




manual abstract
Follow screen instructions to complete installation. A AAT TTT TTE EEN NNT TTI IIO OON NN! !! WINDOWS 98 USERS: To avoid installation problems, D DDO OO N NNO OOT TT C CCO OON NNN NNE EEC CCT TT your player to your computer until A AAF FFT TTE EER RR installation completes. 4 HRS = 1 HR = 2 C CCh hha aar rrg gge ee Open the USB cover. Connect the supplied charger to the USB port and the main power supply. For extended battery power, please charge for at least 4 hours for first time use. . TIP This indicator shows your battery information during charging. CCoonnnneecctt ppllaayyeerr ttoo ccoommppuutteerr Open the USB cover. Connect your player to your computer using the supplied USB cable. 3 . TIP Please refer to your computer’s manual for the exact position of your USB port. Look for the USB symbol on the processing unit of your computer. UUnnpplluugg ssaaffeellyy To avoid loss of data, disconnect your player safely. Exit DDMMMM. CClick on the task tray. Remove the USB cable. OOrrggaanniizzee aanndd ttrraannssffeerr mmuussiicc vviiaa DDMMMM Launch DMM on your PC from Windows desktop or SSttaarrtt menu. Use DMM to organize your music. Transfer music files from your computer to your player. 4 PPoowweerr oonn aanndd eennjjooyy!! Press and hold 22;; for 2 seconds to power on if the player does not power on automatically. Enjoy your new music experience! 6 5 NNaammee ooff PPaarrttss 1 22;; Press and hold to power on / off; press briefly to play / pause 2 33 , 55 Up / Previous / Fast rewind 3 22 Right 4 44 , 66 Down / Next / Fast forward 5 11 Left 6 LLCCDD ddiissppllaayy Dynamically displays menu, options and track information 7 .. // ++ Volume control, press .. to decrease; press ++ to increase 8 HHeeaaddpphhoonneess jjaacckk Connects headphones or waistband remote control 9 Stop watch, press to start, pause, or reset stop watch 0 UUSSBB ppoorrtt // Connects to computer / charges your player CChhaarrggiinngg ssoocckkeett ! UUSSBB ccoovveerr Protects USB port / Charging socket MMeennuu NNaavviiggaattiioonn Press and hold 22;; to power on. Press and hold 11 for the root menu. 1 1 MMuussiicc PPllaayylliissttss AArrttiissttss AAllbbuummss GGeennrreess AAllll TTrraacckkss See specific chapters for details of each setting.2 e.g. Playlist001 PlaylistXXX ... e.g. A Z ... 33 11 22 44 Up Down Left Right 44 e.g. A Z ...44 e.g. A Z ...44 e.g. A Z ...44 RRaaddiioo SSeettttiinnggss P PPr rre ees sse eet tts ss Preset 1 ... 4 44 Preset 10 Autostore SSttrroobbee lliigghhtt SShhuuffffllee && RReeppeeaatt D DDB BBB BB E EEq qqu uua aal lli iiz zze eer rr BBaacckklliigghhtt CCoonnttrraasstt LLaanngguuaaggee F FFa aac cct tto oor rry yy s sse eet ttt tti iin nng ggs ss Press and hold 22;; to power on. From the root menu, press 22 to enter the music mode. Any radio playback will stop as you enter the music mode. 1 Press 33 to scroll up or 44 to scroll down for your option. Press 22 for next or 11 for previous levels of library. Press 22;; to play. 2 MMuussiicc MMooddee:: BBaassiicc OOppeerraattiioonn Library options Artists list Playscreen Press 33 , 33 for the previous or 44 for the next track. Press and hold 44 to fast forward or 33 to rewind in a track during playback. 4 Press and hold 22;; to power off. Your player will save your current music playback status and resume next time you power on. 5 Press 22;; to pause during playback.3 TIP Your music playback status will be erased when you connect your player to your computer. . 1 Press 33 to scroll up or 44 to scroll down for your option. Press 22 for next or 11 for previous levels of library. Press 22;; to play. 2 MMuussiicc MMooddee:: BBaassiicc OOppeerraattiioonn Library options Artists list Playscreen Press 33 , 33 for the previous or 44 for the next track. Press and hold 44 to fast forward or 33 to rewind in a track during playback. 4 Press and hold 22;; to power off. Your player will save your current music playback status and resume next time you power on. 5 Press 22;; to pause during playback.3 TIP Your music playback status will be erased when you connect your player to your computer. . *Actual display varies with use MMuussiicc MMooddee:: LLiibbrraarryy OOppttiioonnss aanndd FFaasstt SSccrroolllliinngg Press 33 to scroll up or 44 to scroll down for your library option. Press 22 on AArrttiisstt to display the artist library Press 22 for the next or 11 for the previous level of library.2 Artists list in alphabetical order Press and hold 44 for 3 seconds to scroll down quickly. Press and hold 33 for 3 seconds to scroll up quickly. Release button to stop scrolling. 3 Browsing tracks quickly. 1 Press 22 on AArrttiisstt to display the artist library Press 22 for the next or 11 for the previous level of library.2 Artists list in alphabetical order Press and hold 44 for 3 seconds to scroll down quickly. Press and hold 33 for 3 seconds to scroll up quickly. Release button to stop scrolling. 3 Browsing tracks quickly. 1 . TIP To display library options during playback, press and h...
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