Estas aplicaciones son generalmente el correo electronico, el calendario y aplicaciones empresariales que usted autoriza cuando anade una cuenta huesped de un servicio empresarial que requiere la posibilidad de implementar politicas de seguridad en todos los dispositivos que se conecten al servicio. Toque una aplicacion en la lista para deshabilitar su autoridad de actuar como administrador del dispositivo. Si lo hace, la cuenta que anadio pierde algunas de las funciones de las aplicaciones, tal
Applications whose device administration authority you disable in this way, but that have accounts that require them to be device administrators, typically notify you how to restore their authority when you try to use them, unless you delete those accounts. . Install from storage—Under Credential storage, select to install a secure certificate from your tablet’s storage. . Clear credentials—Under Credential storage, select to delete all secure certificates and related credentials. You will be pr
airports), you are encouraged to ask for authorization to use the Wireless LAN device prior to turning on the equipment. If you are uncertain of the policy that applies on the use of wireless devices in a specific organization or environment (e.g. airports), you are encouraged to ask for authorization to use the Wireless LAN device prior to turning on the equipment. Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation The radiated output power of the Toshiba Wireless LAN Card is far below the FCC radio frequen

No hacerlo podria provocar un incendio o un choque electrico, que podria ocasionar lesiones graves. Tenga cuidado al usar un conector multiple, ya que una sobrecarga en un enchufe podria provocar un incendio o un choque electrico, que podria ocasionar lesiones graves. A D V E R T E N C I A Para evitar cualquier riesgo de incendio u otro dano al dispositivo siempre use el adaptador de USB/CA de Toshiba que se suministra con el dispositivo o use otros adaptadores de USB/CA especificados por Toshib

2 Touch the name of the device to pair with and then touch Pair. 38 38 38 Registering your Toshiba device Registering your Toshiba device NOTE To register online, you must be connected to the Internet. Product registration is strongly recommended, and allows Toshiba to send you periodic updates, announcements, and special offers applicable to your product. Product registration can be completed by either visiting the Toshiba Web site at or by touching the Register ( ) icon. F
. Voice Search—Under Speech, select this to configure the Voice search options. Some of the available options are: . SafeSearch—Set whether you want Google™ SafeSearch filtering to block some search results when using Google Voice Search. . Block offensive words—Select to have your Google voice recognition replace offensive words with hash symbols (#). Settings Settings Customizing your device’s settings . Google text-to-speech engine—Select to open a screen that allows you to configure the lang
Icon Name Description Wi-Fi® Configure and manage connections to networks and devices via Wi-Fi®, or Bluetooth®, see “Wireless and networks settings” on page 70. Sound Configure the Sound settings to set the audio for media playback, notifications, and alarms with the your desired volume level and notification sounds, see “Sound settings” on page 72. Screen Configure the screen orientation or use energy saving settings, see “Screen settings” on page 73. Multimedia Touch to adjust the multimedia

66 Personalizacion de la configuracion del dispositivo ........................................................66 Menu de Aplicaciones y menu de Configuracion .............................................66 Configuracion de Conexiones inalambricas y redes ...........................................................72 Configuracion del Sonido ..................................74 Configuracion de la Pantalla..............................75 Configuracion de los Servicios de ubicacion .....76 Configu