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User manual Toshiba, model A300-ST4004

Manafacture: Toshiba
File size: 866.97 kb
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Language of manual:en
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manual abstract

If you need further assistance If you need further assistance Double-click the appropriate ExpressCard, which will be listed under one of the categories shown, for example: Disk drives, Network adapters, Other, etc. The operating system displays your ExpressCard’s Properties dialog box, which contains information about your ExpressCard configuration and status. The computer stops working (hangs) when you insert an ExpressCard® . The problem may be caused by an I/O (input/output) conflict between the socket and another device in the system. Use Device Manager to make sure each device has its own I/O base address. See “Fixing a problem with device manager” in the electronic user’s guide for more information. Since all ExpressCards® share the same socket, each card is not required to have its own address. If you need further assistance If you have followed the recommendations in this section and are still having problems, you may need additional technical assistance. This section contains the steps to take to ask for help. Before you contact Toshiba Since some problems may be related to the operating system or the program you are using, it is important to investigate other sources of assistance first. Try the following before you contact Toshiba: . Review the troubleshooting information in your operating system documentation. . If the problem occurs while you are running a program, consult the program’s documentation for troubleshooting suggestions. Contact the software company’s technical support group for their assistance. For the number of a Toshiba dealer near you, see “Toshiba voice contact” in this section. Contacting Toshiba If you still need help and suspect that the problem is hardware- related, Toshiba offers a variety of resources to help you. Toshiba’s Technical Support Web site For technical support, or to stay current on the most recent software and hardware options for your computer, and for other product information, be sure to regularly check the Toshiba Web site at pcsupport.toshiba.com. Power cord/cable connectors Power cord/cable connectors Before calling Toshiba, make sure you have: . Your computer’s serial number . The computer and any optional devices related to the problem . Backup copies of your Windows® operating system and all other preloaded software on your choice of media . Name and version of the program involved in the problem along with its installation media . Information about what you were doing when the problem occurred . Exact error messages and when they occurred For technical support, call the Toshiba Global Support Centre: Within the United States at (800) 457-7777 Outside the United States at (949) 859-4273 Power cord/cable connectors Your notebook computer features a universal power supply you can use worldwide. This section shows the shapes of the typical AC power cord/cable connectors for various parts of the world. USA and Canada Australia Europe (UL and CSA United Kingdom (AS approved) (VDA and approved...

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