manual abstract
Rusting inside engine Refer to Instruction of engine manual 3. Rusting/Sticking of impeller. Disassemble and clean 2. Wrong Direction of rotation. Change rotation direction. 4. Quick coupling gaskets worn, Replace gaskets 6. Priming chamber is over heated. Pour cold water in chamber or let cool. .nqinespëeaSsaôi v.w^E:ijc.!isLwnfiB»cmEàHaK 8. Worn or broken volute or impeller. Replace when necessary. §9^orH|o№ro)^№^^nica№eai 1. Clogged suction hose. Clear obstruction. :raine; 3. High friction loses due to hose kinks Straighten suction and discharge hose 5. Engine speed Is too slow i%\^^^of^ro^n^necF!^Ml^seal wiiuWqîà*tairt
Water and Air Pumps - 109160 (1006.45 kb)
Water and Air Pumps - 109170 (1006.45 kb)