manual abstract
EARPHonE JACk Plug in earphones (not included). Sound is heard from both sides in monaural. WARRAnTY REGiSTRATion To ensure full warranty coverage or product updates, registration of your product should be completed as soon as possible after purchase or receipt. You may use one of the following options to register your product: 1. By visiting our website at 2. Mail in enclosed warranty card. 3. Mail your registration card or information to the following address; Include your name, full mailing address, phone number, model purchased, date purchased, retail vendor name and product serial number (typically located in or near the battery compartment): Eton Corporation 1015 Corporation Way Palo Alto, CA 94303 LiMiTED WARRAnTY Retain the warranty information from your warranty card with your proof of purchase or the Limited Warranty information can also be viewed at SERViCE FoR YoUR PRoDUCT To obtain service for your product, we recommend first contacting an Eton service representative at 800-872-2228 US, 800-637-1648 Canada or (650) 903-3866 for problem determination and trouble-shooting. If further service is required, the technical staff will instruct how to proceed based on whether the radio is still under warranty or needs non-warranty service. WARRAnTY – If your product is still in warranty and the Eton service representative determines that warranty service is needed, a return authorization will be issued and instructions for shipment to an authorized warranty repair facility. Do Not ship your radio back without obtaining the return authorization number. non-WARRAnTY – If your product is no longer under warranty and requires service our technical staff will refer you to the nearest repair facility that will be able to best handle the repair. For service outside of North America, please refer to the distributor information included at time of purchase/receipt. 67 MiCRoLink FR160 MANUAL D’OPERATION BESoin D’AiDE? ConTACTEZ -noUS. Eton Corporation, 1015 Corporation Way, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA. 1-800-872-2228 (U.S.); 1-800-637-1648 (Canada); 650-903-3866 (worldwide); M-F, 8:00-4:30, Pacific Standard Time; AVERTiSSEMEnT • Ne pas exposer cet appareil a la pluie ou a l’humidite. • Ne pas immerger ou exposer a l’eau pendant une longue periode. • Proteger d’une grande humidite et de la pluie. • Debrancher immediatement si un liquide a ete renverse sur l’appareil ou si un objet quelconque est tombe a l’interieur. • Nettoyer seulement avec un chiffon sec. Ne pas utiliser de detergents ni de solvants chimiques qui pourraient endommager le fini. • Debrancher et deconnecter l’antenne exterieure en cas d’orages. • Ne pas enlever le couvercle [ou l’arriere]. • S’adresser a du personnel qualifie pour la maintenance. Environnement Mise au rebut Conformement a la Directive Europeenne 2002/96/EC tous les produits electriques et electroniques doivent etre recuperes separement par un systeme local de collecte. Veuillez agir suivant les regles locales et ne pas mettre au rebut vos vieux appareils avec vos dechets menagers ordinaires. Veuillez mettre au rebut tout type de piles selon vos lois/ reglements locaux, d’etat, ou de gouvernement. Si vous n’etes pas sur de vous, veuillez appeler l’autorite locale appropriee pour savoir comment les mettre au rebut en securite et aider a proteger l’environnement. MiCRoLink FR160 MANUAL D’OPERATION MiCRoLink FR160 MANUAL D’OPERATION MiCRoLink FR160 MANUAL D’OPERATION SoURCE D’ALiMEnTATion 1. Block-pile rechargeable (fourni). 2. Adaptateur chargeur solaire. RECHARGE DU BLoCk-PiLE • Tournez la manivelle pendant environ 90 secondes. Cela procurera 30-40 minutes d’ecoute a bas volume. • Placez l’unite a la lum...
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