User manual Panasonic, model SLSX460
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manual abstract
Howftve-f, conimucd usu uf irregular shBpe CDs can danuiyu lliu unit. © X CD X How to remove a disc from its case How to store the disc in its case Св-Ж Label side up^: How to hold a disc о all point pon. etc. Do not stick paper or labels. •On IhB disc (shiny) side Handle th<* side corolully to keep it free from fingerprint* or scratches. Do no? use record ctca*wrs. solvents, etc • Do not attach labels or stickers to CD's. Do not js« CDs wth exposed aohesrvc fron- tape or left over peeed on ShCkwv •Do not us« jjcratch-proot proiectcxs or covets ottnw than those spcoi-ec lor OS« WthfrHSUrtt i Portable CD player Panasonic Dear Customer Thank you for purchasing this product. For uplimum performance and otiloty, please read these MislructlonitcarBlully. Operating Instructions SL-SX460 Thu mudel number and senoi numbor of this product can bu lourtd on either the bac« cr the bnrtom of lhg unit. Please note thorn in IN) space p'ovio-od below ano keep tor futu’u reference MODEL NUMBER _ serial number_ Supplied Accessories Check the packing carton for the*o accessories. AC adaptor...... ■;RFEA41ÔC s; For U.S.A. Sieree ncadpticnes (RFEV70»P-KS) For Canada Stereo earphones. (0FEVa24P.KS) 1 PC « oc I pc. External hatten? case........1 pc. (HFA113&-H) Nicke-meta hydride rechargeaole batteries with carrying case . 1 pc. (RFrtFHHKiAHBA' Пепл« It«: r-.mnr^nsblÇ ‘iCi'i tneir Cââ(? ûeluie iäk I Ihc irier Way 15 гптл',пс1. ire case can t« te«d ir> r.vtv twci 'ЛЛ' ¡: fin; teHleies. l-íííiJ ¡и Ун* cx-Idral ba'.lL-iy квас •Jt/j -luinLcrr. inmr.Unrt I- C0t«nth(»tt. л-l on B-jkirg :rs replacement parts. (Onty for U S A.) Го orrfor rtCCiedcirJea contact T-Ú0 eite (t)tl(>:/Avwvr.pjnasonic.com). Bcloru connect ng. operating or adjusting this product, please : p-] pp read these insfrjcKms curnplut^y. Please save this manual ^----J - Panasonic Consumer Elcctronx:» Company, Olvltlon Ot p n' , Matsushita Eloctnc Corporation of America ^._У Ore •■’biasvnc Way Sncairii--. J*v»y 07C94 hapjivnuw.par.ascnic.com Panasonic 5Ы** Company. Dr»i»ion of MatmtfWta ElecUic o< Puerto Rico. Inc. ("PSC'I Av= iй 3o -•.into- ? Kti 9S S*i Gjtwel ~<клыЫ Р»*ч. СаЩх-i. ^ Pcc СОШ, Panasonic Canada Inc. S7T0 A.rbfe>iv*. V ОвлпгИУ/21Э «гмпг рэплзогис са RQT4951-P р|?ж«::л Precautions Before usmg this unil. be sure to read tlto applicublB items o' the upuraling insm.-dions arxl l’iuac: aalely sucj> gesiions catolulfy. Afterv.ards g -;a piug ngvirg ono Wade wioer than tlio oi'wr;. -iiat piKj wl f 1 »Ho r-e AC ojtlet anV one way. This is a safeiy fea:u?e. II you are ii'wh-'ft "o «« son the pUjg ii'fy irao tf»e outlet my reversing tl»c plug. 11 tr* plug should stn fail to fit, contact your electron tc replace your obsolete outlet Do not du-feat tf e Safety purpose c: tne pc»lari?ea p uy 3. Care ol AC adaptor—Take care that tho cord ol the AC aoapto: should oe routed SO lhat Ihuy are nnt nkoly lo be wHlKed on or olnchod by ilems placed upO'i ur against tr.em Never lake hold nf the AC adaptor if your hand is wet. and always grasp tho plug tody when connecting or disconnecting It, 4. Nonuae Periods When not in use, bo suro to disconnect the AC adaptor from the AC power outlut. 5. Batteries II !!>« set is not used for a lony puriod of time or is uiod only ::rom an AC pov»or source, '»• move au the batteries to prevent potential damage due to posiiole batteny leakage. Do not mix batteries {Old ana new) c-r different types Of Dattenes. Installation ■ Environment 1. Water and Moisture—Do not use this u-iit near water lur example, near a bathtub, washbowl, swimming poal. or the like. Oamp basements should alt>u be avoidec. 2. Condensation—Mcsture "'.ay form on the len.5 in the 'oiinwmg eorditicns. • immedia-ery after a ".eater has been tuned on • n a steamy c? very humid rocm. •...