User manual Panasonic, model SRTE10N
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manual abstract
ll est recommand6 de lireattentivementce manuelavant d'utiliserl'appareil. SAFEGUARDS IMPORTANT When using electrical basicsafetyprecautions appliances, should alwaysbefollowed thefollowing: including 1. Readallinstructions. 2. Donot touch hotsurfaces.Usehandlesorknobs. electrical donot immerse andRice Co=oker, 3. Toprotectagainst hazards, cord,plugs, exceptlid and pan,in water or other liquid' is necessary isusedbyor nearchildren. 4. Closesupervision when any appliance when cleaning. coolbeforeputtingonortakingoffparts. 5. Unplugfrom outlet notinuseandbefore Allowto with a damaged the appliance malfunctions, inanymanner. 6. Donotoperateanyappliance cordorplugor after orhas been damaged Retuinappliance service for tothenearestauthorized facility examination, oradjustment. repair, 7. The use ofaccessory not recommended attachments bythe appliancemanufacturer may cause hazards. 8. Donotuseoutdoors. 9. Donotlet cord hangoveredgeoftableor counter, ortouchhot surfaces. 10.Donotplaceon or nearahotgasor electric burner,orina heated oven. 11.Extremecautionmustbeusedwhenmovinganappliance containing hotliquids. hotoilor other 12.Alwaysafiach toappliance thenplugcordinto the wall plug first, to"off", plug turn any control fromwall outlet. outlet.Todisconnect, thenremove for other thanintended 13.Donotuseappliance use. 14.SAVETHESEINSTRUCTIONS for household Thisproductis intended use. NOTE A.A short power-supply toreduce cord(orcord set) is to beprovided thehazardsresulting entangled over from becoming inortripping alongercord. B.Longercordset or extensioncordsareavailableandmay be used if care is exercised in their use. C.lfalong cord set or extension cordisused, rating cord shouldbe at least asthe electrical oftheappliance' (1)the marked electrical ofthe cord set or extension asgreat rating isofthegrounded the extension beagroundingtype cord, (2)if the appliance type, cord should three-wire and bearranged over the couhtertop whereitcan be pulledon by children (3)thelohgercordshould sothatit will not drape_ ortabletop ortrippedoveraccidentally. This appliance hasapolarizedplug: (one bladeis wider thanthe othefl. Asa safety feature, outletonly one way. thisplugwill fit in a polarized lf the plugdoesnot fit fullyin the outlet,reversetheplug. lf it stilldoesnot fit, contact aqualifieselectrician. Do not attempt todefeatthis safety feature. -1 Contents Cautions Partstoeniiircaiion - HowtoCook ToKeepCookedRiceWarmandTasty---- How to Steam Food(UsingtheSteamingbasket) How to Clean Troubleshooting Specifications ii:.E:=FJfr €l+&ffi ffmFrI_ _ {fEffif,t)KgF{friffi&_ trJu LSgitiI (tr,u,Effi/E*H+ iFttFiI fli,Wffilj, ,ntf#_ +glAf-BF---- f l- -fugol nl= ----l wl----- 4^alg_ ^alEJgf= 9l?ttr rrf=6f/lf;Il6fZ_____ 6l-=A galuJ A 8ll= AI.B6HAJ 8^g =IlldH= - AIg__ Tabledesmatidre Attention Nomenclature Moded'emploi- Pour maintenir etlui le riz cuit au chaud conserver sa saveur----- toute Cuissona la vapeur (Avecgrilleavapeuren option) ---- Nettoyage---- Guideded6pannage- Sp6cifications- --5-6 -----6 3 fl - - - 7 8E I -------I _____10 11 E 12-13 __,13 ,____15 16 fl -16 -----17 1Q --l(J __19-20 20 D1 ____L, ____22 -----23 __23 __----24 -----25 ----26-27 ----27 ------28 --29 ---30 -----30 -2 Cautions Be sure to observe thefollowingto prevent malfunctionthatmaycause an accident: . DONOTusethisricecookerfor any purpose otherthancookingriceand steaming food' . Measurethequantityof rice and water according to the OperatingInstructions. . Cleantherrcecooker,particularlythe dew collector,afterusing. . Keeoholesthat drain intothe dew collector clean and free of debris. r Pluginto a properly wired wall outlet. Beforeyou plugit in, make sure the voltage of the unitis the sameasyourlocalsuPPlY. . DONOTimmersethe unit in water. . Thepaperlocatedbetweenthepanandthe heatingplatemust be removedbeforeusing. . Afterpluggingin,presstheswitchon immediately. Cookingviitntne switch in Keep Warmpositionwill causelow-heatcookingandrice will not be cooked propeny. . The unit becomes hot when in use. DONOT touch the lid withyourhand,and do notplaceyourface orhand directly overthe steam coming from the cooker. r Alwayskeep the outsidebottomofthepanandthe heatingplateclean and dry.Anyforeignmatter betweenthemwillcausethe unit to malfunction. .J CAUTION Pullthepowerplugasshown . Setthe unit on a stable surface. DONOT expose to water,highhumidity,or heat sources.DO NOT usethepandirectlyon an openflame. ,-":...-....-S. ':--.a' i---ti ri ,{\,4'+L! . 4.r,r \ J| !)4 )-: \:==:..=: . Be sure to keep the unit out of thereach of children, especiallywhen cooking rice. . DO NOT tilt therice cooker on itsedgeor placeit upsidedownwithitspowersupplyplugconnected, asthis may causedamage.When tilting or placing the rice cookerupsidedown,make sure to disconnectthePowersuPPlYPlug. . The oan mustnot be filled above the .'MAXIMUMLEVEL". . The lid must be closedtightlyin the latchedposition atalltimesduringcooking,i.e. the unitmustnot be operatedwith the lid oPened. . DONOT cover thelidw...