning the operation of your dishwasher,write— includingyour phonenumber—to: ConsumersInstitute GeneralE1ectricCompany AP-4, 206A Louisville,Kentucky 40225 Before you can for service, check the ~ouble- Shooting Guide on Pages 8-12 of this book. It lists many minor causes of operating problems that you can correct yourself and may save you an unnecessaryservice call. When you do need service, contact one of the following: 1. General Electric Customer Carea Factory Service offices, (listed on Pages 13-14).Call the one nearestyou to have a radio-controlled servicetruck dispatchedto yourhome.Theseoffices are found in most metropolitan areas. If there is notoneinyourcommunity,contact... 2, GenQralWleckricCustnm~rCarQ FtiaMchisQd $orvicers.You’llfindthemin theYellowPagas under“DishwashingMachines-~pairing~’ bca~ yOUr diSkW@$h@?k .mdBi md setid mHm* her. Shouldyou everneedto callfor serviceyou willneedthesenumbers.You’ilfindthemon a plateonthesideof thedoor, MdelNumber S@rial Number Enterbothofthesenumbersinthespa~s above. Give both these numbers if you ever need to callfor service. Youwillalsofinditconvenientto havethe fol-e lowinginformation: Dealer’sName Date Purchased KEEP PURCHASE RECEIPT WITH THIS BOOK FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. If you need service literature, parts lists, parts or accessories, contact one of the Factory Serviceoffices, afranchisedCustomerCareServicer or your dealer. Extended Service Contracts. The terms of your warrantyprovidefreeservicefor a definiteperiod of time. (See the back cover of this book). After hlf)(l(’1 :112(] S(lrial Nlllllt}(’1 i,ocatiorl” 1 HOJV ‘~o Fill the Dual Detergent I~ispenser 7 1IJl~)ol’t:}T?tS;if(’t>” Inlorn)ation ,> I>reparationof L)ishwasherfor ;3 }Vinter Stora~e . . . . . . ...8 Care and Cltlaning ;1 ‘IYc)uk)le-ShootingGuide. ——-— —.—.. ..“ V----. .... thiswarrantyexpiresyou maypurchaseanEx% ndedService Contractwhichwillenableyou to budgetServiceThis coverage b~ yOUrneeds. y{}nd warranty is availablefrom our Factory %rvice offices and from many franchised CUSF timerCareServicers.It isagood ideato apply forthis coverage beforeyour warrantyexpires. If you are dissatisfied with the service you r~ eeived,here arethreestepsyou shouldfollow: First, contact the people who serviced your dishw-asher.Explain why you are dissatisfied. Inmost cases, thiswinsolvetheproblem. Next, if you are still dissatisfied, write all the details—includingyour phonenumber–to: o o Manager,CustomerRelations GeneralElectric Company ~atterson city ~ast -Room 316 AppliancePark Louisvill~,Kentucky40225 Finally, if your problem is still not r~solved, writ~or telephone: Major ApplianmConsumerActionPanel 20NorthWackerDrive Chicago,Illinois60606 This panel, known as MACAP, i~ a group of independentconsumerexperts underthe sponsorship of several industry associations. Its purpose is to study practices and advise the industry of ways to improve customer service. BecauseMACAP isfreeofindustrycontroland influence, it is able to make impartial recommendations, consideringeachuse individually. IMPORTANTSAFETY INFORMATION ‘Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this Use and Care Book. ., Have your dishwasher installed and properly grounded by a qualified installer. Have him show you the loca[ ion of the dishwasher circuit breaker or fuse, and mark it for easy reference. ~ HYDROGEN GAS can be produced and can build up in a water heater and hot water pipes if you have not used hot water for a period of two weeks or more. HYDROGEN GAS CAN BE EXPLOSIVE UNDER THESE CIRCUM STANCES. So to prevent the possibiliiyof damage or injury we recommend that you turn on the kitchen hot water fa~lcet and allow it to run several minutes before using your :~ishwa:; her or any other electrical ;][~pliance wlhich is connected to a hot wateI-sysiei]?that hasn(nl}~een!n IJSE?. ~~~i~~~jili ;~~iowany}~ydr~~~~c[l tOeSC3p~, clncjff the gas is present< there Illay b{> an unusual hissing or sputtering sound as the gas escapes from the faucet as the hot water begins to flow. There should be no smoking or open flame near the faucet at the time it is open. * Be careful not to touch the Calrod” heating unit at the bottom of the tub during or immediately after the cycle is completed—it may be hot. .2 Load light plastic items so they will not become dislodged and drop to the bottom of the dishwasher–they might come into contact with the heating unit and be damaged. ~:Use only special Iow-sudsing detergents developed especially for autom...