Manafacture: Kenwood
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manual abstract
'or exsn-.pie wnen 'eco'd^g ciass-c rrusic. t^e fac\ nj^'oe-may be incremented by " 1" afte- s_c’' a section h- ?r s case cancc1 trac< numoer ia:e- it ;s recommended to use tne №ANbA_ ”*oae urer-recording sucn a kina of music Dur ng c-gitai record o; CD. the rac-; -..r-.DC' ¡s 'nec’^enteo caliy oy '1 according to the nata co":s nee m tne aioita information But me no-socna b'ank is not aetectca. When tne CD track num.ber is ncreased d.mng manual searcn of a CD. me tracK n^mbe- recoraec a1' mo MD n'ay some* res fa. tc be 'ncremented. A nosound track may somet res created at tne mome-t the played CD stops. ' MANUAL tms se'-tmg. rhe MD track number is not incremented amoman-cally during recorcing. Track njmoers can oe marked either aurmg editing (by pressing the EDIT Keyi or aner recording
Portable Players - BJV140Z (2 mb)