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Is the problem a result of user error? Ye s . Instruct the user in the proper procedure or direct him or her to the appropriate user documentation for a description of the correct procedure. No. Proceed to the next section, “Visual Inspection.” Visual Inspection The visual inspection consists of a quick inspection of the exterior of the computer and any attached peripherals, including making any necessary corrections. For information about the proper removal and installation of computer Initial Procedures 2-1 components, as instructed in the following procedure, see Chapter 4, “Removing and Replacing Parts.” CAUTION: Before you proceed with the visual inspection, ensure that the user has saved all open files and exited all open application programs if possible. To perform a visual inspection, follow these steps: 1. Determine the power state of the computer. If the display is on, go to step 2. If the display is off, press any key to verify that the computer is not in suspend or standby mode. Then proceed to step 2. 2. Turn off any attached peripherals, and then turn off the computer. Then proceed to step 3. 3. Verify that the exterior of the computer is free of any obvious physical damage. 4. If the computer is operating from an AC adapter, verify the following: a. The AC adapter’s AC power cable is connected to both the AC adapter and the wall outlet. The AC adapter’s LED should be on. b. The AC adapter’s DC power cable is properly connected to the computer’s AC adapter connector. c. The AC adapter and cables are free of any obvious physical damage. 5. If the computer is operating from battery power, remove any installed batteries, verify that they are free of any obvious physical damage, and then reinsert the batteries into their respective compartments. Press the test button located on each battery to see if there is a charge. 6. Remove the diskette drive (if installed), verify that it is free of any obvious physical damage, and then reinsert the drive into its compartment. 7. Remove any installed PC Cards from the PC card slot, verify that they are free of any obvious physical damage, and then reinsert the card(s) into the PC card slot. 8. If there is a memory area problem and the computer has memory modules, remove the memory modules from the main board, verify that they are free of any obvious physical damage, and then reinstall the modules. 9. Open the computer, and verify that it is free of any obvious physical damage. 10. Verify that the keyboard is free of any obvious physical damage and that its keys operate freely. 11. Verify that the touch pad and its associated buttons operate freely. 2-2 Dell Latitude LM Systems Service Manual 12. If an external monitor is connected, verify the following: a. The monitor’s interface cable is properly attached to the external- monitor connector on the computer’s I/O panel. b. The monitor’s power cable is attached to a power source and is free of any obvious physical damage. c. The monitor and its interface cable are free of any obvious physical damage. d. The monitor’s controls are set according to the instructions in the documentation for the monitor. 13. If an external mouse is connected, verify the following: a. The mouse is properly connected to the keyboard/keypad/mouse connector on the computer’s I/O panel. b. The mouse and its cable are free of any obvious physical damage. c. The mouse’s ball and pushbuttons operate freely. 14. For any attached serial or parallel devices, verify the following: a. The device’s interface cable connector is correctly attached to the appropriate port connector on the computer’s I/O panel. b. The captive screws that secure the connectors at each end of the interface cable are secure enough to ensure a firm connection. c. The attached device and its interface cable are free of any obvious physical damage. 15. Turn on any attached peripherals and then the computer. Does the problem recur? Ye s . Proceed to the next section, “Observing the Boot Routine.” No. No further steps are necessary. Observing the Boot Routine After you perform a visual inspection as described in the previous section, boot the computer from a diagnostics diskette and, while the boot routine is running, observe the computer for any indications of problems. NOTE: To prevent possible damage to the original diagnostics diskette, always use a backup copy of the diagnostics diskette when servicing a user’s computer. Dell recommends that users make copies of the Dell Diagnostics Diskette. For instructions, see “Before You Start Testing” in Chapter 4 of the Dell Latitude LM Reference and Troubleshooting Guide. To observe the boot routine, follow these steps: 1. Turn off the computer and any attached peripherals. 2. Insert a diagnostics diskette into the diskette drive. Turn on all peripherals and then the computer. Initial Procedures 2-3 3. 4. 5. 6. Watch the indicators at the top of the keyboard. Depending on how your computer is configured, after various indicato...